Wisconsin Superdork Cade Hilgenberg Thinks It’s ‘Racist’ To Point Out Haitians Are Eating Geese Off The Golf Course.

Let’s check in on our chronically underemployed, pudgy, he/him/they, America-hating super douche Cade Snyder Hilgenberg!

The word is spelled “doesn’t” – no wonder you can’t find a real job.

I haven’t seen the little doughboy this animated since Abbott was re-elected a couple years ago!

I’m sure your family doesn’t miss you at all.

Cade doesn’t like stories being made up! He’s sick of the lies!!!

Also Cade: Trump pissed on a Russian prostitute, Trump is a Russian agent, JD Vance humped a couch, Trump called neo-Nazis ‘very fine people,’ Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, Trump was convicted of rape, Trump wasn’t actually shot back in July, etc, etc, etc.

So fuck you Cade. How’s your own medicine taste, you clown?

The reason the cats and dogs story is so awesome is that it is totally believable…and the media cannot control that narrative. It’s driving them insane – just like our fat, young friend Cade.

I also find it hilarious that Cade is constantly going on and on about how racist everyone else is, but when it came time for him to run away from “too white, too racist Lampasas” he choose….Oconomowoc Wisconsin! Which is 96% white:

Kind of like our libskank friend Carol Garner Doughty running away to Lenox MA – which is 98% white. They all talk a big game, but in the end, they are hypocrites and pussies. You never see the Hollywood douchebags running away to Haiti when they “leave the country because Trump won.” It’s always to a nice white, English-speaking place with high walls around their compound.

I don’t know for sure if there any Haitians in Ohio or anywhere else eating pets, but it doesn’t take much effort to see that many immigrants have no interest whatsoever in assimilating to American society and culture. One only need to look across the pond to the UK and France to see the aftermath of unchecked immigration – couple this with a society more concerned about avoiding the appearance of racism than saving its own norms, traditions and culture, and the result is chaos, violence and death.

The pet eating and roadkill scavenging matters because it demonstrates that these people are living in opposition to our social norms and are violating our long-held, functional taboos. They don’t share our values. Their values are unacceptable through an American lens.

Sane immigration policies are not racist, they are a necessity. We must insist that only legal immigrants can come in to our country and if they want citizenship, they must agree to assimilate.

Little Socialist Consumed With Envy Is Lying About Prop 3. Wants To Legalize Even MORE Theft Through Wealth Tax.

What a life. Living with mom. No job. No girl guy. No prospects. Walking around looking up at everyone getting a crick in your neck because you got cheated in the height department. You try to be a rancher and all your goat kids get destroyed by those damned Texas vulturebuzzards. Just a complete failure in every single way.

Must be brutal. It’s a level of failure and uselessness that, frankly, I’m glad to never have experienced directly.

But it goes a LONG way towards explaining the bitter envy that consumes Comrade Clayton Tucker and drives him to work tirelessly to steal what YOU have earned. In his tiny brain that has marinated in envy for 33 years now, you can’t POSSIBLY have earned anything you have. He thinks the economy is a static pie and if you have MORE than him, then you must have cheated somehow. If you have MORE, then that must explain why he has LESS. It never occurs to him that his situation is due to his laziness, incompetence and inability to wake up before 10am every day.

Comrade Clayton Tucker (who is chairman of the Lampasas Democrats Marxists) is now pushing a “wealth tax” to remedy the situation:

This is straight-up socialism right here: theft and redistribution. Anyone who backs this shit is a domestic enemy and should be treated as such.

It will not surprise you to know that everything in this post is a lie and/or completely wrong – which is par for the course from a guy who thinks buzzards live in Texas and only eat dead animals.

Prop 3 is NOT about “giving billionaires tax breaks” – not even close. Here is the ACTUAL synopsis from Ballotpedia:

A YES vote means you do NOT want socialist scumbags being able to tax your wealth – wealth you have accumulated over years and years AFTER ALREADY being taxed to death on it when you earned it. You see, there aren’t enough taxes yet, according to lazy parasites like Clayton Tucker. Income tax, property tax, sales tax, capital gains tax and then the estate tax when you die, to try and grab even more. Not enough. Pieces of shit like Clayton Tucker want to be able to send you a bill EVERY YEAR for what you have. It’s like the property tax – only on EVERYTHING YOU OWN.

A NO vote will allow socialist scumbags to tax ANYONE’s wealth. It says nothing about billionaires.

The fact is that EVERY citizen should be shielded from a wealth tax – which is just a penalty for owning things. Comrade Clayton’s endless desire to take other peoples money by force is disgusting.

Reminder: the federal income tax was only going to be on “millionaires” too. That’s how they sold it. Don’t worry! YOU won’t have to pay it! Just “the rich.”

Today, pretty much EVERYONE pays it except for lazy parasites with no real job. Like Clayton Tucker.

MORE FALSEHOODS from Comrade Clayton’s drivel:

“When billionaires get tax breaks….”: Prop 3 has nothing to do with tax breaks for billionaires. Now, if you want to stop handing billions in SUBSIDIES to billionaires like Elon Musk, I am 100% for that, but Prop 3 has absolutely nothing to do with that. So Comrade Clayton is lying, as usual.

Funny that scumbags like Clayton Tucker have been completely silent for the last 10 years while Elon Musk hoovered up tens of billions of tax dollars in subsidies for his electric fagmobiles sold to rich people. Comrade Clayton was also silent while tens of billions in subsidies went to useless and unreliable pinwheels for generating power.

“Our property taxes rise…” – that is rich coming from a douchebag who (1) does not pay any property taxes because he lives in mommy’s house and (2) who is screaming NON-STOP for higher teacher salaries and “free” breakfast, lunch and dinner for every kid in school. How the FUCK do you think that gets paid for, you moron? Clearly you don’t REALLY care about property taxes rising because they don’t affect you one bit and they mostly go to pay for YOUR pet causes!

Yeah, Ramon there looks really hungry! Probably hasn’t eaten in several minutes!

“Sales tax on gas…” – another lie. There IS no sales tax on gas or diesel. There is a motor fuel tax of 20 cents per gallon. I don’t even consider this a tax, since it is for the very roads we drive on. It’s more of a user fee. I’m fine with that – as long as ALL the money goes towards roads and not towards retarded light-rail pipe dreams, like Comrade Clayton Tucker wants.

There is ALSO no sales tax on most healthy grocery items. Comrade Clayton is unaware of this because his mom probably does all the grocery shopping and brings the food home to Comrade Clayton Tucker – her son who lives in her upstairs bedroom over there on Western Ave at age 33.

So to recap:

Comrade Clayton is most certainly an envious and lazy piece of shit who loves the idea of a wealth tax and wants to take your accumulated hard labor. He is willing to outright LIE about Prop 3 to stir up envy in other bitter little unemployed midgets around the state.

Comrade Clayton is either (1) too stupid to know how things work with sales taxes or (2) willfully lying about it all to trick the other envious little twerps in Texas. Like THIS douchebag from the past – another bitter, envious little failure:

I can pretty much guarantee you that lazy socialist scumbags like Cade Snyder Hilgerberg will ALSO vote NO on Prop 3. See, he ALSO thinks that landlords just had a building dropped into their laps. They didn’t work and save and sacrifice for it for 15 years, or anything. It was all stolen from Cade Hilgenberg somehow. Cade Hilgenberg who “doesn’t like labor,” by his own admission.

“My high school co-workers” – I think that says it all, you fucking loser.

Lazy Gen Z pussies like Cade Snyder Hilgenberg ADMIT they have no interest in actually working then cry when they don’t have anything and decide they want to take yours instead. Comrade Clayton may be a millennial at age 33, but he is truly a Gen Z pussy at heart. After deciding they want to play, fuck around, sleep til noon and “be a kid” for all these years, they then wake up empty-handed one day and try to take what other people worked hard to earn.

I would advise Clayton and Cade to go and read “The Ant and the Grasshopper.” We have WAY too many grasshoppers who need to be smashed into paste.


First Mental Breakdown Occurs at Noon Central. Local Loser Cade Snyder / Hilgenberg of Austin.

Lib dummy heads go BOOM!!!

This moron again? The former “Cade Snyder” of Lampasas….

IF Abbott wins? LOL!!!

Cade Snyder, aka Cade Hilgenberg, aka pudgy former local nerd who can’t complete a sentence without screaming about nazis or racism. Was heavily invested in the commie scam known as “BLM”. Was straight. Then gay. Then bisexual. Was a HUGE Covid Cult idiot who literally cried when Abbott lifted the mask mandate.

You will work at a grocery store forever. Get used to it.

Moved to Austin from Lampasas to “make art” and complain about capitalism.

Blah, blah, blah, racism, blah, blah, fascism, blah, blah, blah.

Ashamed of living in the greatest country in the world. A country that every poverty-stricken illiterate in the southern hemisphere is clamoring to sneak into. Nothing is stopping Cade from moving on down to Honduras or Venezuela. Yet here he stays – enjoying the fruits of a free market economy and Constitutional Republic.

In other words, a complete loser. A poster soy boy for the insane Marxist leftards in this world. The thought of him losing his mind tonight when Abbott destroys Beto by 15 points is maybe the best early Christmas gift EVER! Thank you, dork!

Your tears are delicious. I don’t think your family will give a shit if you stop talking to them. Go back to your doodling and ranting about nazis.

This dork turned out gay? No way.

Reminder: Abbott governor will be there for FOUR MORE YEARS. If you hate Texas so much, why don’t you pack up and move to California? Or New York? Or some other shit-hole state that is falling apart under Utopian Marxist rulers? Because you are a hypocrite, that’s why.

Never has a generation that has been so spoiled and had it so good complained so much. Disgusting babies, all of them.

Hilariously, NOW all the same libtards are crowing about how BOOMING the Texas economy is and salivating over the huge surplus just itching to flush it down the toilet into the shitty government-run school system.

Reminder: California is facing a $25 billion DEFICIT. More proof that freedom and low taxes will ALWAYS give better results than Marxist big-government garbage policies.