Like a guilty cat burying a stringy and malnourished turd under the sand, so doth the LEDC quietly and unceremoniously dump Eco-Strong as a “business park prospect”.

Well, it took a looong time, but there are FINALLY some new LEDC minutes on the City website. Specifically, the minutes from the Feb 24th meeting.
Hey…just because they didn’t meet in December (which is normal) or January (which is not) doesn’t mean they aren’t hard at work!!
Anyways, it looks like the sad and sorry Eco-Strong “business prospect” turd might finally be buried. Even after paying Impact DataSource a bunch of money to paint Eco-Turd in a flattering light, they must have realized that Mike Cour was just too full of shit even for THEM to spin the story in a positive light.
So now it looks like they are back to square one. I would like to think my tireless exposing of Mike Cour and Eco-Strong had something to do with this. Don’t worry Mike, I have zero doubt you will try and run your scam again in another town. Best of luck!
According to the LEDC minutes from Feb 24th:
“Mandy Walsh (Economic Development ‘Director’) discussed with the board the options of the Business Park. One being the possibility of applying for the standard EDA grant contingent on a business prospect. Second option is to request an updated loan proposal from Bancorp South to fund development of Phase I”
Looks to me like they no longer have any “business prospects” for their goat pasture ‘business’ park. Which means Eco-Turd must have been flushed down the toilet. Finally.
[That would be the “standard EDA grant” that Langford was supposed to have done WAY BACK on July 31, 2020. I’m guessing that in order to complete the grant, they needed to show they had a viable business prospect. Despite SIX YEARS of trying, they STILL don’t have one]
Oh, they tried mightily to polish the Eco-Turd and pin their hopes on Mike Cour – but that was a sorry joke. I have detailed Eco-Strong HERE and HERE and HERE.
Also, it is NOT “Phase I” as they continually lie about in public. Phase I was actually back in 2015 when they pissed away over a million bucks to make the ‘business’ park ‘shovel ready’. That was a lie then and it still is today:

So – now they are mulling the options between finding another “business prospect” to hand a bunch of free shit to in exchange for dubious promises of growth. OR they go back to the bank and try to borrow the money to put themselves even deeper in the hole in this idiotic project.
[Let’s NOT forget, they have already handed Pope Eckermann about $70,000 to draw up plans for “Phase I” (really Phase II) and they STILL don’t have any idea how they are going to pay for it! Classic! Spend $70,000 on plans you might never be able to use]
I suggest a third option, which I have suggested for about 8 years now: sell the piece of shit and get out of the entire thing. It is and was a doomed project. Putting the likes of TJ Monroe and Cathy Kuehne in charge of millions of tax dollars for “economic development” is a recipe for disaster.
Just remember TJ Monroe’s colossally terrible prediction about the weed patch ‘business’ park almost SIX YEARS AGO to the day:
“Mrs. Monroe noted the Lampasas Economic Development Corp. is working with the business park south of town on U.S. Highway 183, and she said she hopes the site will attract good employers to Lampasas. [Council member TJ Monroe] – April 14, 2015
For some other hilariously wrong predictions, you can click on this link and read them all.