Bruce “Sea Cow” Haywood Spreading Misinformation and Panic. Should Be Banned From All Social Media

I happened across this little piece of “misinformation” (read: lies) from local manatee Bruce Haywood:

Sorry Bruce. There were ZERO rolling blackouts or load shedding yesterday. As you can see from the ERCOT dashboard, supply was well over demand all day:

This was easily verifiable by going to the ERCOT dashboard. Therefore, Bruce Haywood was INTENTIONALLY spreading lies to foment panic. That is an offense punishable by banning from social media, according to lefty scum like him.

Somebody actually had the gall to ask Sea Cow if his power had gone out. He had to admit that it had not. Truly, this manatee has zero shame…

Not only did his power not go out yesterday, it NEVER goes out because he lives on a grid that has a hospital! Funny that! Just like Comrade Clayton Tucker (who lives near a police station).

All this time, I thought that Bruce avoided freezing to death last February because of his walrus-like layers of blubber to keep him warm…

It is sickening that the two little whiney bitches that complain the most are the ones who aren’t even suffering if the power DOES happen to go out. They are also both HUGE proponents of the Green New Deal – which is causing an unstable grid in the first place!

Neither one of these little whiney bitches even has solar on their roofs!

Haywood hovel devoid of any solar or wind power. What a cunt.

It was proved with electing Joe Biden, it was proved with Covid masks and vaccines and it is proved yet again with the grid: Bruce Haywood is STILL the dumbest bastard in town! Congrats!

Vote NO On Proposed 3,800 Acre Solar Farm.

Kudos to Sam Kier (Facebook posts) and also Wayne and Linda Wickman (Dispatch editorial) for laying out the rational case AGAINST the proposed solar farm. They are both 100% right.

There are MANY reasons to oppose this, but the most solid reason to oppose it is that idiots like Bruce Haywood are for it. Bruce is never right about anything and has a mind like a 5-year-old girl, so he is an excellent contrarian indicator on anything he opens his gargantuan mouth about. This was proved true during Covid with his love of masks and remote learning. It was proved true again with his love of Joe Biden.

Let’s take a look at the world of energy through the mind of a slightly retarded five-year-old girl who is also a massive hypocrite:

First of all, Bruce spills a lot of Facebook ink shitting all over oil while extolling the virtues of solar. If solar is such a layup and makes SO much sense, these solar projects shouldn’t need massive subsidies to exist. THAT is what the rest of us are against. The proposed farm would get TEN YEARS of abatement at a 70% rate. Bruce doesn’t care about THAT side of the ledger because Bruce is a useless moron who sits home all day collecting government checks and who thinks money grows on a special government tree. Right Bruce?

“I never pay in but I want to take out!!!”

People who don’t pay any taxes don’t get to have a say in these issues Bruce. So do us a favor and shut up. Mmm kay?

He asks what the big deal is if people want to do this with THEIR property. That’s not the point, dummy. The point is the MASSIVE SUBSIDIES they are asking for. At the end of the day, your taxes will NOT go down and your electric rates will NOT go down. So we all gain ZERO from this project.

The issue isn’t THEIR property. The issue is OUR tax base getting pilfered. Bruce doesn’t care about that because, once again, Bruce is a useless parasite who TAKES from government and sees it as his savior and caretaker. That’s how helpless babies and quasi-retarded five-year-olds (like Bruce Haywood) think.

Hey Bruce? If solar is so awesome and Big Oil is so dirty and evil, why do you have ZERO solar panels on your house and why do you drive a big old gas guzzling pickup truck? Why do you even NEED a truck, Bruce? Are you a fake rancher like your heroine Clayton Tucker? You need that truck to drive around your .794 acre empire?

I even see an evil PROPANE tank there! Planet-killing BASTARD!!!

I even hear through the grapevine that Bruce buys a new truck every couple of years! How about it Bruce? Is that true? I’ll bet you A HUNDRED DOLLARS that it is.

What an environmentalist you are! Cruising around your neighborhood in a giant gas guzzling truck you don’t even NEED getting 14 miles per gallon and then buying a new one every few years. Truly, you are saving the planet!

But you probably sip your 64oz Big Gulp through a cardboard straw so you can sleep at night.

Bruce is like every other fake, hypocrite “environmentalist” (John Kerry, Clayton Tucker, Leonardo DiCaprio) who LOVES to virtue signal and demand stupid shit like plastic straw bans but who refuse to spend a single nickel of their own money or inconvenience themselves in any way whatsoever.

They are all for YOUR money being wasted on these boondoggles, but never spend a penny of their own. Clayton Tucker does the same thing. He has ZERO solar or wind on his parents’ house or grandpa’s ranch. Gigantic hypocrites, all of you.

A final thought:

A single nuclear power plant sits on roughly 220 acres of land. 

For solar panels to generate the equivalent energy, you’d need 8,000 times more space – maybe even more.

Thanks Bruce Haywood, You Dumb Bastard

Another day, another milestone for gas and diesel prices. Now $25 to fill your little 5 gallon diesel can, boys and girls. And about $85 to fill your tank…

Be sure to thank a dipshit liberal today…like Bruce Haywood:

Dumb bastards like Bruce Haywood don’t like peace and prosperity and low gas prices and smaller government.

Dumb bastards like Bruce Haywood don’t like mean tweets and meanies like Donald Trump.

Dumb bastards like Bruce Haywood prefer his president be a dementia patient who routinely shits his pants and his VP to be an annoying cackling whore with an IQ of 87 who smoked penis all the way to the top.

She’s SUPER smart too! Bruce told us so back in 2020:

She brings a lot to the table. Such as a jaw that dislocates and no gag reflex.

Except she’s not…

Dumb bastards like Bruce Haywood are now trying to re-write history and blame high energy prices on Putin. But those of us who aren’t dumb bastards know better.

Local Land Manatee Still Demands You Suffer For His Gluttony

This is local dipshit Bruce Haywood:

As you can see, he LOVES to overeat. He loves Krab Kings, Whataburger and every other high fat, high calorie, fast-food crap around.

Overeating is not healthy. It leads to morbid obesity (which Bruce clearly has) and usually early death. Bruce would do himself a world of good by losing about 270 pounds, but that is way too much work. Bruce would rather force you to wear a mask and get an unapproved vaccine so that HE feels safer. Bruce cannot be inconvenienced in any way. Only you can be.

Frankly, I could not care less if Bruce eats his way into an early grave, but Bruce also happens to be a vociferous maskhole (like most libtards) and Covid Cult member who loves to try and shame people into getting masked and vaxxed because he supposedly cares about his health.

This makes Bruce a hypocrite of Haywoodian proportions – and his hypocrisy is now MY problem because douchebags like him are demanding people like me be injected with an unapproved vaccine that doesn’t really work.

If you point out masks don’t work and that more than a few people are STILL getting sick AFTER taking the vaccine, he implies you are a stupid, right-wing FOX News-loving mouth breather.

EVERY doctor? Hardly. Thousands say the opposite:

Masks Don’t Control Viruses

In fact, back in 2003 during SARS I, the government of Australia threatened a fine of $110,000 for even SUGGESTING that masks work:

Farce Mask: It’s Only Safe For 20 Minutes

Feeling stupid yet Bruce? I don’t think Bruce is capable of feeling stupid. Like a fish can’t “feel wet” – it’s his normal default state of existence.

Not to mention, Bruce’s own messiah St. Anthony admitted in private emails that masks are useless against a tiny aerosolized virus:

Fauci Says Masks “Not Really Effective”

Looks like the vaccine is pretty ineffective too, from where I’m standing:

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Little does Bruce know, that his OWN TEAM is now admitting masks are completely worthless:

Biden COVID Advisor Admits Cloth Masks Are Worthless

Oopsie. A Biden COVID advisor on CNN said this. Hardly the “crazy right wing” that Bruce was pinning his hopes on.

Bruce can never EVER admit he is wrong about masks, no matter how many mountains of evidence pile up against him. That is because he spent the last 18 months bragging about his mask wearing and bitching at everyone else to do the same. To admit he was bamboozled is just too painful to bear – so he will keep doubling down forever like a moron.

Add that all up? Bruce is clearly STILL the dumbest man in Lampasas!

Congratulations, buddy.

As for “dummies” telling people not to get the vax? Here is a compilation of a group of DEMOCRAT dummies doing just that!!

Idiots Like Bruce Haywood Are Going To Cost The Rest Of Us A Fortune

Before 2020, if I forced my child to wear a mask every day because I was irrationally terrified of an illness that is 99.999% survivable by children, I would have been rightfully accused of child abuse in the form of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Bruce doesn’t care HOW many facts and statistics show he is being completely irrational: he’s keeping his teenaged daughter home this school year, and that’s that, by golly!

Somebody tell Bruce and KAREN KIDS ARE NOT AT RISK!!!!

I’m not sure what clown factory produced Bruce Haywood, but I commend them on their thoroughness. I used to feel sympathy for Bruce’s wife. Now I see it is the daughter who deserves all the pity. The Haywoods are like the Feegans from South Park: that family who wears life jackets 24/7 even when they are nowhere NEAR the water:

Now if Bruce wants to be an irrational wing nut and ruin his daughter’s life, that’s really no skin off my teeth. Go to it Bruce. Keep her home and let her stare at the walls turning her head to mush.

The problem is, that’s not all Bruce wants. He wants SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS to be made for his daughter! The problem is that WE TAXPAYERS are going to get shafted by all the extra costs of this “remote learning” and “personal protection” garbage Bruce insists on. You see, we all need to bend over backwards to accommodate Bruce and his army of fellow nitwits. Bruce doesn’t care if HIS silly incorrect notions cost US a fortune to implement – he doesn’t even pay taxes!! Which makes him a typical liberal: selfish AND hypocritical.

What an asshole. He’s like the guy who is always broke but when it’s time to order pizza for the group, he insists on putting anchovies on it – even though he is contributing nothing from his own wallet.

Perhaps Bruce isn’t worried about his daughter getting sick, but rather he is worried about his daughter bringing it home and killing HIM! That is maybe a rational concern, considering Bruce is morbidly obese. But that is a Bruce Haywood problem that HE created. It is not the fault of the rest of us taxpayers…or his daughter. Besides, that life jacket dirty pacifier mask you wear 24/7 will save you anyways, right Bruce Feegan?

These rabbits who are scared of their own shadows are going to cost the taxpayers a FORTUNE before this is all said and done. ALL FOR NOTHING. They already wrecked the economy. Not satisfied with that, they are now gunning to wreck the school system.

How did it happen that the burden is on me to prove I shouldn’t be placed on house arrest, lose my business, and be forced to wear a mask for a cold virus? It happened because of simpletons like Bruce Haywood.

Local Manatee Gleeful Over Mask Edict

Local half-ton moron Bruce Haywood is positively giddy over the recent (likely-unconstitutional) mask order made by our idiot governor to protect us against a very minor threat (a bad flu). Bruce just can’t understand why we don’t all bow down and obey an order based on total bullshit for a virus that has a IFR rate of .04%

Boot licking Wuhan Flu mask sycophant

What if tomorrow they suggest you wear swim goggles too, Bruce? To protect your eyes…because 3 people on the planet caught Wuhan Flu through their eyes. Would you start wearing them immediately and unquestionably? I’m sure you would.

What if some lovable cute young photogenic girl got into a car crash last week and died…and it was discovered her tires were dangerously underinflated. What if Governor Dipshit then decreed that every car owner was ordered to get up at 2am to check their tire pressure or face fines of $500? Would you do that too, Bruce? I bet you would – and you’d say “what’s the big deal? It can’t hurt to do this!”

You obey because you are a moron and a sheep, Bruce. You do not comprehend statistics and math. There is ZERO scientific evidence that masks work against a tiny virus and EVEN IF THEY DID, the fatality rate from this is the same as a bad flu. So get over it, already.

Here’s an idea: how about all you scared rabbits just stay home and OUT of the bars and restaurants that I will still be frequenting MASKLESS. Then we are all happy. You have ZERO right to walk into any business and then bitch that people aren’t wearing masks (*cough* Julie dipshit Landrum *cough*). YOU are the one with a fear problem. Not me.

Here is MY edict and executive order for Bruce the Hippopotamus:

WHEREAS heart disease kills 650,000 people annually and Texas represents roughly 10% of the population of the United States and thus 65,000 deaths annually JUST from heart disease in the Lone Star State…

WHEREAS the Wuhan Flu has killed only 2,500 Texans and is thus TWENTY-SIX TIMES LESS deadly than heart disease….

WHEREAS any slob like Bruce who is 200 pounds overweight has a HIGHLY ELEVATED CHANCE of dying of heart disease, cancer or stroke….

Governor Lampasshole hereby decrees that manatees like Bruce Haywood are ordered to wear a mask that will not allow cheeseburgers, ribs, steak sandwiches and other unhealthy foods to pass his lips. You are hereby ordered to ONLY allow straws to sip smoothies into your pie hole until you have reached a government-mandated “safe weight” of 180 pounds. THIS IS “FOR YOUR OWN GOOD”.

I expect you would comply with this, right Bruce? You boot licking yam bag.

The Bruce Haywood Cheeseburger, Ribs and Krab Kingz Protection Mask

I think the best thing for shit heads like Bruce Haywood and Julie Cain Landrum to do is just get a freaking HAZMAT suit and leave the rest of us out of it. I will BUY you one. Free. On the house. Gratis.

How about it Bruce, ya dummy???? I’m offering to pay for 100% of your hazmat suit, you incredible dipshit. The catch is you HAVE to wear it every single time you step out of your hovel. Surely, it has to be WAY safer than the dirty t-shirt you currently use as your pacifier. As you so often ask: what’s the big deal???? Gotta be safer right?

Enjoy your mask edict, you clown horn. You are a timorous and third-rate man. A weakling for which the struggle with hard facts and data is clearly unendurable.

Is Bruce Haywood Still The Dumbest Person in Lampasas?

I used to think so. Now I’m not so sure. Not because Bruce suddenly displayed any intelligence…far from it. But because so many other idiots have come out of the woodwork lately panicking over Wuhan Flu to challenge Bruce. It is a tough call, though. Bruce is pretty damn stupid:

Like most moron liberals (I repeat myself), Bruce LOVES to virtue signal AND he is easily fooled into panicking over bullshit data (global warming, Wuhan Flu, rampant white-on-black crime, etc) because he has a low IQ and completely sucks at mathematics. He swallows all bullshit hook, line and sinker because he is incapable of critical thought and understanding simple statistics.

Like other dummy liberals, Bruce is also very gullible. If we woke up tomorrow and the Governor told us all to stick a dildo where the sun don’t shine to fight the common cold, Bruce would be first in line to obey unquestioningly. Then chide the rest of the town for daring to disobey and asking “what’s the big deal? It certainly can’t hurt!”

I’ll clue you in, Bruce: the number of cases is going up because TESTING IS GOING WAY UP!!! Cases are increasing FAR slower than the rate of testing AND the average age of those afflicted is plummeting. Here is an example from Florida:

More pesky numbers. Can you understand them Bruce? I doubt it.

Bruce and other liberals are absolutely FREAKING OUT right now because there are like 11 people with the sniffles in Lampasas County (pop. 23,000) and there are around 96 people with the sniffles in Burnet County (pop. 50,000).

Another local moron chimes in….

Not deaths. Not ICU patients. Just positive tests.…while DEATH rate continues to plummet. They are ready to destroy the economy all over again over nothing. They love to ask the rhetorical question “what is the big deal about shutting down and playing it safe?”. If they had their way, we would STILL be shut down from the initial mid-March date!

Idiot liberals can afford to take this position because most of them are useless welfare sponges who didn’t work BEFORE the Wuhan Flu hit (like Bruce) OR they work a government Nerf-job and will get a paycheck no matter what. So it inconveniences them not one bit to not work now.


Like other libtards, Bruce is ALSO a giant hypocrite. He yammers endlessly about shutting down society over a flu that has a IFR of .04% yet he himself is morbidly obese. Typical liberal: can’t even get his own house in order and he’s telling the rest of us how to live. Bruce, don’t worry: A heart attack, stroke, diabetes or cancer due to your morbid obesity is FAR MORE LIKELY to kill you than this thing.

Last year you weren’t out campaigning for the Governor to shut down every fast food joint because hundreds of thousands of people died of heart disease, were you? No. You weren’t. THAT would actually hit YOU where it hurts, you dumb manatee.

Karen Spivey-Cummings is a strong contender to take Bruce’s dunce cap. Ironically, she REALLY IS a Karen who sits on FB literally ALL DAY posting apocalyptic bullshit Covid stats from her favorite libtard rags like Huffpost and NPR (you know, those respected scientific journals).

She parrots all the bullshit like “the hospitals are being overrun in Texas!”. Thanks to morons like her and thousands of other retarded Karens, the dummies in charge are starting to cancel things like Spring Ho, tubing on the river and AGAIN ruining the bar and restaurant business.……for no reason at all.

Hospitals overrun?? Hardly. Here is what actually happens to “overrun the hospitals” (not that a simple, commonsense FACT will sway these imbeciles – they don’t care about stats or facts…just FEELINGS):

Remember when you panicky dunces SHUT DOWN the hospitals to “non-essential” procedures in April and May? Yeah, well after two months of that nonsense, there is a LOT of built up demand as people finally get in to be seen for bad backs, cancer screenings, heart stress tests, kidney stones, etc. Let’s say John Smith goes in for a kidney stone procedure. Guess what? They test him for Wuhan Flu AUTOMATICALLY even though he feels perfectly fine.

Let’s say the test comes back positive (I’ll ignore for a moment the shit load of FALSE POSITIVES out there). Even though he feels fine and is there for KIDNEY STONES, he is now marked down as “overrunning the hospital” with Covid.

See how that works, Bruce? You absolute dunce! Bruce is just SALIVATING at the thought of that moron Abbott instituting MANDATORY face masks. I can tell you this: a LOT of us will be going to jail if that ever happens. Then we’ll be suing the state for abuse of power and violation of civil rights under the Constitution – and the Texas Supreme Court will be on our side. Forcing everyone to wear a mask because they MIGHT get sick is no better than throwing everyone in jail because they MIGHT commit a crime.

I’m sorry, but a pile of unfounded and demonstrably false claims made by idiots like Bruce Haywood, Karen Spivey-Cummings, Freddy Oversteegen, Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier and Julie Cain Landrum is NOT grounds for violating my rights and destroying my livelihood.

Need more proof?? Here are more numbers that are probably confusing to Bruce and other libtards but very clear to those of us with a normal IQ. I would advise Dr Georgia Hay and our Mayor Talbert to look at these CLOSELY and see the REALITY:

The above chart represents ALL CAUSE deaths for selected weeks 40-week 17. Overall deaths are only 5,569 higher (.3%) than 2017-2018!!

They are 2% higher than a flu year year like 2016-2017 that NO ONE EVEN NOTICED! This does NOT make Wuhan Flu look like some lethal plague. It makes it look like a baddish (but NOT crisis-level) flu.

“I Haven’t Paid Income Taxes In 23 Years….Where’s My Free Money??” – Bruce Haywood

Shocker. The brain-dead Democrat who is always happy to see the government spend more money and thinks big government is the answer to everything actually contributes NOTHING!!! Color me stunned.

It takes some REAL nerve to go on a public forum, admit you pay zero to the feds for most of your adult life, then ask for a check from the very same federal government. Bruce, I thought you were just a garden variety moron Democrat before this. Now I see you are an unabashed parasite as well. Disgusting.

Almost as bad as the other idiots who ask “Hey, I get disability checks….do I get a stimulus check too?”. Seriously – how many times does the government have to send you a check for not working? If you are disabled and not working (REALLY disabled…not ‘depressed’ or 500 pounds overweight from eating McDonald’s every day), then how has your life changed due to a virus, exactly? You’re STILL not working and you are already taken care of. Yet you want to steal more from the productive citizen.

Maybe this country NEEDS a plague. Get rid of the 40 million parasites who ask questions like this and say “gimme gimme gimme”.

Field Guide to Local Fauna

Boobus Lampasicanus in repose
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mamalia
  • Order: Sirenia
  • Family: Lampasicus ignoramus
  • Genus: Moronicus
  • Top speed: Four miles per hour fully charged
  • Mating patterns: Surely you jest
  • Range and habitat: well-worn path between home and grocery store

Many of you may be joining us from a Facebook mention….and I appreciate whoever drove thousands of viewers to this site, as my primary focus is waste and incompetence in local city government. The more people who read and learn about the shenanigans of local governance the better.

But I also consider this site to be educational. Some of you may also be new to the area, so I thought it would be nice to introduce you to some of the very bizarre creatures you may find roaming this part of Texas.

Above is a photo of a typical Boobus Lampasicanus in his native environment. Note the open mouth. This is the default position for this noisy creature – either for loudly spouting idiotic notions at town hall meetings or ingesting Krab Kingz food truck offerings during feeding hours.

This creature emits a warbling sound when excited…a babbling that sounds a lot like “civic CEN-ter….civic CEN-ter“. If approached, he will warble louder and drown out all other animals in the area. Scientists believe this may be a diversionary tactic. The Boobus may believe that if it repeats its nonsense loudly enough or often enough, others may listen to it and take it seriously.

Although not as intelligent as other domesticated animals like the dog or the pig, he has nonetheless been known to form rudimentary thoughts on Facebook by slapping the keyboard with his flipper-like appendages. His lack of dexterity and smarts leads to bizarre punctuation and random capitalization of letters. Almost as if he were trying to mimic real human thoughts. Like a monkey. Only much bigger.

Zoologist Clinton Hart Merriam has described the Boobus as a “slow-witted beast”.

Conservation: this species of Boobus is listed by the World Conservation Union as LC or “least concern” as the Boobus runs rampant in these parts. There is, unfortunately, no risk of extinction for this meddlesome pest.

Crockett, Texas Has a Civic Center! Probably Wish They Didn’t…

Being the local gadfly (look it up, Monica…) is hard and thankless work. (OK, not COMPLETELY thankless…those 27 of you who thank me in private really help keep me going). While the rest of you were busy eating Spring Ho turkey legs and posting drunken Facebook videos, I was combing through stats and budgets from other Texas towns our size so I can get an idea of how our government wastes so much money (*COUGH* Information Systems Department *COUGH**COUGH business park *COUGH*)

I get my candidate towns from a list found HERE. I stumbled upon Crockett Texas – a similar-sized town about three hours from here. As I was eyeing their budget (and noticing they had NO Tech Department at all, let alone TWO tech bozo clowns on payroll), I saw a line item for “civic center” and had to do a double take. The first tiny town I picked randomly actually was stupid enough to do the civic center thing??

Yep. Must be a town infested with Bruce Haywood clones. I shudder at the thought.

Amusingly, the annual operating budget for 2018 was $101,000 – which made me feel extremely smart, since I recently guestimated the operating cost of a Lampasas Civic Center “could easily run into six figures”. Care to guess what the revenues were? Bruce? Any other boobs? Do you even know what “revenues” are?

Revenues for 2018 were $15,000. For those of you mathematically challenged, that is an $86,000 loss every year. I can think of better ways to spend $86,000 per year. Roads, sewer and water come to mind.

Bruce, have you ever thought to yourself “I need to get to Crockett and support that local community!”…no, you haven’t. Just like nobody is going to rush to Lampasas just because they build a civic center.

A quick look at the calendar for this civic center shows page after page after page of….nothing.

According to the website, the center was built in 1987…so I’m guessing it DIDN’T cost the $5 million or so we would have to waste on a similar facility. I’m also guessing Crockett doesn’t have anything else going on there – unlike this town, which has an absurd number of parks, trails and fields to keep you occupied. Not to mention Hidden River right down the street, if a large space is needed.

So, Bruce and other Civic Center Boobs: do you STILL want to waste millions on a civic center that will very likely run a huge deficit every year and sit unused 97% of the time? I know it kills Bruce and other boobs to see piles of money sitting in city coffers unspent. But I have a solution for that too:

GIVE IT BACK TO THE TAXPAYERS. Feel free to LOWER the tax rates and decrease our effective rate. Pretty sure there is no law against that.