Assassination Mysteries Solved

I read yesterday that ONE THIRD of idiot democrats think the assassination attempt was staged! I knew the left sucked at memes but I didn’t know they sucked at conspiracy theories, too.

How did that one get planned?

Trump: “Yeah, ok random loser kid? Make sure you just catch the very edge of my ear to make it look real, ok? Don’t actually hit my head, though! That would be very, very bad. Oh, and you’ll have your head ripped apart my bullets about 2 seconds after you get your shot off. Just part of the job, kid. So, are you in or what?”

What morons. Then again, this is a political party that believes women have penises and human beings in the womb aren’t human. Their Trump assassination theories aren’t even in the top five of craziest bullshit they believe.

So… those spreading conspiracy theories should be deplatformed and debanked, correct? What playbook are we on?