Uh Oh – Bruce Haywood DEFINITELY Going To Have Myocardial Infarction Over THIS Gem.

Would you look at that! The entire bullshit “classified documents” case against Trump has been dismissed!

As you recall, Bruce Haywood was CONVINCED two years ago that this would put Trump in jail. Bruce had delusions about Trump going to jail for “selling secrets to Putin.” It’s getting very sad to watch. Somebody needs to get Bruce some help for his mental illnesses.

Despite all this sad news, apparently Bruce (and Gennifer Cook-Glass) is still eating like a hippo with a tapeworm. The Crappy Panda actually had to get rid of their buffet recently! Likely because Bruce is such a huge fan.

There is no way you can give people like Bruce Haywood, Stephanie Fitzharris and Gennifer Cook-Glass “all you can eat” and expect to survive financially.

Poor Bruce. Wrong YET AGAIN. Not only will there be no bullshit classified docs case, but his hero Joe Biden is fucking up daily now AND Trump is going to be president for the next four years.

Senile moron walking into a buzz saw in November

Trump has literally broken their spirit over his knee. Between the debate, the case dismissals, the surviving of the assassination attempt with a bloodied fist pump – it just hasn’t been a very good two weeks for the libshits. What a terrible shame.