I knew the average American was completely inept at basic math, but this REALLY takes the cake. I find it unsurprising that idiot liberals (who traffic in emotion and fail at math) are falling for this mask nonsense the hardest of all.
New poll shows Americans think 9% of people have died of COVID19, that is MORE THAN 200 TIMES THE ACTUAL NUMBER!!!!
Of course, 9% of America would be about 30 million people dead. How stupid can you be? It boggles the mind.

I also read a story about a guy talking to his buddy in Oregon (liberal haven). The Oregon resident insisted that 80,000 Oregonians have died of Wuhan Flu. The actual number is more like 400.
We are literally living in a society where morons cannot process the difference between 400 and 80,000. Unfortunately, the morons are loud and in charge. Any attempt to refute their stupidity with actual facts is shouted down as you are called a “grandma killer”.
These people need to be slapped in the head until they are knocked back into reality. I see no other way to resolve this.
Also, any assholes throwing hot coffee or spraying mace into the faces of the maskless should be beaten until they are a pulp on the ground.
People wonder why I detest liberals with every bone in my body. THIS is why. They yammer about Trump being a “facist” but THEY are the ones who will be loading people into train cars for not bowing to their moronic demands.