As Whispers Of a Return Of Forced Covid Masks Are Heard, Remember Who The Local Covid Rat and Mask Nazi Scumbags Are.

I still can’t believe the current rumors, but after everything I’ve seen over the last 3 years, nothing would surprise me anymore…

Now is the time nip this in the bud. To re-commit yourself to loudly supporting any business in town who refuses to force masks on people. To ostracizing and shaming and ridiculing any piece of shit who embraces this nonsense again.

As a helpful guide, here are some of the locals who loudly backed it the first time. They will back masks and lockdowns again not only because they are idiot liberals, but because NONE OF THEM HAVE A JOB. It is no sacrifice for them at all to sit home all day, because that’s what they do anyways.

Stephanie “Potato Head” Fitzharris. She has recently purchased her mother’s house on Spring Street (after living in Oregon, Santa Monica CA and Austin TX) and is trying to pass herself off as a conservative. She is not. She is a hard-core lefty and authoritarian mask/vax/Biden lover. I have covered her EXTENSIVELY HERE. Also, use search function.

Those of us who (correctly) called the vaccines “shit” were lambasted for spreading “disinformation”

Bruce “The Manatee” Haywood. One of the loudest (and fattest) voices for keeping kids out of school during Covid the first time around (2020/2021 school year). He kept his own kid out of school as well. Bruce spends his days sleeping til noon, not paying any property taxes, and ranting about how Trump should be in jail. So the lockdowns and masking he loves so much will not inconvenience him at all.

Clayton “Trust Fund” TuckerChairman of Lampasas Democrat Party: Rabid socialist, authoritarian and promoter of forced masking and “vaccines.” Was running against Dawn Buckingham (a REAL doctor) during Covid in 2020 and had the nerve to imply she was hurting people by NOT wearing a mask. He is known to wear a mask in a car BY HIMSELF. Also has no job and lives with mom, so lockdowns don’t harm him.

Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson. This lunatic hermit has worn a mask her entire life…something she failed to mention until YEARS after Covid when she was calling everyone selfish for NOT wearing a mask. She is jobless, friendless and brainless. Lockdowns and forced masking do not change her life one bit.

Guess what? You got your wish. You were REALLY WRONG about all of it. Now shut the fuck up forever.

Julie Cain Landrum: Massive Covid rat who tattled publicly on several local businesses during Covid. Ran a hobby lemonade stand during Covid (Wool & Vine) which failed earlier this year (karma is a bitch!) – currently unemployed again and lockdowns/masking will not affect her at all. I have covered her extensively as well. Use search function.

“Crazy eyes” are a real thing. Ask AOC.

Lee Morey. Another fat guy who liked to tell us all how awesome he is and how terrible you are. He’s clearly terrible at assessing risk since he rides motorcycles but is afraid of a cold virus.

Grady “Man Gravy” Lucas. Was driven completely insane by Covid and Trump Derangement Syndrome simultaneously. Is STILL petrified of Covid TODAY, despite (1) it being almost the end of 2023 and (2) having had MANY “vaccines” and boosters and STILL getting Covid himself!

This is from LAST WEEK!
Dumbest asshole around

Is petrified of a cold virus, yet just fine with jamming another man’s penis down his “soar throat.” Grady is another one who doesn’t have a job – having run his own business into the ground in 2009, he tossed his mom into a nursing home, moved into HER home, and then posted a GoFundMe to “help fix up my mom’s house” to get free shit by fooling people into thinking they were giving to an old lady. Lockdowns and masking will not affect him at all either. No job and no life. A complete piece of shit.

More to come….

Massive Ramp Up In Lampasas County Covid Testing. Barely Any Move In “Active Cases”

Less than a month ago, the county was performing only 52 tests per day:

They managed to squeeze 3 more active cases out of those tests – or a 5.7% positivity rate.

NOW, at the end of the month, they somehow managed to bang out 1085 tests (4500 to 5585) in just 4 days – or 271 tests per day! Well over FIVE TIMES the old rate. The result? ONE new active case:

Only ONE additional active case after 1085 tests….or a .092% positivity rate.

Misti posted her first “Covid update” on June 9th. By then we had 10 confirmed cases. So I’ll be generous and assume they started testing on June 1st, even though we KNOW it started much earlier.

So FOUR months have passed since then – and they have administered 5585 tests. That works out to about 46 tests per day over that period. Yet over 19% of ALL tests in that period happened in just THE LAST FOUR DAYS at a rate of 271 tests per day.

Like a duck furiously paddling its feet under the water where you cannot see them, so is the county furiously ramping up testing to keep that ridiculous “active case” number high. Who in the hell is going in for all these tests?? Are they forcing these poor high school sports kids to get 3 tests a week or something? Absolutely idiotic.

In fact, if you assume just a ONE PERCENT false positive rate (which many experts agree is a reasonable estimate) – that would give us an accidental 10 or 11 “active cases” per 1000 tests in our county that are actually not active at all.

Has it occurred to any of you Branch Covidian dummies that there may ALWAYS be about 25 people in the county who will test positive for Covid in a random sampling of 22,000 people? Like, forever and ever? Much as I would assume that at any given time in Lampasas County there are maybe 60 people home sick with a regular old head cold on any given day in a population of 22,000? It is just a fact of life. Get over it.

Too bad Governor Wheelchair didn’t pull the arbitrary number of “30” active cases out of his ass a few months ago instead of “20” as the magic limit. We would have been “under the limit” this entire time and the Branch Covidian cult members could calm down and shut up about masks for a while. Maybe every kid in school over 10 years old wouldn’t also be breathing their own filth 40 hours a week either.

Just a thought.

More Kids Dead Of Covid Restrictions Than From Covid

The CDC Director Robert Redfield acknowledged that lockdown and social isolation have dramatically increased the deaths among HS students due to suicides and drug overdose. More kids are now dying from the imposed restrictions than from COVID19!

CDC Director compares suicides to Covid

Not allowing young people to return to school and terrorizing kids with wearing masks and “social distancing” by teachers is deeply DEHUMANIZING since it has catastrophic psychological consequences for adolescents. Young people NEED close human interaction to develop properly.

Governors and county authorities, who refuse to open schools and who force unnatural “social distancing” on young people are committing crimes against humanity. This is not a political statement, but a conclusion coming from data.

These school officials are SICK SICK SICK!!!

Nauseating and disgusting crimes against children. Somebody should hang for stuff like this

More Proof Masks Don’t Work

Somebody forward to Mayor “copy and paste” Talbert and ‘Doctor’ Chane Rascoe, the $158,000 man:



A JAMA Pediatrics study of North American pediatric hospitals flatly stated that “our data indicate that children are at far greater risk of critical illness from influenza than from COVID-19.”


Chile is now 5th in terms of COVID-19 deaths/million population and will very soon be 3rd worst behind Peru and Belgium (which btw had massive lock downs in both places).

Chile has had:

  1. Lock downs & quarantines for months.
  2. A nightly curfew in place since MARCH
  3. Mask mandates since APRIL

NONE of it works

Mass testing —> Increased “case” counts —> Media Hype —> Fear/Hysteria—> Closed Schools —> Harm to kids

But yeah….keep strapping dirty diapers on the faces of all the kids. That’ll turn out well!

Parasitic Worm Nancy Pelosi Proves Again That “Stupid Rules Are For Thee, Not Me”

George Orwell wrote a book about the Democrats: it’s called “Animal Farm.”

THESE are the same phony greentards wanting to waste YOUR trillions on pet “green” projects while THEY fly around in private jets!

THESE are the types of hypocrite scum bags worshiped by the likes of Bruce Haywood and Stephanie Fitzharris. Useful idiots.


Weird how like 80% of U.S. Congress and Senate are decrepit old farts in their 80s, but not a single one has died of coronavirus yet – despite completely ignoring all the stupid rules that we peons are forced to endure. Almost like this Covid bullshit is all about control.

Lampasas County Covid Reporting Is Very Shoddy – PART II

Imagine the following two Covid death reports about the same person. The first is how I imagine Misti Talbert would post it on Facebook:

“We lost another precious soul over the weekend. A woman in her 50s”

Sounds scary, right? I mean, hell…I’m in my 50s! I could be next! This virus is killing everyone! Better cancel school and climb back into my mother’s womb to be safe.

Here is how BURNET COUNTY reported the very same death back on May 28th. it was the first death in the county and it is an OUTSTANDING example of how it SHOULD be done. Misti take note:

Burnet County Judge James Oakley said the county’s first death was a 57-year-old woman who was a resident of Bertram Nursing Home. Judge Oakley said the death happened on the afternoon of May 26.

The woman had been bedridden with cardiovascular disease for an extended time and was paralyzed from a stroke, according to the judge. She was also a cigarette smoker. The woman died from rapid onset pneumonia and posthumously tested positive for COVID-19.

Wow. Paints quite a different picture, doesn’t it? After reading this article, you realize this poor woman already had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, to quote my dear 83-year-old Dad. And while I sympathize with the family and realize this was somebody’s beloved sister or mother, you cannot ignore the fact that the death of a very sickly person from Covid is worlds away from, say, a healthy 12-year-old boy.

Hardly the ‘deadly plague’ that has caused people to absolutely lose their minds and throw hot coffee or mace into the faces of those who refuse to buy into this ridiculous mask crap.

If OUR county was as honest as this in their reporting, who knows….Bruce Haywood might even let his teen aged daughter (who has a higher risk of being hit by lightning than dying of Covid) attend school in person. Parents of an 8-year-old might rethink the wisdom of strapping a diaper on their kid’s face for 8 hours a day at school.

How about it Misti? Ready to actually LEAD instead of playing secretary and hitting COPY/PASTE on crappy Covid reporting? The information is out there. It’s YOUR job to get it to the people so they can act rationally with FULL INFORMATION.

Serious Question For Mayor and City Council: How Long Are You Going To Let This Bullshit Go On?

Really. I’d love an answer. How long are we going to tally the fall of every sparrow? Another month? A year? Forever? Why not add in cancer deaths? Or pneumonia? Maybe start one for heart attacks too?

I thought 20 active cases was the magic number. We are under that. Why are we STILL yapping about mask mandates and social distancing? It’s all a joke. I expect Big City liberals to push this horseshit, but not small-town regular folks who should know better. The fact is that all the masks and social distancing in the world will not stop a force of nature like this virus. If it’s your time to get Wuhan Flu, you’re gonna get Wuhan Flu. Time to accept that:

According to the Radiogram today, during last night’s City Council meeting (which I missed due to illness but will go through soon) it was stated that:

“As far as businesses in the pandemic, owners can call the police on people who do not follow the mask mandate orders. Officers will explain the rules, and customers can either comply or risk citation.”

That’s a good one! What “mask mandate orders” are those, exactly? The ones that are supposedly in effect when we are OVER 20 active cases (which is a number Abbott pulled from his anus)? We’re currently under the magic 20 number….right? Not that it matters when we are dealing with legally questionable “mandates” and NOT an actual LAW.

Also, for the 100th time: MASKS DO NOT WORK!!! Take it from the experts linked HERE.

I got news for you: it’s highly unlikely that these “mandates” are legally enforceable. Governor Abbott is not God on the throne. Nor is he king. We have a legislature that represents WE the PEOPLE who are required to vote laws into effect – not a king who makes “mask decrees”.

If you’re going to call the cops and if the cops are silly enough to try and enforce this horse shit, I would ask right away “please show me the law I am violating. When was it passed? How does it read? How did my Representative Brad Buckley vote on this law? What about my senator? How did she vote on that law?”

It’s going to awfully hard to do that, because there ISN’T ANY LAW for this. Governor Abbott had his 31 days of emergency powers. They have come and gone a LONG time now. Either bring these “mask mandates” to a REAL VOTE by our elected officials or stfu about it already. It’s as simple as that.

Why did elected officials decree mask mandates, especially if they are questions over whether they can be enforced?

Wouldn’t a proper course of action have been to strongly recommend mask usage to the public instead of stitching together mandates that divide Texans?

“I encourage folks to wear a mask; I also encourage them to eat their vegetables,” Dallas County Commissioner J.J. Koch said when Dallas commissioners enacted Abbott’s mask mandate against Koch’s and Commissioner John Wiley Price’s objections.

“But I cannot put a guy with a gun out there to enforce either.”

Who is going to be a REAL LEADER in Lampasas government and have the balls to say “enough is enough – let’s get on with our lives. We can’t let a cold virus grind our lives and economy to a halt just because a small minority of mostly liberal morons like Bruce Haywood and Melissa Johnson are totally inept at math and statistics and thus afraid of their own shadows”.

Who? Will it be you, Misti? Mike White? How about you, Randy Clark? Do any of you have the balls to stand up and LEAD instead of buying into this faux “leadership” of reporting silly-assed numbers like the ones above every other day?

Posting tallies is not leadership. That’s being a secretary.

Only SIX PERCENT of “Covid deaths” have JUST Covid-19 listed as the only cause of death. The other 94% had SEVERAL additional conditions, on average.

For The Branch Covidians and Mask Nannies:

I’m wondering what is the better public health message to fight Wuhan Flu:

#MaskUp + #StaySafeStayHome + #CloseTheSchools + #SocialDistancing


“Lose 20 pounds and take some extra vitamin C, D and zinc”

Hint: one option has many beneficial side-effects, the other option crushes souls. (It also doesn’t generate any income for anyone important, like Bill Gates or that fat pig Jay Pritzker)

Do NOT Go Get A Free Covid Test, You Fools.

I saw this posted recently by the mayor….

AND by the Dispatch [link HERE] – AND by the Radiogram too!

Weird, huh? The MINUTE Lampasas dips under the magic “20 active cases” number, somebody is rushing in with FREE tests…and they are the ORAL SWAB, not the painful deep nasal penetration, to make it even EASIER!

Now, every hypochondriac in the county can drive over, get their mouth swabbed, and pay nothing. Sounds awesome, right!


Why do this??? Some of these tests are so sensitive they can detect REMNANTS of the virus. You will “test positive” even though you no longer have it. There are also plenty of other false positives. We also don’t know if these tests will be “pooled” (look it up), which is ANOTHER way to pad the numbers.


The “advertisements” tell you NOTHING about how the tests are processed at all. So we have no way of knowing. We also know there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Whose bread is being buttered with this? Cui bono? Why roll this out NOW, instead of months ago?

Very fishy, if you ask me.

Long story short: anyone who feels fine and goes to get this test is an idiot who is screwing themselves AND the rest of us. All it takes is a few false positives and we are BACK ABOVE the ridiculously arbitrary 20 “active cases” that makes everyone go into panic mode.

All it takes is a false positive for YOU, who feels fine, and one of the Authority Figures like Dr Hay will crawl up your asshole telling you to quarantine for 14 days – even though it is entirely possible you are a false positive or even a non-infectious person who had the virus a month ago.

Please. Do NOT run out and get this test done. If enough shit heads go out and do this, the numbers jump back up and we’ll be wearing masks until the end of time. That can’t happen.

P.S. – does anyone else find it hilarious that they say “you will be screened to see if you have” – and then list a bunch of ailments that ONLY YOU can tell them about? Like a headache or nausea or fatigue? You don’t screen someone for a headache or fatigue. You ASK if those symptoms are present. Those are symptoms only YOU can feel and TELL the doctor about – who then gives you tests to hopefully find the CAUSE of these symptoms.

Who wrote this idiotic advertisement? Oh wait – lemme guess: some moron state government bureaucrat?

But…But…But…The Nurses Wear Masks!

“But nurses have always worn masks all day.”

No! SOME wear them, for short stints.

Remember when nurses in Canada fought for the right NOT to wear masks, and an arbitrator heard testimony and sided with them, concluding masks were useless and the requirement unreasonable? True story.

It was waaaay back in 2015.

I know how much you lefty dummies LOVE the Canadian healthcare model. So you’ll be all over this, too….right?
