
Hopes that “covid will go away if Biden wins the election” are incorrect. The lies will get more aggressive and the power grabs more intense.

This is far too good a crisis to let go to waste and this is not a gang that wastes crises.

Take this lying sack of lib-shit, for instance:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo

Gov. Cuomo says politicians will take ‘different tone’ on COVID-19 after Trump loss.

Mencken once quipped “democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it, good and hard.”

For those who voted for more covid clampdown: get ready. Here it comes.

And remember, this is what you wanted. Do NOT come crying about it later.

ManWhalePig Still Doesn’t Get That Masks Do Nothing – Chooses To Insult “Rednecks” Who DO Understand This

I profiled local parade float Hubert Humperdick a while back. I pointed out his utter hypocrisy when it came to caring about his health. He is one of the most adamant maskholes around here and he’s at it again:

Ah yes…the “martyr argument”. I wear a mask because I am SUCH a good person. Look at me! Humperdick, you can go join the ranks of Melissa Johnson and Bruce Haywood now.

The big glaring error in his retarded comparison is that your flimsy, ill-fitting mask does NOT save lives and may ACTUALLY cause MORE viral spreading than wearing nothing at all!

Hubert is super smart, so he should know this. I KNOW he’s super smart because he was very, very proud of himself for getting a useless degree at age 39 recently:

Hey Hubert? Since you are SO smart, here are TWENTY FIVE STUDIES showing that masks are useless.

You might also read this in-depth study comparing counties WITH mask mandates with those WITHOUT mask mandates. The evidence is as plain as the chins on your face.

Also – please tell me why the local high school (where masks are mandatory for everyone) has exponentially more covid cases than Kline Whitis (where masks are relatively scarce).

I’ll let you chew on that a while, numb nuts.

If You Are Under 70 and Wear This Thing, You Are A Super Douche

Narwall Mask founder Alex Rattray models his full-face creation, which he says offers a 99.5 percent filtration efficiency rating. (Photo: Narwall)

Shitheads line up to buy the Narwall Mask

As unbelievably stupid as these things are, I hope they sell millions. I hope every Covid Rat like Julie Landrum and Covid martyr like Melissa Johnson and Bruce Haywood buys one and wears it 24/7 forever and ever.


Because then they can stop it with the “I’m wearing a mask for you and you wear a mask for me” bullshit. You see, once this idiotic contraption is in circulation, I can walk around mask-less and you have nothing to bitch about anymore – since you are wearing a completely self-contained, albeit extremely retarded-looking breathing apparatus.

Unfortunately, something tells me that even THEN they won’t stop with their whining about masks. They’ll insist I wear one too. Just as they are insisting I get a wholly untested vaccine that is only 95% effective when I actually have an immune system that is 99.97% effective against the Wuhan Flu.

Head MaskTard Melissa Johnson has ALREADY intimated that “75% of us need to get the vaccine”. Why? If you go and get the magic shot, you should be protected and who cares what I do, right? Wrong – because these dunces are all about CONTROL…not protection.

Below is a link to a Covid-19 Risk Assessment Calculator – and I DARE all you Covid rats and martyrs to go and take it.


This thing tells me I have a 0.03% chance of dying if I get it. I can live with that. There are about eight other things FAR more likely to kill me next year.

You’ll notice that the BIG THREE inputs are (1) weight (2) vitamin D levels and (3) smoking. You know what that means? Three of the four BIGGEST influencers on your Covid risk are completely controllable by you.

You can’t control your age, but you can sure as hell control your weight, your vitamin D levels and the number of cigarettes you smoke. We’re 8 months into this thing, and if you haven’t bothered to lose a single pound or take vitamin D supplements to improve your chances, then do me a favor and shut your mouth about me wearing a mask. If YOU don’t care about your health then why the hell should I care about your health?

I know why….because it’s easier to blame everyone else for YOUR lack of motivation. It’s far easier to just whine and browbeat everyone into wearing a mask to protect YOU when you’re doing nothing to protect yourself.

So do us all a favor: buy the stupid Narwall Mask, strap it on, and stfu about Covid for the rest of your sad life.

Tom McClintock Destroys Idiot CA Governor And His Ilk

Brilliant speech.

All of the “crawl into your rabbit hole and hide forever” dunces in Lampasas like Melissa Johnson, Chris McDaniel, Potato-Head Fitzharris, Bruce Haywood, Lee Morey, Lola Barnes, Julie Cain Landrum and Jennifer Moreno should listen and learn.

Every time we step outside our homes, the risks that we face multiply. A free society assumes that it’s citizens are competent to assess those risks, balance them against the avoidance costs, and to manage their decisions in a generally responsible way. It’s called common sense. And it’s a necessary prerequisite for self-government and liberty. The choices of an octogenarian with emphysema might be very different from those of a healthy governor of California. Only a fool would claim the omnipotence to make an informed judgement for every person in every circumstance in every community.

Scared Rabbits Start Shaking In Their Cages Over Seasonal Flu

Having waited…shaking in their cages since April, the scared Covid rabbits are all in a tizzy thinking the long-awaited “winter surge” is supposedly starting! That’s according to several Chicken Little/Scared Rabbits in town – like head rabbit and mask Nazi Melissa Johnson. Apparently some young kids have – gasp – TESTED POSITIVE!!

Of course it’s not going away! It’s WAY too good of a boogeyman to keep the morons and rabbits in fear and easy to control. These libtard worms NEVER let a crisis go to waste. Talk about a perfect boogeyman: an invisible “killer” that could be anywhere! You probably have it and don’t even know! The horror!!! Better listen to all of our mandates…or else! You could not dream up a better boogeyman if you tried.

These kids ‘tested positive’ on a ridiculously over-sensitive test that amplifies dead RNA fragments FORTY-TWO TIMES! These kids aren’t gasping for their last breath in the hospital. They aren’t dragging themselves to the ER. Most of them probably feel perfectly fine, because a “positive test” means NOTHING. Ask Nick Saban about that:

Nick Saban: I Feel Fine. Not Concerned About Covid

Nick Saban is 69 years old…and clearly NOT a pussy or a scared rabbit. Neither is Jack Nicklaus – who ALSO had Covid and is EIGHTY YEARS OLD. Luckily, he didn’t listen to morons like Stephanie Fitzharris and instead took HCQ to help him recover perfectly.

Oh no! A seasonal respiratory infection that tends to increase in the winter? And can be deadly to the elderly and infirm? You mean kind of like influenza?? Actually, Covid is FAR less dangerous than the flu to the under-70 crowd.

School kids are FAR more likely to die of influenza virus than Wuhan Flu. FACT.

So – the scared rabbits are quaking because some kids in school tested positive! You know – those exact same schools where they force everyone into masks, spend gobs of money of Plexiglas, gloves and Lysol, and don’t let little kids hold hands or share food. THOSE schools.

First of all, what does that tell you about all your precious precautions? It tells me they are useless against a tiny virus that is less than a micron in diameter.

The virus is gonna virus. You cannot stop it. These kids should be allowed to go about their day as they have for the last 250 years – mask-free. Let them build herd immunity. The virus IS NOT A THREAT to the under 20 crowd. NOT AT ALL.

For people like Melissa “Mask Nazi” Johnson and Jane Lopez who are incapable of reading graphs or comprehending basic math and stats, the above chart means this: for every 100 deaths that occur in the under-20 cohort (that means “group”, Melissa) there are NINETY-NINE that are NOT from Covid. That includes auto accidents, suicides, overdoses, falls, choking, cancer, etc.

Of course, all these stats assume we have had 225,000 Covid deaths – which anyone with a brain knows is a total bullshit number itself.

Some kids testing “positive” in the local schools means absolutely nothing. Get over it. If you are ELDERLY and/or morbidly obese, then you have some decisions to make and risks to weigh. Luckily, the ELDERLY aren’t in high school or even in the work place. They are mostly retired and can sit at home in their space suits all alone watching Wheel of Fortune until they die of heart disease if they are THAT scared.

Other, more rational elderly humans might decide that they are willing to take the small risk of dying a bit earlier while still enjoying a normal life. They might actually want to hug and be around their grand kids and feel that a slight increase in the risk of death is MORE than worth it. I know I would.

But those risks are up to THOSE AT-RISK PEOPLE to weigh. NOT for idiots like Melissa Johnson, Julie Landrum, Lee Morey, Hubert Humperdick or Christopher McDaniel to impose on you against your will.

Do NOT listen to the scared rabbits and the Chicken Littles. They have been wrong about this from the start. If they had their way, we’d all be in cages and in space suits since those are “totally safe”.

Fuck you, Melissa Johnson. I will NEVER trade freedom for a temporary false sense of security.

These People Are Sick, Sick Psychopaths

A document co-written by CIA InQTel Luciana Borio, recently appointed to Biden’s Covid-19 taskforce, recommends linking Covid-19 vaccination with food security and rent assistance.

Want to not be homeless or feed your family? Guess you’ll have to get an experimental vaccine.

You can read it here for those interested:

Last March it was “two weeks to flatten the curve”. A year from now, it’ll be this bullshit. And useful idiots like Haywood, Johnson and Fitzharris will STILL be fellating Big Brother and asking “what’s the big deal? Don’t you care about others?”

Morons, all.

Another Covid Rat Crawls Out And Squeaks

Julie Cain Landrum has a fellow Covid Rat to nibble cheese with now. I give you Christopher McDaniel. Instead of having a pair of balls between his legs and saying something to this poor bastard about ‘jeopardizing the health of his customers’ (LOL!), he chooses to blast it all over LCBN like a pussy instead:

Hey Chris? Why don’t you and Landrum and all the other scared rabbits just go on Amazon and purchase a full Tyvek suit so you never have to worry about any of this bullshit and leave the rest of us alone? I’m beeing 100% serious here. Go buy a spacesuit, asswipe. What is stopping you? Are you afraid you’ll look stupid? Well, you’ve done that to yourself already with this post.

Clearly you are too moronic to read the facts and learn that this “deadly plague” is no worse than the flu for those under 70. If you are OVER that age and obese, then you are at higher risk: so be a big boy and take measures for yourself by putting a spacesuit on. Don’t cry like a bitch that everyone else needs to wear a face diaper.

That advice also goes for scared rabbits who ride motorcycles, like Lee Morey – who is cut from the Melissa Johnson mold and wants to signal his virtue to us all and let us know how much he cares about everyone else:

Lee is super, duper worried about his health…that’s why he rides motorcycles! The most dangerous form of transportation. You DO wear a helmet, right Lee?

So Lee – who rides motorcycles and appears 50 pounds overweight – is NOW worried about his health! But he doesn’t want to inconvenience HIMSELF by driving a car or losing 50 pounds of blubber! No, no, no – that would be taking responsibility and doing some real work. He’d rather bitch at YOU for not wearing a mask. A mask that is completely ineffective against aerosolized viruses. Not to mention the virus is no more dangerous than the flu.

Pardon my French, but you are a hypocritical piece of shit, Lee. You remind me of the annoying Karens who spit 4 kids out of their loins, drive an SUV and then bitch at me about plastic straws because “she cares about the environment”. You are the EXACT same type of “bitch with a capital C.”

Much like Bruce Haywood, Lee is almost GIDDY at the prospect of a national mask mandate. It gives him an erection:

LOL! National mask mandates are funny! Having a bunch of power-hungry lunatics in charge and forcing you to wear a useless face diaper to control you is a big fat belly laugh, eh Lee?

You know what makes ME laugh? The thought of you splattered all over the road after hitting an oil slick on wet pavement. Really makes me giggle.

Masks For Ordinary Flu Are Up Next…

Watch for the idiot Haywoods, Johnsons, Landrums and Fitzharrises of the world to demand this next:


This was obviously coming because it logically follows. Diapers for the ordinary flu, too…and – inevitably – for the common cold. For everything. Forever.

Diapers in perpetuity.

You can’t logically argue against it if you’ve already accepted the logic of Diapering everyone as a preventative measure against the WuFlu. Which is based on the assertion that anyone might be sick; that anyone could get sick. That someone might die if they get sick.

It’s all perfectly true.

And not just for the WuFlu. Anyone might get one of the many other varieties of flu; the common cold, too.

Someone might even die.

That almost no one who isn’t already bumping elbows with death (i.e., the very elderly and the very sick) will actually die – per the “science” – is politically irrelevant.

This business was never about sickness. If it were, the Diapers would have come off months ago, when the “science” knew that the WuFlu had an Infection Fatality Rate (which means, the number of people with serious symptoms who actually end up dead) about the same or even less than the usual flus.

Which, stated another way, means that everything that’s been imposed on the population wasn’t justified by the facts. That the news was good.

The media would have reported this – if it wasn’t programmed to spread fear instead. The government Gesundheitsfuhrers would have de-escalated what wasn’t necessary by any sane standard, if the standard was in fact public health – as opposed to something else.

The tautology is simple: If it wasn’t medically necessary to force-Diaper the population in previous flu years – which no non-hypochondriac ever suggested it was – then it is not necessary to force-Diaper the population now.

On the other hand, if it is necessary to force everyone to Diaper for the WuFlu then it is necessary to Diaper them for all flus. For everything that might get someone sick who might then die.

It doesn’t matter that Diapering people who aren’t sick and so can’t get anyone sick because “someone” – no one in particular – might be sick or could get sick is the same in terms of the moral principle it embodies as insisting that because a rape might happen and any functional man might be a rapist all men must be presumed potential rapists and made to wear a crotch Diaper.

Which is to say, silly – and evil.

But that’s just the point.

The Diapers must never come off – no matter how not-sick people actually are because the visual of perpetual sickness must never vanish – in order to keep the populace demoralized, alienated and under control, perpetually.

Assistant Secretary of the Army Bruce Jette said so just the other day, though he didn’t say it that way. Instead, he couched it in terms of the “new normal” – weaponized hypochondria:

“I would say we don’t back off the (WuFlu) standards (e.g., Diapering and Distancing) because it will also reduce the impact of flu and other illnesses.” He added: “I don’t see us backing off of using these same techniques even as the vaccine continues to mature.”

Italics added.

Even when Needled, they’ll still be Diapered.

Distanced, too. Because there will always be a flu, whether Wu or some other. The common cold isn’t going away and – somewhere, sometime, just maybe – a granny might die.

Ergo, the Diapers must never, ever come off.

But not because granny might die. That’s just the guilt-trip.

The seeing of faces is far too dangerous. That’s the real trip. The thing being vaccinated against. Every face must be the same face. Uniformity, literally – and speaking of that… the military knows all about the importance of everyone looking the same. The effacement of individuality, the creation of a submissively belligerent collective that follows orders without questions is the basis of all military training. This is appropriate in that context since an army has to move as one, on command. Its individual members must do as they are told, without question.

While this is just the Army speaking – and a mid-tier Army official doing the speaking – it is nonetheless still the government speaking and that ought to prick up the ears of everyone who is sick of Sickness Kabuki.

If soldiers – who are in the age bracket least affected by the WuFlu, being both young and fit – are to be force-Diapered henceforth it does not take a prophet to see where this insanity is headed.

The sad thing is those of us with a brain saw where this was headed five months ago and have fought tooth and nail against forced masks for the young and healthy. Meanwhile a gaggle of useful idiots like Melissa Johnson, Julie Landrum, Bruce Haywood, Hubert Humperdink and Stephanie Fitzharris (to name just a few mask nazis) are HELPING MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Their sad and desperate need to appear “caring” and to virtue signal their wokeness is directly leading to the downfall of this once great nation by eliminating basic freedoms and encouraging tyranny.

Hope you sleep well at night, you morons.

Remember When All The Teachers And Students Were Gonna Die Of Covid?

It was only about 3 months ago. A large group of dummies were screaming bloody murder that the schools should stay closed. That we couldn’t go back to normal because of the extreme danger to kids and teachers…even though kids and young women are more likely to die in a car accident on the WAY to school that they are to die of the Wuhan Flu.

Many hundreds of people even kept their kids home and insisted on a costly and aggravating “remote learning” option that almost certainly will result in their kids being left behind the others academically.

Well, here we are over two months into the school year. Let’s look at all the death and destruction that took place in our schools:

Kline Whitis: The school for the youngest kids does NOT require masks. Ironically, the under-10-years-old cohort did the BEST of all the schools. TOTAL DAMAGE: As of yesterday, there are ZERO active cases, ONE kid has caught Covid and recovered and ZERO teachers or staff have been infected. ZERO DEATHS. I’ll repeat: ONE KID has caught and recovered from Covid in the ENTIRE SCHOOL….including staff.

Hannah Springs: ZERO active cases, TWO kids have caught the virus and recovered, ZERO active cases among the staff and THREE staff have already caught it and recovered. ZERO DEATHS.

Taylor Creek: here we have ONE staff member that caught Covid and recovered. ZERO kids. That’s right – in the entire school, there was ONE staff member and ZERO kids infected. ZERO DEATHS.

Lampasas Middle School: Zero active cases, TWO recovered students and ONE recovered staff. A grand total of THREE cases – fully recovered. ZERO DEATHS.

Lampasas High School: ONE active case as of yesterday…15 recovered (I’m guessing a large chunk of football players) yet ZERO staff have been infected this entire time. Funny that the school where they are DEFINITELY ALL WEARING MASKS is the one with the worst performance. Despite that: ZERO DEATHS.

So – in a school system of approximately 3,380 kids and maybe 500 staff where there are literally thousands of interactions per day over the course of two months, we have had a grand total of 20 kids who caught it and recovered OR about ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT of the enrollment.

Among the staff, there were a grand total of five infections. Also less than 1%.


The virus has an enormous weakness that we have thus far failed to exploit:

When about half the population has been infected (and recovered), we have achieved herd immunity. Those under 40 years of age make up over half the population, yet the virus is over 100 times LESS DEADLY to that portion of the population. Exploit this fact and defeat the virus!!

I Emailed Texas DSHS About Their Definition Of “Active Case” – Here’s What I Found

If the mayor and the Health Authority won’t explain what’s going on, I figured I go straight to the horse’s mouth and ask the state “experts”.***

First I asked what constituted an “active case”. Here is the response:

We define active cases as “an estimate of the number of people with confirmed COVID-19 cases who may still be sick. The estimate is calculated by taking the number of active cases and subtracting fatalities and estimated recoveries. Because both active and recovered cases are estimates, they can vary from what is reported locally.”

Boy. An awful lot of “estimates” in there!

They do have some sweet charts and graphs and stuff, I will admit. The link is HERE. Feel free to go and play around with all the buttons.


A confirmed case is defined as a case that is laboratory confirmed (detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in a clinical specimen using a molecular amplification detection test such as a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test).

Great. So they DO use the PCR test using molecular amplification. The next obvious question is how many times (cycles) do they amplify the genetic material and what is the cutoff for being considered “active”?

From everything I have read, a Ct (cycle threshold) of 33 is as high as you have to go when it comes to a person being infectious. If you have to amplify the sample MORE than 33 times, that means you are starting with such a low viral load, the patient is NOT actively infectious.

Find a link to this HERE. But below is a snippet of what the researchers say:

The study found a significant relationship between Ct value and culture positivity rate.

  1. Samples with Ct values of 13–17 all led to a positive culture.
  2. Culture positivity rate then decreased progressively according to Ct values to reach 12% at 33 Ct.
  3. No culture was obtained from samples with Ct > 34.
  4. The five additional isolates obtained after blind subcultures had Ct between 27 and 34 (low viable virus load).

Thus the study found a strong correlation between Ct value and sample infectivity in a cell culture model. The authors could deduce that with this system, patients with Ct values equal or above 34 do not excrete infectious viral particles.

OK. So we would HOPE that the state of Texas would use a Ct cutoff of 33 or 34 to consider a person “active” and infectious. Do they? I asked and got this response:

Table 2 of the linked document below is taken directly from the manufacturer’s instructions for use which indicates that a Ct value equal to or less than 42 for a patient sample is interpreted as containing SARS-CoV-2 RNA and would be indicative a recent infection.  The manufacturer, Perkin Elmer, has determined the performance characteristics for this PCR assay.  Our state laboratory in Austin is using this assay for testing samples from individuals suspected of having a SARS-CoV-2 infection, as determined by their healthcare provider.

Holy hell! All the way up to 42 amplifications are considered fair game! Wow. Kind of makes me wonder how many of our “current active cases” are REALLY only a super low and non-infectious viral load that has been amplified a ridiculous number of times.

Makes me also wonder if, in the future, cases start to dramatically drop they might bump that up to 44. Or higher. Anything to keep the scare going, right?

PLEASE forward this post to anyone you know who has been sucked into the Branch Covidian cult. You cannot argue with the math.

**** I use the term “experts” facetiously. I happen to come from a family of surgeons. You know – REAL doctors. Uncles, cousins, my father, my grandfather and my great-grandfather – ALL highly successful surgeons. I also happen to have several college buddies who are very successful surgeons for over 20 years now. You know what they ALL tell me about this Covid bullshit? Every single one of them? “This is all a complete overreaction to a flu-like illness. Forcing everyone to wear masks is useless. And anyone who works for the government as a “health expert” is the guy who finished in the bottom of his class in med school”

Bam. Roasted.