THESE Are The Geniuses We Are Dealing With

I have profiled Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier several times on these pages. She is a loony locust from Ohio (and later Austin) who has been doing her best to implement a costly and useless recycling program here in Lampasas.

THAT was bad enough. Oh how I long for those days.

NOW, naturally, she is in the “WEAR A MASK” camp, like most brain-dead liberals (*cough* Julie Landrum *cough*). Let’s take a look at her other beliefs….because I ALWAYS take scientific Wuhan Flu advice from a loon who thinks autistic kids are clairvoyant and who believes in numerology, astrology, psychics and bullshit crystal energy healing.

Oh, and who spells pivotal as “pivital”. Yes, she checks all the boxes. She is a typical poster child for the boot-licking, mask-loving libtard group.

Maybe because you are painfully gullible and stupid?

THESE are the types of people who are out there yammering about the hospitals being overrun and ICUs “at 90% capacity!”. They are brain dead. Don’t buy into their nonsense!