Turns Out Texans For Prop 3 Is Tiny Joke “Coalition” Backed By….Clayton Tucker’s Bluebonnet PAC. We Exposed Them Months Ago.

Well, well, well.

The “movement” by “regular hard-working Texans” to work against the “greedy few” billionaires (a false premise) is hardly a movement at all. Unless you’re talking about a bowel movement.

After perusing the social media sites, we find a few clues….

Wow! 78 followers! Sounds a lot like amassing 18 goats after five generations of ranching. He’s just a boss at everything he does!

Anyhow, so we go from the Twitter page to the website and see the disclaimers at the bottom…

Bluebonnet PAC? Now where have we heard of THEM before? Oh yeah….

Local Commie Clayton Tucker Forms New PAC With Kristi Lara – A Female Commie Deadbeat From Dallas.

What do we know about them? There’s not much to tell. Three nerds have donated a whopping total of $275 to Comrade Clayton’s latest grift…

Not surprising to find Comrade Clayton stroking an AdCOCK and BickerSTAFF in his free time.

Justin Adcock is a self-employed insurance adjuster in the Dallas area who got stomped running for Plano City council.

Jeff Bickerstaff is another insurance guy and also happens to be mayor of Sachse, Texas.

Tellingly, Comrade Clayton didn’t even contribute ONE PENNY to his own cause.

So Comrade Clayton’s Bluebonnet PAC paid for this Prop 3 bullshit…and their website was created by Grassroots Nation – which is ALSO a Comrade Clayton shell group.

So to summarize: Comrade Clayton forms Bluebonnet PAC, gets a few nerds to contribute $275, then he hires himself (Grassroots Nation) to do the website, gets a whopping 78 followers on social media and then brags about a “coalition” supporting this cause – which consists of Clayton Tucker non-profits like Bluebonnet PAC, Grassroots Nation, and Texas Progressive Caucus. LOL.

Yet another gigantic Clayton Tucker circle jerk of shell companies…which we have seen before – like when his “Trade Justice Group” had a “234 groups” sign a climate letter but it turned out to be more like 8 groups and a bunch of Comrade Clayton shell companies.

If we look at some of the “coalition” of groups supporting this latest Prop 3 grift, we see it is many of the same of Clayton Tucker shell groups that consist of him and one or two other loser grifters like Kristi Lara:

Texas Progressive Caucus is yet ANOTHER “group” consisting of Comrade Clayton and his laptop living in mom’s upstairs bedroom.

Many of the “groups” that purportedly represent “hard-working Texans” by opposing Prop 3 are actually just Comrade Clayton pissant non-profit shell companies…and as we know, Comrade Clayton is anything but “hard working.”

Instead of vilifying “billionaires” who actually made their money creating incredible companies and products that people freely trade their money for, how about going after the many, many scumbag lefty politicians who have made piles of money by using corruption and political connections to steal from the taxpayer trough.

I can think of a few. Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders…and let’s not forget the biggest hypocrite of all: Elizabeth Warren!

Bottom line? Get your ass to the polls on November 7th and vote YES to Prop 3. The last thing Texas needs is to vilify billionaires who want to locate here. Just ask New York about that.

Who is going to create more jobs for Texans? A billionaire like Jeff Bezos? Or a broke loser who lives with his mom, like Clayton Tucker? Like the old saying goes: I never got a job from a poor guy.

Clayton Tucker remains an envious little creep who cannot stop bashing, vilifying and stealing from those who were successful in life.