You know…because of the many hundreds of cycling enthusiasts we have here. And the many hundreds of people who are super into exercise and fitness in Lampasas. I can’t go 10 minutes without seeing somebody peddling down the street or jogging up the road.
That was sarcasm.
Actually, it was just “one resident approached us” about a possible mountain bike trail park. Kinda like “one resident approached us about a recycling program” two years ago and that quickly resulted in $12,000 being wasted also! Guess $12,000 is the magic number.
Lemme guess: is the mystery resident the brother of the guy who is charging you $12,205 for a “set of trail plans” [page 8 through 16]? LOL. I swear, City council is a lot like little babies with candy most of the time. The problem is that when the vultures take the candy from these naive babies, it’s really YOUR candy. The taxpayer.
Hey guys – deal of the century. Lampasshole Unlimited happens to have a bike park division. Here are some plans you can have for the bargain price of $4,999!

This is a drawing! Not a plan! No engineering! Just like the one you are wasting $12,205 on!
Of course, the $12,205 just gets you a pretty drawing. It’s just the tip of the shitberg, as they say. Next, the “one resident” will come back asking for $250,000 to do all the dirt moving that will be needed. Hey – maybe you guys can hire “Greasy” Chris Harrison to do that! Make sure you hire him to go beg for the money from his former council members. Otherwise they’ll ignore you like they initially ignored S2M2 and their request for $150,000.
During the council meeting [ 10:30 minute mark] Misti lamented that residents need more activities to do “close to home outside” and to get exercise. You know – because of the deadly pandemic and all. The ‘deadly’ virus that Misti herself caught and recovered from easily. That one.
This is also the same Misti and City council that shut down one of the pools this summer! Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t THAT a “close to home activity where people can get outside and get active”? A big, huge, awesome, already-bought-and-paid for pool that sat idle all summer? Yes, I remember that, too.
Kind of like the tennis courts and basketball courts I never ever see anyone using? Or maybe it’s like those volleyball courts over by the pool that was closed all summer. You know – the two courts with no nets that nobody has used in a decade and local Ohio locust Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier wants to turn into a community garden now? Isn’t that like an “activity close to home”, too? I bet some dipshit begged City council for those very volleyball courts 10 years ago with the same dipshit argument they are using for a bike trail now.
Or maybe like the walking trails over at Cooper Springs where I’ve seen maybe 7 cars parked over the last year? Like that?
So many of your other plans have turned out so well – why not pile another turd sandwich onto your plate? The business park debacle is not enough, right? Or the Hostess House takeover that is a complete train wreck? Or the $100,000 skate park? Or the $120,000 you handed to Halff Associates for a project that still isn’t done?
Shall I go on?
How about the $400,000 Council approved for a solar energy production site back in 2011? How did that solar project work out for you? Even ‘Greasy’ Chris Harrison was against that waste of money (TJ Monroe was all for it, of course).

Or how about the stupid rodeo arena idea you guys seriously considered spending $2 million on at one point five or six years ago? Or the pipe dream you had back in, like, 2011 or 2012 when you were pitching the 580 Sports Complex itself – and entertained the notion of hosting tons of adult softball tournaments and supposedly stimulating the local economy with softball tournaments?
LOL. I didn’t think you could top that ridiculous softball tournament idea. Yet here we are.
Sounds completely moronic now, doesn’t it? Well – so will this mountain bike trail idea in a couple years.
I usually agree with Mike White but he is dead wrong on this one. Mike HIMSELF even commented [12:40 minute mark] that there is a killer bike park just 20 minutes away that has a ski lift and everything! [Spider Mountain]. Which then begs the obvious question: why don’t the bikers slip on their spandex pants, load up the Prius and haul their little bikes 20 minutes to a multi-million-dollar bike park? Do you REALLY think the “bike pros” from “out of town” who hit those massive slopes are THEN going to say “hey dudes! That little Lampasas place has a couple miles of shit trails! Let’s go there and spend a bunch of money at their restaurants too!”
You make me laugh.
City council wasting $12,000 on this “bike park drawing” is like the fat 54-year-old who hasn’t done so much as take a walk in 9 years but then spends $12,000 on a Peloton exercise bike. Then they use it twice and it sits collecting dust. The “bike park” project will be much the same. Mark my words. Randy Clark was the lone voice of sanity on this – he voted AGAINST the expenditure. Way to go Randy!!