Cade Snyder Hilgenberg LOVES Big Sweaty Men

Remember this Gen Z commie nerd??

Move to Venezuela, nerd.

We went absolutely BANANAS over Abbott lifting the mask mandate. Never mind that if HE was wearing a mask that he thinks was protecting him (it wasn’t) then who cares what everyone else does?

Of course, it has since been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that masks are completely useless at stopping a virus. But Gen Z commie nerds care nothing for facts, statistics or logic. Those things are “racist” now.

Fast forward 24 months. Covid is still around but Cade Snyder Hilgenberg is no longer letting that stand in the way of his TRUE love….which is bleeding around five dozen big, grown sweaty men:

He’s HARDCORE, man!!! Just look:

THESE are the complete idiots that were yelling at us smart, maskless people just 24 months ago. Funny how Gen Z is mentally just fine when they are at concerts or bars or fucking around somewhere. But when they are at WORK (ewww!) then all of a sudden their “mental health” is at risk over just about everything.

Lazy, stupid Gen Z. Embarrassing.

Here is a typical sentiment from a Gen Z pussy and recent college grad named “Cat” I read about recently…

You see, Cat (the 22-year-old recent college grad and Gen Z moron) thinks that everyone should “live comfortably” no matter how much effort they put into anything. Degree in chemical engineering, degree in queer studies, no degree at all, work hard or be a lazy slug who sleeps til noon – you ALL ‘deserve’ to live comfortably!!

Sounds a LOT like Comrade Clayton Tucker and his belief in your “right” to be free from ‘fear’ or ‘discomfort’ – which is the line of shit the socialists always sell you. Then, 20 years down the line, you are Venezuela or Cuba or North Korea and living in abject poverty and eating cricket soup with a side of tree bark.

Hey, but at least you are all EQUALLY poor, right??

Gen Z: the biggest pussies in history.