I Finally Got The New Budget. Here Are Some Highlights…

First some salary and benefits numbers:

Total City salaries for FY 2022: $6.012 million

Total City salaries for FY 2024: $7.384 million

Two-year increase in salaries: 23%

Total City benefits for FY 2022: $2.531 million

Total City benefits for FY 2024: $3.221 million

Two-year increase in benefits: 27%

Combined salary and benefits for current fiscal year: $10.605 millionfirst year EVER over $10 million. Assuming 116 employees, this works out to $91,422 on average for every single City employee. Obviously some people at the top (like Finley) get almost triple that figure.

Combined salary and benefits increase over two years: 24.1%

Tax revenues UP 8% from $4.865 million to $5.251 million (this could have been reduced by lowering the tax rate…but it wasn’t) – the City siphoning almost $400,000 more out of the citizens compared to last year.

Don’t forget – the Feds dropped almost TWO MILLION DOLLARS into the laps of City government over the last couple years with their “Covid Relief” bullshit, and they STILL need to soak you harder!

IT Department UP 8.4% over last year. IT “contract services” line item UP a massive 29% year-over-year from $40,000 to $51,684. Pretty sure this is where they pay other companies like TSM Consulting to do the work that Monica and Kristy should be doing but can’t/won’t.

More to come….