Wind Power a Slowly Unfolding Train Wreck.

Ørsted, world offshore wind leader, needs a giant jump in guaranteed prices or it’s going to abandon its immense offshore wind farms off the US Eastern seaboard.

In order to produce their (wildly fluctuating) power,they’ll need promises of $150-200 per MWh.

Yet Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York just closed excellent nuclear plants making just as much energy,but costing $35-55 per MWh!

And not that shifty crazy fluctuating power like offshore wind makes – but proper, steady, dependable power. The type that cities and factories can actually rely on.

These nuclear plants would’ve lasted FAR beyond the lifetime of these wind turbines being proposed to “replace” them.

Indian Point nuke plant – closed down by morons

These losers get massive subsidies on the front end and cripple taxpayers, then get subsidies on the back end in perpetuity crippling the same taxpayers as customers. It’s a goddamned racket.

Once again, wind and solar are nothing but expensive toys.

Texas (Gov Abbott) needs to make plans NOW for another 7 to 10 nuclear plants to be built to supply cheap, plentiful, RELIABLE baseload electricity.

Any clown who claims to be “for” the environment yet refuses to consider nuclear is an ignorant fool.

RELATED: Biden’s Green Energy Inflation Reduction Act Needs A Big Bailout Already

“Bidenomics” Has Supposedly Cured Inflation!

The dummy socialist is out with his in-depth analysis of the economy:

Joe is saving us all! Thank you Bidenomics!

But wait! Just three months ago, this same idiot socialist was blaming “greedy corporations” for all the inflation. It had nothing to do with Joe back then!

I guess all those greedy CEOs flipped their “greed switch” to the OFF position all at the same time? How does that work? Is it like how gas went up because of “Putin” but then went back down thanks to “Bidenomics” even though the war in Ukraine is still going strong – costing us $150 billion?

Of course, all this “inflation is dead” shit is quite premature. The 1970s were the same: that moron Carter thought inflation was whipped and then his shitty policies stoked a second round of raging inflation. Kind of like this headline from this morning:

Auto Insurers Hit By Worst Crisis In “30 Years,” Sends Premiums Skyrocketing

Inflation is only 3%! Oh, except for that 10% increase in your property taxes…and that 35% increase in your auto premiums…and that 9% increase in your health insurance premiums…and that 20% increase in your home insurance.

I am about to re-paint the entire interior of my house – and let me tell you, the paint guys didn’t get the message either:

Price of paint has skyrocketed.

Just look at Bidenomics at work there right after 2020 when Joe took office! That line going vertical means it’s good, right Comrade Clayton?? You dolt.

I’m guessing Comrade Clayton is unaware of any of that since he lives with his mom and doesn’t help with her bills. Stupid asshole.

P.S. Does anyone really believe medical care costs were -0.8% like the BLS does last year? Medical services are 7% of the CPI, if you plug a real number in then the overall CPI should be at least 1% higher than reported. That’s just ONE layer of bullshit.