Hey Seefeldt, Just Move To Wisconsin Already, You Whiney Kraut.

Christine Seefeldt is a liberal German moron who does nothing but complain about the United States, the great Republic of Texas and NOW she’s shitting on my beloved HEB.

You have gone too far now, madam.

Monopoly practices?? You mean like the shitty government-run schools?

How exactly does HEB “not allow” another grocery store to come in? Enlighten us.

So in one rant, this moron is yapping about “monopoly practices” and then in her next post, she admits there are TWO competitors in the area: Wal-Mart and Aldi.

I guess that real estate agent thing isn’t bringing in much money for you right now, is it? What a shame. If you’re so hard-pressed for groceries, maybe you shouldn’t be taking two-week vacations to Wisconsin, you colossal idiot.

This is the definition of an idiot liberal. She is also a poster child for repealing the 19th Amendment. Old ladies should NEVER be allowed to vote. They are not logical or rational enough. If you look at local socialist Comrade Clayton’s social media, it is about 90% old ladies on there agreeing with all his socialist claptrap. They are a danger to society and the Constitution.

Just look at this dummy’s face…you can see the stupidity oozing out of her ears…

German moron shits on America and Texas

Hey dummy, here’s an idea I’ve thrown out there a bunch of times before: MOVE! Texas would be far better off if socialist, authoritarian, boot-licking morons like yourself just went ahead and relocated to your “socialist paradises” like California, Wisconsin and Illinois. Go ahead and MOVE!!!!

She loves Joe Biden but does nothing but bitch about high prices – and she is too stupid to see the connection. Instead she goes down the same wrong path as several other morons in the area like Haywood, Tucker and Lucas: she blames the “greedy corporations.” None of these clowns can put 2 and 2 together and see that all the “greed” started when Dementia Joe took office and started giving away free shit.

Ass hat.

America-Hating Kraut Christine Seefeldt Whines About Abortion – Which Is ALSO Illegal In Her Beloved Germany Under Most Circumstances

This chick just won’t stop! There may be no more retarded comparison to make than abortion and Viagra. So of course, she makes it.

Because improving blood flow to your cock is exactly the same as killing a baby, right?

How is abortion treated in Germany – the land of cheap Pringles and African immigrants who love to rape idiot liberal Germans?

Abortion is illegal under Section 218 of the German criminal code, and punishable by up to three years in prison (or up to five years for “reckless” abortions or those against the pregnant woman’s will). Section 218a of the German criminal code, called Exception to liability for abortion, makes an exception for abortions with counseling in the first trimester, and for medically necessary abortions and abortions due to unlawful sexual acts (such as sexual abuse of a minor or rape) thereafter.