Socialist Nematode Can’t Help But Push Bernie Sanders Commie Crap.

I’m sure all the Bernie Sanders shit will go over HUGE with Texans when Comrade Clayton finally announces his run for Ag Commissioner or whatever retard scheme he has up his sleeve….

It will always be funny to me that a socialist bum who lives with mom and has never had a real job makes sure to read the “Fuck You I Quit” Twitter page. Like, yeah we know – you quit at birth. Just look at the shambles of a life you’ve created: Facebook goat pictures for old ladies to coo over. Mom as your roommate. Walking around grandpa’s property and calling yourself a “rancher.”

It’s called “failure,” fucknut. You’re swimming in it.

P.S. – all these Bernie fags are STILL wearing the masks, too!! LOL. Talk about morons.