In honor of Memorial Day. Many men have fought and died battling socialist/communist scum of the earth over the last century. Unfortunately, our own country (nay, our own STATE) is now seeing increasing numbers of socialist/commie scum trying to overturn all that has been fought for. Today, we profile one right here in Texas.
Stephanie Fitzharris is an imbecile who frequently shows up on LCBN Facebook discussions. She is somehow related to a local Lampasas locust (Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier-Thunberg), which makes complete sense considering how much they both annoy me and how utterly wrong they both are when it comes to economics, liberty, politics, and common sense.

Fitzharris lists herself as “artist mom”, “baseball mom” and “Austinite since 1979”. You can learn a lot from these self labels:
Artist mom: this means she doesn’t work any real job. Relies on husband while she sits at home all day posting on Facebook about how much she loves Bernie Sanders. She stupidly wonders what the big deal is about staying home like a scared rabbit and missing work because of a virus…because she didn’t work BEFORE all of this. Her life has not changed. But she LOVES telling other people to wear masks and listen to her demands. Because she is a useful idiot to the Marxist scum trying to ruin this once-great country.
Baseball mom: annoys every single acquaintance with endless photos of her kid’s baseball games. Better hope the ump doesn’t make the wrong call, or she will sue!! #Karen
Community Activist: Always screaming for Bigger Government and More Free Stuff.
She probably gives out raisins on Halloween, wears a mask in a car by herself, and asks to see the Burger King manager because she didn’t get enough ketchup packets at the drive-thru.
She is ALSO a hypocrite of massive proportions. She is the kind of clown who screamed in righteous indignation about Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh’s supposed “rape” (despite zero evidence, no corroborating witnesses and a “victim” who was clearly full of shit) YET she is ALL about voting for Joe Biden, whose perverted proclivities towards women and especially children is well documented.

Of course, it took the moron Fitzharris many, many tries to settle on Creepy Uncle Joe as her preferred choice. Prior to that, she was gung-ho about every other candidate at some point. Changing her mind like I change my underwear. This shows that she has ZERO ethics or guiding principles short of “gimme free stuff” and a love of Big Gov ordering us peons around and running our lives. She is the ULTIMATE Karen.

These are clearly the rantings of a lunatic who should not be allowed to vote. She should just go ahead and move to San Francisco. If I had my way, middle-aged, bloated-potato-headed, loons like this would be immediately deported to Cuba or Venezuela so they can enjoy their commie paradise. THIS is the face of a #Karen….THIS is the face of Marixism…THIS is the face of a clown who would destroy the last shreds of the Constitution.