Plenty of tricks are being played with Covid reporting all over the country. Take Florida, as just one example:
The median age of yesterday’s deaths was 93. In case you haven’t studied math in a while, that means that half of the 149 deaths reported – HALF! – were older than 93.
The earliest date of death in the report was July 15, but three people on the list tested positive in May. That means a minimum of 60 days from testing positive to dying. Another two had positive tests over 30 days before the earliest death.
This strongly implies that somebody is going back through death certificates and putting anyone who ever had a positive COVID test and later died (of any cause) on the list of COVID deaths.
Is happening in our county? Who knows. After all – our mayor thinks that’s being “nosy” and thinks that if you express your opinion about incompetent Big Government, you’re not worthy of consideration. She’s just fine “following orders” from people drunk on power and governing by executive fiat.

People in charge who are criticized oftentimes get defensive like this when valid criticism is aimed at them. They don’t want to hear ANY dissension. They just want you to be quiet and obey.

[Actually, it’s spelled ideological]
Of course, this idiotic quote makes zero sense. Who said opinion IS knowledge? Opinion is opinion…usually informed by solid FACTS, which ARE knowledge. I form my opinions by gathering iron-clad facts and statistics. The more solid facts you have, the better you can inform your opinion.
Clearly she prefers “feeling” over facts. As in “the facts show that masks do jack shit when it comes to stopping Wuhan spread, but I FEEL like I’m keeping everyone safe, so I’ll be a barking seal and go along.”
Strange, because that is what we see in liberals. Misti never struck me as a liberal, but here we are.
If you are a state legislator or county councilman or town mayor who just sits silently when government is exercising more power than anytime in history, then just resign.
It’s like a football player sitting out the playoffs. This is why you were elected. Enough with executive fiat.