Ah yes, Andrew Landrum (crybaby/tax dollar taker) – the ‘ANTIFA label has become a political cudgel to demonize political opponents’, eh? ANTIFA is just a ‘bogeyman’? I guess all those videos all over the internet of self-proclaimed ANTIFA members beating up journalists and intimidating old people trying to cross the road are complete fabrications?
I guess those undercover videos Project Veritas made of ANTIFA dirtbags talking about how to gouge eyeballs correctly was also all made up? I guess the major news media are all hallucinating and ANTIFA is a political fabrication?
Anyone who sympathizes with these commie dirt bags is also a commie dirt bag, by the transitive property. I look forward to your shitty lemonade stand going under. Hopefully you won’t be handed another $3,000 in tax dollars by Mandy Walsh to keep your doors open this time.
I ONCE AGAIN ask why libtards like you don’t just pull up stakes and move to San Francisco or Seattle or Chicago. You’d be MUCH happier there.