Useless Old Shitlib Drops Dead On Trump Inauguration Day.

It’s almost like the gods offering up more gifts to Trump on his big day! Very fitting.

What a shame. I wonder what happened? Did a big old “gas-guzzling SUV” pull up next to her with a Trump bumper sticker and give her a stroke??


“Oh no! Lampasshole, you can’t laugh at an old lady dying.”

Yes I can. Go look at her Wikipedia page if you need reminding what an utterly useless, parasitic hater of America this chick was. Much like Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer, she never did a day of honest work in her miserable life. Good riddance. Hopefully some more drop like flies after watching Trump get sworn in again.

22 Days Later: Radical Shitlib Rob Reiner Finally Loses Mind Over Trump Win – Checks Into Mental Facility.

First, he was so confident of a Harris win that the Original Meathead (Rob Reiner) promised to set himself on fire if Trump won.

Then he disappeared off Twitter after taking mountains of abuse from thousands of trolls (myself included). I used to check in on Meathead once a month or so to see what his latest rantings were, and I was ALWAYS blown away at the constant abuse he took from his detractors. I was proud there was such a huge army out there letting this douchebag have it EVERY SINGLE DAY. They NEVER let up. That is dedication.

Then he joined Bluesky to get away from it all, but the abuse followed him there – rightfully so! You promised to set yourself on fire, so let’s see it, douchebag.

Then he lashed out about “MAGA scum” wrecking his new safe space….

Rob Reiner Says ‘MAGA Scum’ Have Already Wrecked Bluesky

Then his journey finally ended where all shitlibs journeys are destined to end:

Rob Reiner Checks Himself Into a ‘Facility’ Over Trump Election

This will likely be the arc for Grady Lucas, Garry Brown and Carol Garner Doughty as well. Local scumbag Grady Lucas has already disappeared off of social media as has Garry Brown. Crazy Aunt Carol is just a few more “horrible incidents” like the Trump Truck away from checking in somewhere herself.

Til the season to be jolly!! Trump is preident. Remember that, shitlibs. It wasn’t just a bad dream. It is your reality for another 4 years and very likely another 8 years.

Seriously…Is It Christmas Or Something?

ANOTHER loudmouth Social Justice Warrior stabbed and killed? This time on CCTV?

And his idiot girlfriend (who is a rabid BLM clown who thinks All Cops Are Bastards) was there to witness her man stabbed in the heart by a “diverse” criminal?

My cup runneth over!

Thank you, Jesus! Keep ’em coming. I haven’t had joy like this since all the morons screaming at us to get vaccinated dropped dead a few months later. If this keeps up, there will be a few hundred thousand less libshits around to vote by next November!

If Clayton Tucker had a son…

What is the proper way to react to this? Mockery? A little milk, a little cookies? Unbridled joy? All of the above?

Another Vax Douche Dies

I love these. I really do. I’ll never stop posting them.

I’d also like to remind Bruce Haywood, Clayton Tucker, Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris and Grady Lucas to get your Covid boosters NOW!!! Do not delay! Maybe get two, just to be safe. Like the mask thing.

Guess he won’t be getting any more boosters

“If you decline Moderna and are “waiting” for Pfizer you are a piece of garbage. Take the f**king vaccine you are able to get.“ – Liam Coward, June 2021

Liam Coward #diedsuddenly one week ago of “unknown causes” at the age of 27.

Hopefully Howard Stern is next.

LEDC Just Got Pho-cked!

I think Christmas is coming early this year. Watching yet another of the LEDC’s “business prospects” take a shit on their heads is just too perfect. God must really love me to shower me with so many gifts.

You may recall PhoLicious. You should – they were JUST in the local newspaper a mere 15 days ago. The small-town small business hit it big by getting their Pho (essentially very expensive Ramen noodles made by dozens of other companies) onto the shelves of Wal-Mart. The owners, Joseph and Anh Trousdale, made sure to gush over the City and the LEDC and how they were going to save the day:

At first, the Trousdales feared they might have to leave Lampasas to find a large-enough building within their time constraints. But with the help of the city and the Lampasas Economic Development Corp., the couple found a developer who had land.

Well, I was quite skeptical two weeks ago of a 10,000 square foot facility being built “in a few weeks”. I was also surprised they “found land” since LEDC Misti Talbert has told us many times that her Business Pork is “the only game in town” right now and there is simply no other land to be had! She repeated that lie in February when she was begging for the $971,000 in city Covid money.

The LEDC ALSO listed PhoLicious as one of their “serious” prospects for the Business Pork earlier this year. I questioned that too, of course.

I have no doubt that when PhoLicious got accepted by Wal-Mart a few weeks ago, Misti and Mandy immediately had visions of a hugely successful business blossoming in their $7.1 million dollar Business Pork. They’d get to show everyone that the Business Pork was FINALLY worth it!

Best of all, they’d show that mean old Lampasshole he’s been wrong all these years!!

But that all blew up in their faces VERY publicly tonight on the LCBN Facebook page:

Ouch. That’s like when Jan Levinson gave David Wallace a big promotion on the TV show “The Office” and Wallace promptly told her he was quitting for a better job offer from Staples or Office Max or something. Complete and total kick in the nuts and huge douchebag move.

I was wondering who the “developer” was and where the “land” was. Trousdale let slip here that it was “by the fire station” so I can make a pretty good guess: the big warehouse that Mike Irvin just bought where Greenskeepers used to be, maybe? That is a HUGE building and more than enough for PhoLicious, so something else must have happened behind the scenes to scuttle this “deal”.

Did the City not cough up a big enough bribe subsidy economic incentive? Did Trousdale realize he will never find enough workers here (something I have pounded the table on repeatedly as a reason the Business Pork will never work)? Was all his gushing about the LEDC helping him out just a pile of shit to keep them buttered up for possible free land in a year or two?

If anyone out there has the dirt on how this all fell apart, email me at

As for the LEDC, get used to this feeling. It’s going to happen again with Eco-Strong very soon.