Andrew Landrum and Other Local Libs Going Crazy Over “Book Burning” – They Are Wrong, As Usual

There have been more than a few stories in the news lately about “brave” librarians refusing to remove or hide books and getting defiant about bowing to the “far right fascists”.

Naturally, they all look like some variation of this:

Lib dummies like Andrew Landrum just LOVE these stories. His son-in-law is an author, so that means Andrew must ALSO be scholarly and well-read and OH so much smarter than us swine on the right.

He’s even got the stupid beret and goatee to PROVE what a hipster, elite genius he is!

Talk about a try-hard! Hipster doofus glasses, flavor saver soul patch AND a beret! Is it you or is it John Lennon! Wow! So hip!!

Haywood Dummy is also outraged by the “book banning”

It’s “Nazis” plural. Not “Nazi’s” possessive, you fucking idiot.

Just one question, Bruce. Is “banning books” (i.e. censoring) kind of like Facebook and Twitter censoring information on about a dozen things in the last two years? Like Wuhan Flu viral origins and the Hunter Biden laptop CENSORSHIP by Facebook?

I think it is. Hypocrite.

The “heroic defiant librarian” thing is the new fad. There was the one in Iowa. Another one in Michigan. Another closer to home in Llano.

They all tend to be far-left weirdos and non-binary gender fluid whatever-the-hell they are.

First of all, not wanting little kids aged 6 and 7 and 8 exposed to perverted tranny filth and explicit descriptions of sex acts (gay or not) is not “destroying libraries” or “burning books”. It’s the same reason we don’t put hardcore porn mags out for little Jenny to see at 7-Eleven.

It’s the same reason we don’t sell liquor to kids under 21 or hand out drivers licenses until 16. We try to wait until kids are mature enough to understand certain things and be given certain responsibilities. Until your kid is 18, he does NOT have full rights. He is a minor.

Libtards can’t fathom this, I guess, because they think it’s just fine to let a 7-year-old kid make the decision that “he’s a girl now” and help him to chop his dick off. It’s also cool with them if some weirdo groomer tranny does drag queen readings for a kindergarten class.

Ok Groomer.

Libs aren’t big on rules or boundaries or discipline. Which is why lib’s kids are almost always so fucked up in the head.

Like the offspring of Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris:

Gender fluid weirdo and commie dork in Oregon

I don’t think most parents want to “destroy libraries” the way, say, liberal morons destroyed cities a couple years back. I also remember liberal morons pulling down every statue they could get their hands on a couple years ago when they all collectively lost their minds.

What I DON’T remember during that period of insanity is any heroic protectors of free speech (like hipster doofus Andrew Landrum) making a peep about statues being pulled down and thrown into lakes. They were just fine with that. There was no clutching of pearls about “banning statues”.

Hypocrite much?

Secondly, in this day and age, books basically CAN’T be destroyed – you can make a billion digital copies with the push of a button. You can download it on Amazon kindle and read about cock sucking all day long, if your little heart desires. If Andrew Landrum wants his 8-year old grandson to read graphic books on Kindle that Andrew Landrum pays for out of his own pocket, go to it. I personally think it’s child abuse.

But once you are talking PUBLIC libraries and schools, your argument dies. These moron librarians (many of whom make $70,000 a year plus bennies to sit on ass in an air conditioned room) better do as they’re told by the citizens or you’re fired. End of story. You don’t have a right to SHIT. Just shut up and follow orders.

If that sticks going down, there are plenty of jobs at Wal-Mart stocking shelves overnight. Douchebag.

This Is Why We Call Them “Libtards” – Andrew Landrum Edition

Local lemonade stand owner Andrew Landrum has been more and more hysterical on Facebook this week leading up to the election. You remember him: his wife is the town Covid rat and he thinks Antifa is just an idea and not an actual group of scumbags beating up old people and burning things down.

Andrew is what we call “deeply tarded”. He is retarded in a way that only a liberal could be. For instance:

Antifa can beat up journalists, gouge eyeballs, intimidate old people and riot and smash cars….but according to Libtard Logic, that is “peaceful protest” and the COPS are the actual jerks.

But if some peaceful Trump supporters tail a Biden bus with flags resulting in an asshole Biden staff member trying to run the law-abiding Trump truck off the road, then that is “extremism” and “voter suppression” and the FBI needs to get involved. They LITERALLY think that this is a federal crime!

You make me laugh with your feeble ‘logic’, Andrew.

Even fellow libtard Bruce Haywood was all excited that “the FBI is investigating” what amounts to a local traffic issue. Covid Rat Julie Landrum was “frightened” of trucks driving on a public highway and flying Trump flags (all perfectly legal).

But, like libtards everywhere, they have the issue EXACTLY BACKWARDS:

Police Investigating ‘Trump Train’ Incident Say Victim ‘Appears To Be’ MAGA Truck

Oops. Turns out the asshole BIDEN car (white SUV) was actually the one causing problems. AND calls to the driver of the white SUV “have gone unanswered”, according to the San Marcos PD.

Color me shocked that the left is one again projecting their bad behavior onto Trump supporters. They’ve been doing it for almost four years now. Why would this incident be any different??

Your best bet? Vote with your dollars and avoid the Wool & Vine lemonade stand like the plague.

But don’t despair, Andrew! There are plenty of tards out there living kick-ass lives!

Local Ignoramus Whines About Supreme Court “Packing”

Packing? No, no, dear boy. It’s called “filling a vacancy” and it has been done since the beginning of our republic. Trump is president for FOUR years…not three – despite the best efforts of scumbags like Obama, Biden and Clinton to invalidate the 2016 election.

“Packing” is what the scumbags on the left are going to do if they get back in power. They cannot win so they change the rules. If the Marxists take over next year, watch for all SORTS of “packing”. They will expand the Supreme Court from nine justices to 11 or 13. They will push to give statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico – thus adding more rabid liberal senators. Mark my words.

It occurs to me this all could have been avoided if the sickly, wrinkled, power-hungry gnome named “RBG” had just retired at ANY time during the 2008 to 2016 time period. But no. She just assumed Hillary would win, so she clung to power a little longer – like all the sociopaths in high office. If you want to cry and whine to somebody, go cry and whine to RBG’s corpse, you hipster doofus moron.

Not only do we owe the libtards NOTHING, we relish watching them choke on this confirmation. Payback is a bitch, and what a beautiful creature she is.


** UPDATED 10/20** – Don’t take MY word for it. Take the word of Jonathan Turley…an ACTUAL constitutional scholar.

“It is logically and constitutionally absurd to call the filling of a vacancy on the Court as form of “court packing.” It does not increase the size of the Court and is done in complete conformity with the constitutional framework.”

Raise Your Hand!

Raise your hand if you own a tiny lemonade stand (only open THREE days a week!) that appears to employ nobody but yourself and your nutty wife and was only open a few months before Wuhan Flu hit BUT you still took the MAXIMUM $3,000 in taxpayer dollars from Mandy Clause and the LEDC!

It’s important all you saps pay your taxes in FULL and don’t try to look for any deductions so that worms like Andrew Landrum can get handed money he didn’t earn.

Oh, and raise your hand if your wife is a Covid snitch ratting out local mom and pop businesses!

Also raise your hand if you think Antifa is just a bogeyman and political cudgel to demonize your opponents….and not a bonafide organization terrorizing innocent civilians!

You’re gonna need a third hand, Andrew.

You’ll be sure to pay taxes on that $3,000 grant you got from Mandy Clause, right dildo?

I’ll ask an honest question for the 50th time: if you libs want to live under a full-on libtard regime, you are free to pack up your shit and move to Portland or San Francisco or New York City. Why stay here and whine all the time? Makes no sense to me. I’ll even pay for your one-way plane ticket – first class – if you all promise to move to another state. That goes for Haywood too!

Wool & Vine Owner Is ANTIFA Sympathizer?

Ah yes, Andrew Landrum (crybaby/tax dollar taker) – the ‘ANTIFA label has become a political cudgel to demonize political opponents’, eh? ANTIFA is just a ‘bogeyman’? I guess all those videos all over the internet of self-proclaimed ANTIFA members beating up journalists and intimidating old people trying to cross the road are complete fabrications?

I guess those undercover videos Project Veritas made of ANTIFA dirtbags talking about how to gouge eyeballs correctly was also all made up? I guess the major news media are all hallucinating and ANTIFA is a political fabrication?

Anyone who sympathizes with these commie dirt bags is also a commie dirt bag, by the transitive property. I look forward to your shitty lemonade stand going under. Hopefully you won’t be handed another $3,000 in tax dollars by Mandy Walsh to keep your doors open this time.

I ONCE AGAIN ask why libtards like you don’t just pull up stakes and move to San Francisco or Seattle or Chicago. You’d be MUCH happier there.

Wool & Vine? More Like “Cry & Whine”

Boy, I’ve never heard someone complain and whine as much as the owner of Wool & Vine. Considering the store is essentially a rich couple’s hobby (who also took a $3,000 handout from the LEDC) which wasn’t even open five months before Wuhan hit, she sure has a lot of nerve complaining about “tough times”.

Such a brave trooper! You owned an eatery/bar for an entire 4.5 months before the Wuhan Flu hit.…and as I recall, you were open about 25 hours a week, if that. It’s really more of a lemonade stand than a real business, if you ask me.

I was originally planning on never setting foot in there anyways. Not because their t-shirts are hideous...but because the owners are rabid bleeding-heart liberals. I make it a point never to put a dime in the pocket of a liberal. It’s the same reason I’ll never pay to see an Alec Baldwin or Sean Penn movie. I love voting with my wallet.

But even all of that wouldn’t push me to slam them publicly. I was just going to quietly watch them fail on their own accord. No….it was the owner’s Wuhan-nanny-state-mask-smugness and her publicly ratting out another restaurant for “Covid violations” that spurred me to do this. Sorry Julie/Karen!

Here is a quick timeline of the entire existence of Wool & Vine:

November 8, 2019: Ribbon cutting ceremony. From the operating hours I saw back then on Google, they were open roughly 22 or 25 hours a week. A part-time gig, if you will. The owners are artsy-fartsy types. The ones who usually suck at math, market research, accounting and so forth. They are the types that say “I love flowers! I’ll open a flower store!” or “I love liver pate! I’ll open a bistro!” without knowing a damn thing about running a biz. Then wonder later why it all fell apart.

Mid-March, 2020: (Four months later). Wuhan Flu hits and they are forced to close. Now mind you, they SUBLET a very small space from My Girls (who also received $2,500 in LEDC funds) so their rent is likely very low, and were only open part-time (i.e. a lemonade stand). I’m not even sure they actually EMPLOY anybody! So they weren’t exactly being crushed by Wuhan like most REAL small businesses. But they gladly hoovered up those free tax dollars!!

June 12, 2020: They were SO damaged by the Wuhan Flu that they decided to open up ANOTHER new place! The Hidden Pearl! Not exactly the actions of a couple who are hurting for money.

Late June, 2020: Lots of math-challenged #Karens and retarded liberals start to panic over the fact the Wuhan Flu is still spreading (duh!) even as DEATHS plummet…so we are subjected to a SECOND shutdown/pause. The irony here is that Julie Cain Landrum’s (the bleeding-heart liberal) OWN BUSINESS is now being affected by an entire army of bleeding heart liberals who do not understand statistics and math.

The irony is, of course, delicious. Unfortunately, all of us with brains are also being hurt by their ignorance.

But it doesn’t end there. Julie Cain Landrum of Wool & Vine then publicly lambastes another restaurant in town for “not following the rules”. This is a #Karen move of biblical proportions and I cannot let that pass.

Such a hero! Such a martyr! Such a SNITCH!!!

Hilariously, her friend is ACTUALLY NAMED KAREN! My god.

Here is a chick/couple who has owned a ‘business’ for all of six months AND already got bailed out by the taxpayers and she is whining about her situation. Here’s an idea! Why don’t you and Andrew just pull up stakes and move to Portland! Or maybe San Francisco! It is a paradise. You can participate in BLM marches every day and cater to doofuses like your husband all night long. It’ll be perfect!

As for you blaming your woes on the fact you think you can’t compete with “Covid cheaters” and publicly pissing and moaning, perhaps it’s something else. Maybe your business idea sucks. Maybe your location sucks. Maybe a lot of people are turned off by your radical leanings. Maybe your food is crap. Who knows.

But I WILL let you in on a little secret, so you can stop feeling so put upon:

Owning ANY small business sucks. You deal with employees who no-call/no-show….with suppliers who screw up orders…with customers who are pains in the ass but you have to smile and pretend they are right. Even in NORMAL times, it is a thankless job. The restaurant/bar/eatery industry is even WORSE. That is why 60% fail in their first year and 80% by the fifth year. Like all my restaurant-owner buddies say: owning a restaurant is like owning an elephant – it costs a fortune and sooner or later it shits on your head.

The small business owner has to watch giant corporations get bailed out while he gets nothing. Everyone gets paid before him: his employees, his landlord, the insurance company, the utility company, his suppliers, the parasites in local government, the parasites in the federal government, and THEN after everyone else has gotten their chunk….THEN the small business owner can pay himself. And let me tell you this: those first few YEARS when you divide your take-home pay by the hours you worked (i.e. – all the time) you find you would have been better off working at McDonald’s for minimum wage.

So please, do us all a favor. Take your $3,000 in free tax dollars and just shut your yap.…and stop being a Covid snitch.

“These people don’t see that if you encourage totalitarian methods, the time may come when they will be used against you instead of for you.” – George Orwell