Socialist Vermin Clayton Tucker Still Consumed With Envy. Lacks Self-Awareness.

You can’t get much LESS self-aware than this bum is….

Asks the guy who has never worked a real job for a big company

You should look inward and ask some big questions all right:

Why am I still living with my mom at age 33? Why am I consumed with envy over what some CEO makes when it doesn’t affect me one bit? Why do I not have gainful employment at age 33?

When am I going to stop pretending to be a rancher and get a real job? Why am I posting commie drivel on the Internet at 10am on a work day when I should be at a job doing something productive and providing a roof over my own head instead of sponging off of mom?

Why can’t I get laid? Why am I obsessed with having 15 different titles which pay me $0 and convey zero prestige in the real world? Why didn’t I learn a real skill over the last 12 years of my prime earning life?!?

All good questions…and they will never be asked by Comrade Clayton.

You are on the wrong side of 30, son. You have already missed your prime earning years:

You are going to end up like THIS fucking loser in about 20 years. Holding lots of useless titles but begging for money on the Internet for your annual prostate exam because you spent your prime earning years standing on the corner like a retarded street urchin demanding free shit….

Oh wait. You already did that…

Socialism is simply the religion of the malcontent. It’s a group of bitter people who use their anger to enrich themselves while putting society to the torch. Shit heads like Clayton Tucker aren’t “progressive” – they are religious zealots.