Why Do Only White Males Pilot Air Force One??

Clown horns like Biden, Obama, Chlamydia Harris and the rest love to yammer non-stop about “diversity.” The government is even putting all of us at risk by lowering standards for air traffic controllers because there are “too many” white males passing the tests while women and minorities fail at a much higher rate.

Woke Idiots Trying To Kill Us With “Diverse” Air Traffic Controllers.

So I guess we can assume that only blacks chicks are allowed to fly the president around in Air Force One, right??

Not exactly. Here are the names and photos of all the Air Force One pilots:

Listing of Presidential Pilots.

A lot of white guys named Dave, Scott and Mark.

Exactly ZERO Shaniquas, Latoyas or Laquishas.

Once again, the communists in charge are hypocrites. YOU are the one who suffers under their commie ideals. Not them.

That asswipe Mark Cuban is just as bad. Mark loves to yammer about diversity too, but guess what? HIS private jet pilot is a white guy too! He also had a LOT of black guys on his basketball team and ZERO Asian guys.

I’m so sick of these woke morons. Woke needs to die. The biggest culprits? Middle-aged dummy lib women who don’t even understand the garbage they are pushing.

Potato Head’s own DAD tells her to stfu!!