Well, it didn’t take long for another of my predictions to come true.
Back on June 8th, I predicted in a post that….
Guys like Pope Eckermann are not stupid. Once the big $2 million dollar project is well underway, the LEDC and City council will not even blink at a few “cost increases” of $60,000 here and $86,000 there. That’s how these things work. He knows that morons like Chuck Williamson and Total Joke Monroe will fall victim to the Sunk Cost Fallacy, because they have done so repeatedly in the past.
Now let’s take a look at the packets (page 1, Item V) for tomorrow night’s monthly LEDC meeting:
V. Discussion and possible action regarding Additional Services Amendment No. 2 from Eckermann Engineering Inc to provide additional consulting civil engineering services for the Business Park….Phase I
Hell, the ink on the $1.5 million loan isn’t even dry yet, and Pope Eckermann is already collecting more tithes and dispensations for the project! Don’t worry though, it’s only a measly $33,000 (page 9) for this “Amendment number two”:

You’ll also notice that it’s “Amendment number TWO” – the first amendment was $20,700 (page 13).

See how it works?? I mean, I called this thing two months before it happened. Another $53,700 down the toilet in a blink. TJ Monroe and LEDC President Misti Talbert will never stop a $2 million boondoggle for a mere $54,000. Pope Eckermann knows this. Expect to see several more “amendments” before this is all over.
I can’t help but notice that the $54,000 they just set on fire is close to the additional amount I calculated they needed to pay lifeguards to keep the pool open – instead of closing it two days a week and two weeks early. But hey, I’m sure the “business” park will generate TONS of jobs when it’s all done in like 27 years.
Ain’t that just like government morons! Wreck and shortchange the jobs we have now (lifeguards) for some bullshit pie-in-the-sky 17 years down the road. Makes total sense!
Without a doubt, Misti Talbert is the biggest money-wasting moron to ever hold any office in this town. She is truly unparalleled.
Business Park Additions To Running Total Cost: $53,700