Absolutely shameless. Every single person involved with this “Economic Matrix” bullshit is a bald-faced liar – and they don’t care at all.

After yet another Open Records request for any and all documents pertaining to the “Announcements/Project Wins: 1” listed in the May and June LEDC packets, I was told the following yesterday (after the maximum 10-day wait allowed by law):
We appreciate your continued interest in developments in the City of Lampasas. Nothing has changed from your prior requests regarding the ‘Lampasas Economic Development Matrix’ that is used by the LEDC board and staff. Accordingly, there are no responsive documents to your request and this open records request is considered closed.
So, just to recap:
This “matrix” first appeared in the May LEDC packet. It sure as hell makes it look like some kind of deal was done – and thus some papers had to be signed, or it really isn’t a deal at all. That’s how it works out here in the real world.
I requested the name of the company creating these “20 to 35 jobs” and investing $700,000. I was ignored repeatedly.
I filed an official Open Records Request. After dicking around for over 10 days, I was told “there are no responsive documents” to my question. So the LEDC lied and got caught red-handed lying.
The LEDC AGAIN printed the “matrix” in their recent July packet….even though they know it’s a lie.
I made ANOTHER ORR for the name of the company “won” the project, according to the packet where it says “announcement/project wins: 1”
I waited ANOTHER 10 days (max allowed) before being told AGAIN “no responsive documents” for that either.
I emailed City council member Zac Morris. He did finally respond and didn’t have an answer for me except that “I’ve been asking for updates on progress related to prospective businesses from Stacy at the past couple of meetings I believe. I’ll keep asking. “
So Stacey Ybarra, the Economic Development Director, cannot be bothered to answer to the boss and explain these lies. And no, I’m not talking about Finley. He’s not the boss. City council (which is to say, “the citizens”) is the boss.
Then she went and put the SAME LIE into her July LEDC report. Stacey has worked for the City all of about 6 months and costs the taxpayer roughly $119,000 to do pretty much nothing that can be quantified.
Or is it Misti Talbert printing up those lies, as president of the LEDC? Is she so desperate for some kind of return on the $971,000 she swiped from the City 18 months ago that she is resorting to making up complete bullshit?
Speaking of “announcing project wins” and “jobs created,” let’s check in on the Industrial Park deal with Martin’s Rod. After all, it’s been another month since the first deadline on June 30th:

Ah. Still no boats or RVs there! But don’t worry. Stacey Ybarra is all over it. She had a “meeting with Martin on July 11th regarding the Industrial Park” (page 7) – so we should see some major action any day now.