Biden Pulls Out Of Race. Lampasshole Prediction Comes True.

Amazing! Reading here is like knowing the future weeks and months in advance. I should be charging money for this information.

How does he do it?!? No degree in Political ‘Science’ either! It’s almost as if thinking things through, using logic and common sense and ignoring the moron ‘experts’ on TV is the way to go.

Kind of like all the Covid bullshit. If only Stephanie Fitzharris followed my path, she wouldn’t be “vaccine injured” right now. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I laugh at your self-imposed injuries.

As I said exactly three weeks ago:

Jill Biden has no idea who she is fucking with. The Powers That Be are the ones who MADE Joe Biden. They handed him the presidency in 2020 (cheating), they pulled him from obscurity (he ran for prez twice before and never got more than 1%) and they have protected his secret of dementia for 3.5 years. They did all of this because they KNOW they can control him with the mountain of dirt and corruption they have on him. Quid Pro Joe.

That means they can STILL control him. Jill Biden be damned. Jill can ignore reality (her husband is a vegetable) but she cannot ignore the CONSEQUENCES of ignoring reality – which will be evident very soon.

How’d we get here?

July 1st: Jill Biden Refuses To Drop Out Of Race. I Predict She Will Be Crushed Very Soon.

July 7th: A Week Later, More Rats Jump Off Sinking Biden Ship.

What’s REALLY sad is the Democrats – who won’t SHUT THE FUCK UP about “DEMOCRACY” just disenfranchised 14 million Biden primary voters who DEMOCRATICALLY elected Joe Biden as their nominee.

Everyone DEMOCRATICALLY voted for Biden in the primary – but as soon as the sledding got tough and Biden fell behind due to obvious retardation, all that “DEMOCRACY” stuff went right out the window like shit through a goose.

Comrade Clayton was one of the first to turn on Biden. Proving once again that Comrade Clayton is almost as big of a piece of shit as Biden himself.

So all that “Trump is the greatest threat to democracy” and “J6 was an assault on democracy” was just a massive pile of steaming bullshit. Color me shocked.