Council Meeting 06-08-20 **LIVE Updates**

Tune in at 5:30pm.

5:30pm – only two of us watching today!

Ricky Roy up first! My lucky day. Khakis and a dress shirt. Ricky Roy knows how to dress. He’s talking about a drainage project. Go to it, Ricky. I have no beef with the City doing normal City stuff….like roads. Most superheroes have secret identities that are an alliteration between first and last name- just like Ricky Roy! Peter Parker. Wade Wilson. Clark Kent. Matt Murdoch. Bruce Banner.

Five of us watching online now. Talk about a huge stage! Be on your best behavior, City council – .07% of the City is watching.

Every time I watch these meetings online, I can’t help but remember they COULD have stayed in the old City council building (saving over $1.5 million) and then paid Broadcast Works $34,000 to rig up this exact same live-streaming setup (they paid Azbell $96,000 instead). It’s hilarious. The Internet has capacity for thousands to watch this and they get 5 people. LOL! Money well spent, Goldfish!

Whoah – the City spent over $100,000 on the airport runway? Did I just hear that? I’d love to know how many planes land there per year.

Secretary now telling us there is an entirely new “totally online” permitting process….I assume for construction. Wow. Cool! Guess we can fire whichever paper pusher used to do that stuff? Just kidding. Nobody EVER gets fired from City Hall. Except Gary Cox, that is.

Secretary now using the huge TV screens they paid like $8,000 for. Ironically, there is no public gallery, so nobody can see it. It is not visible on YouTube at this resolution.

Now showing off the new Wastewater Lab. I have no doubt tens of thousands of dollars of graft and waste were skimmed off while building this, but it is necessary infrastructure…so I let that shit slide.

5:52pm: Old City Council building. Oh joy. Now they get to spend a pile of money on the ‘old’ crappy building that wasn’t good enough. It’s going to be the “IT Building”. Better call in Network Solutions to take a look at where they’ll be doing all their work now.

Finley to talk about Hancock swimming pool. Their high-count day was last Saturday – 121 total swimmers, which is supposedly nowhere near the max. I see Finley is now laying the groundwork to allow people from out of town to use the pool. I suspect Delana Toups is behind this, as she was the most butt hurt about the “no non-residents allowed in the pool” rule.

To summarize, Council/Finley were too stupid to offer a wage that attracted lifeguards (they offered min wage). Nobody applied for a job. They used this as an excuse to close Hanna Springs pool rather than up the wage a bit. They then reduced Hancock capacity with some “Wuhan flu” horseshit. Now, after roughly NINE whole days of data, they have deduced that it’s just dandy to let out-of-towners take up valuable pool space.

Makes sense. Congrats Delana!

6:10pm – adjourn workshop session. Will reconvene in 10 minutes. Can’t wait to hear all the ‘business park’ discussions coming up!

6:21pm – meeting reconvened. Back to two people watching.

Manager’s reports. Finley talking about Brodie Estates. I think that’s the one where City council handed their old council buddy ‘Greasy’ Chris Harrison $150,000 for their detention pond.

Business park: staff looking at financing options. Trying to find suckers to provide a boatload of money for the LEDC waste on the business park. That’s it?! Finley tosses that off on the LEDC meeting coming on June 17th. What a letdown. I think their big plan is to “apply for grant” and steal money from other people. Shocker. True fiscal conservatives.

Well, that’s all I care about. The rest looks like fluff. See you in two weeks.