New Info Emerges From City Hall Emails – Did City Manager and IT Director Deliberately Keep City Council in the Dark Over Exorbitant Cost of A/V System?

In short, the answer appears to be yes.

We have requested and received dozens of internal City Hall emails pertaining to the no-bid City Council chambers A/V system that was awarded to Azbell Electronics for almost $100,000 last July.

Emails belonging to the city manager, assistant city manager, city IT Director, Azbell sales rep Chris Anelundi and others involved in the expensive boondoggle were obtained through a Texas Open Records Request. They show city employees who have zero regard for tax dollars and who go out of their way to keep city hall in the dark over the true costs of the project.

The emails show the following information:

  • City Hall (IT Director, City Manager, assistant City manager) DID set out to re-bid the A/V system a second time around: Azbell and Broadcast Works were actively seeking to win the bid in Jan and Feb of 2017. This destroys Finley’s story he concocted (after the fact) that they didn’t need to re-bid the project since Azbell was a “buy board” member.
  • Assistant City Manager Gary Cox was well aware at the very start of this that Azbell was MUCH higher priced than other vendors. He pointed this out to Monica Wright – even giving an example of a video recorder he found for $2880 for which Anelundi and Azbell were charging $4880 – he called this “a significant markup over other vendors” in a private email to Monica dated Feb 8th, 2018.
  • ACM Gary Cox requested several bells and whistles for the project that added many thousands of dollars to the cost and weren’t really needed, but were fancy add-ons (including cameras and a wireless mike for the audience so audience members wouldn’t have to make the long walk up to the podium to speak on a normal microphone)
  • Broadcast Works was contacted by email by Monica (Dec 2016 through Feb 2017) and told the project was back on and there would be a second round of bidding. The Broadcast Works rep (Adam Comer) REPEATEDLY sent Monica emails expressing his hope to win the business, all the way through Feb and March 2017. Poor Adam was strung along, as Finley and Monica moved forward with Azbell behind his back – making the decision themselves to just go ahead with Azbell and not bothering to get a second bid. They did not even give Broadcast Works a chance to bid a second time after contacting them in Jan/Feb 2017 asking them to do just that!
  • Monica Wright was aware that Azbell had previously bid on this contract (and lost to Broadcast Works for being far more expensive) – she then informed current sales rep Chris Anelundi of this and even sent Anelundi the previous Azbell losing bid package (which was around $42,000)
  • Monica Wright SPECIFICALLY discouraged Anelundui from giving any hard numbers during his council presentation on March 13, 2017…going so far as to write in her email: “as far as budget numbers go, we won’t mention that to City Council Monday night” then adding that “the City Manager wants Council to know what all is involved with this project….if they know the capabilities of the A/V system, the components and equipment needed to achieve what we want, hopefully their jaw will not drop when we ask for approval.” [Editor note: sure sounds to me like they knew damn good and well this thing was ridiculously overpriced]
  • When the time came in July 2018 to actually go and ask for the ludicrous sum Azbell wanted for this vanity project, Monica appeared to have reservations about the cost again, writing in an email to Anelundi: “I am hoping they just award the contract and move on

She got her wish. City Council rubber-stamped this thing with only feeble objections over the expensive earpieces for the hard-of-hearing.

In an email shortly thereafter, Anelundi (sounding quite amazed) asks “And just so I am clear, the approved amount totaled $94, 674.57 correct?” almost as if he can’t believe this group of wizards just ponied up TRIPLE the amount that Broadcast Works was going to do the job for a couple years earlier and well over DOUBLE the amount of the original, rejected Azbell bid of around $42,000 from just a few years earlier.

Digest that again: Council rejected Azbell’s original bid of $42,000 as it was about 25% more than the winning Broadcast Works bid (around $34,000). Then Monica comes back 2 years later, says “we’re finally doing this project”, tells Anelundi that his company, Azbell, was the losing bid last time around at $42,000 and then City Council goes on to APPROVE A NO-BID contract of almost NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS to Azbell. I’m guessing Anelundi popped the champagne bottles that night, truly amazed at his good fortune.

Now, blame still falls squarely on City Council for approving this monstrosity and not asking any questions. Several council members were sitting in their seats the FIRST time this thing went through the bidding process [**cough Misti Talbert cough**] and the winner was Broadcast Works at $34,000. Somebody should have asked why this wasn’t competitively bid again. Somebody should have asked how the hell $95,000 was justified. Of course, Finley and Monica did their best to starve them of information on cost until the very last second, when they rammed this turd through in July 2018. Plenty of blame to go around.

The difference being City Council is an unpaid position, whereas Finley, Gary and Monica are quite highly paid – ostensibly because they are “experts” and “competent” and supposedly know what they are doing. I’d say this proves otherwise in the extreme.

The scariest part of all this? This debacle is just ONE item that popped up in the newspaper and seemed SO ridiculously over-the-top on price, that I was just enraged enough to spend a considerable chunk of my own time and money to find out what really happened. If I managed to hit the jackpot like this on my very first attempt, imagine all the other shenanigans that go on over there ALL THE TIME because nobody is paying attention.

THIS is the “leadership” that Misti Talbert supposedly exhibits as mayor? Please. Gimme a break. Talbert has pushed for this wildly overpriced boondoggle for years – as recorded in City Council minutes and chronicled here.

Perhaps a restructuring of incentives is needed at City Hall. I think the following would be a good start:

1 Make City Council a paid position and hold their feet to the fire for massive screw-ups like this one. The colossal sums wasted by the LEDC (Lampasas Economic Development Corporation) are another example.

2. Sharply reduce the salaries of these “experts” at the top of City Hall, since they have proven they do not have the taxpayers’ interests at heart, but only their own.

3. Have an outside entity go over the entire structure of City Hall to identify positions that are unneeded and/or paid grossly out of line with their private sector counterparts (and yes, the $30k per year in benefits counts towards their salary). Maybe take a look at what a lot of these people ACTUALLY do all day long (besides post on Facebook, go to loads of useless conferences with other city employees in other towns, and waste massive amounts of time and money planning a $1.5 million vanity project for City bigwigs)

Clearly, there needs to be a more adversarial role between Council and City Hall – especially the City Manager. Council should be looking out for the taxpayer since Finley and others at the top of City Hall clearly only look out for themselves.

Will any of these things happen? No. I’ll be called a trouble-maker and a pot-stirrer for daring to point out anything that might call into question the genius of those in charge. Better to just bury your head in the sand and let some government sponges hose the taxpayer over and over then ask for more.

Have You Ach13ved Your Massive Weight Loss?

Well, we are 13 weeks into the new year! You know what that means!! All the CorVive Ach13ve people have completed their 13 weeks of taking overpriced laxatives, overpriced protein powder and imitation Red Bull powders….and it only cost them about $1,000!! What a deal!

Well?? Did you all lose 40 pounds? Judging from the complete lack of crowing, boasting and photo proof on the Internet, I am guessing not.

Gone are the daily photos of salads. Gone are the weekly photos at the gym. Forgotten, like every other New Years resolution. I guess taking overpriced CorVive potions alone DOESN’T lead to easy weight loss. I guess you actually have to (wait for it….) eat less and exercise more to lose fat! Who knew??

Well…..I did.

The average person who wants to lose fat and who exercises more and eats less (i.e. runs a caloric deficit) can expect to lose 2 pounds a week over the long run…and even THAT is very difficult. I know because I have done it twice in my life. I lost 25 pounds in 3 months the first time and 20 pounds in 3 months the second time (15 years later). It is not easy. You DO have to make sacrifices. I drank a little less beer, skipped chicken wings….and joined a GYM (a word that Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts has NEVER used in his video sales pitches, to my knowledge) and exercised more.

What I DIDN’T do is take some overpriced magic beans, waste $1000 and assume the fat would just go away. That is complete bullshit, obviously. If it wasn’t, all the Eager Beaver CorVivers in town (as well as Meatball Fouts) would be slim and trim and ripped right now, down 40 or 50 pounds in 13 weeks. None of them are.

So probably the BEST case is you wasted $1,000 on CorVive and are down 20 pounds since Jan 1st: congratulations! You could have done the EXACT same thing without CorVive (like eating nothing but Twinkies) and saved $1,000.

Most likely, you are about the same weight you were on Jan 1st, your $1,000 is now nestled in the pocket of that scumbag Fouts, and you have a bunch of magic beans in your garage right now you are trying to figure out how to unload on the next Greater Fool. Good luck!!

Twinkie Diet Just as Effective as CorVive Magic Beans – And Costs WAY Less!

Back around January 1, a lot of misinformed yahoos got all excited that they “lost 6 pounds in three days!” or “I’m down 14 pounds in two weeks!” and (erroneously) attributed these miracles to the CorVive magic beans upon which they had recently wasted $500.

Of course, the real reason they lost weight was (1) the water weight loss that comes at the start of any crash diet (water weights 8 pounds per gallon) and (2) the reduction in calories that came from eating better.

The only way to lose FAT (not water weight) is to burn more calories than you consume. Period. The calories don’t really matter either – you can eat junk food, as long as you restrict caloric intake.

Now that all those same yahoos are eerily silent, no doubt having gained back the water weight while watching mounds of overpriced snake oil pile up in their garage, I’d like to take this opportunity to rub it in their faces a little bit.

I’m doing the Twinkie diet for one week. I’ll eat 14 Twinkies per day (1820 calories) and nothing else. This will cost me about $8 per day – or FAR less than the CorVive magic beans plus normal food.

Day one – weighed in at 205.5 this morning. Ate two Twinkies at 8am. I don’t think I’ve had a Twinkie since I was probably 8 years old. I’m not a huge fan of cakes and pies and dessert shit. My vice is beer and vodka. It will be difficult not having a sip of booze for 7 days – especially with the nice weather and the NCAA tourney on. But my desire to make the Eager Beaver CorVivers look foolish will carry me through this difficult time.

Day one – ate two Twinkies every two hours today. Took a massive dump…and I didn’t even need a CorVive overpriced laxative to compel me to take this dump. Score another one for Twinkies!!

Day two – weighed in at 204.2 this morning! Yay! CorVive Twinkies are already paying for themselves…what a miracle product this CorVive Twinkie is! The fat is just melting away!! I may try and sign up suckers others to sell Twinkies FOR me in a pyramid-like structure….it can’t possibly lose! I’ll be rich! Who wants to lose weight AND make money!! PM me 😉

I actually thought I would wake up starving today but I didn’t. I also had a Monster Energy (zero calories) with my Twinkies to emulate the overpriced CorVive NRG product, which contains many of the same ingredients. The one CorVive product I did NOT emulate is the idiotic laxative that Meatball Fouts calls a “cleanse” (CorRenew) – which is absolute nonsense.

Day two – went to gym as I normally do today. By the way, “gym” and “exercise” (and “proper nutrition”) are words that never EVER seem to escape Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts fat mouth during his painful Facebook video bloviating. He instead pushes you to swallow pills and powders 15 times a day. He does this because it puts money into the pocket of Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts.

Day three – weighed in at 202.4 I’m down 3 pounds in 48 hours!! All thanks to Twinkies! Should I get on Facebook and tell everyone? Should I take pictures of my Twinkies and post them on Facebook and tell everyone how AWESOME Twinkies are, and how they need to buy Twinkies from me at $1.50 each?? I think I might. It’s not an MLM pyramid scheme…it’s a new thing I invented – a MELT scheme. Me Eating Lots of Twinkies.

Day three – I am really wanting some bacon right now. Oh well. Did three hours of yard work today – felt fine during this despite the caloric restriction.

Day four weighed in at 201.9. Holy shit, the fat is just melting away! Did I mention I have not ingested a SINGLE overpriced CorVive product to achieve this amazing transformation? I’m very tempted to go on Facebook and write a huge article about what a winner I am and how others are jealous and hate me for my success in the Twinkie area. But I’m not a 14-year-old girl, so I will refrain. #twinkiesrule #junkfoodrocks

Day four – three more hours of yard work today. No problem. There is college basketball on tonight and today is opening day for baseball. I am extremely tempted to go to the bar and have a beer and relax watching sports. But sacrifices must be made to lose weight. I am a winner! I know I am a winner because I just typed it on the Internet.

Day fiveweighed in at 201.5 pounds. OK – seriously now….I am starting my MELT system today and you would be a FOOL not to get in on the ground floor and achieve financial independence. Simply order my “starter kit” for $235 plus shipping, handling and a small “idiot tax” and I will rush you 100 Twinkies so you TOO can MELT the weight away!

Don’t watch the parade go by. Get in on the ground floor! Be your own Twinkie boss, you fool!! Buy buy buy!! This may also prevent colon cancer. I can’t prove it but I’m going to suggest it and you probably can’t disprove it, so take my word for it!!

In reality, the weight loss is slowing because (a) the first 3 pounds was easy water weight loss and (b) my metabolism is adjusting to less calories – once you lose 2-3% of your original body weight, the body adjusts quickly.

Day sixweighed in at 201.2 pounds. I have been running a caloric deficit of about 1000 calories a day now – 6000 calories equals about 1.7 pounds of actual FAT. Yet I am down well over 4 pounds. How is this possible? Water loss and probably some muscle loss, since I am not hitting the weights as hard as usual. No magic powders or pills needed.

Went to gym today – had a Muscle Milk afterwards (160 calories and 32 grams of protein – 50% more protein than the CorVive protein product) in place of a Twinkie.

I also ate a pile of crawfish today and watched hoops because I was going crazy with Twinkies. Six pounds of crawfish = 16oz of tail meat = 360 calories = 3 Twinkies…which I did not eat. I also had three drinks of booze.

Day seven (final day) – weighed in at 201 pounds. Only 14 more Twinkies to go. These will be the last Twinkies I ever eat in my life.

Day eight weigh in, after 7 days of Twinkie diet – 200.6 pounds…..or about 5 pounds in a week. If I continued this Twinkie thing for 9 more weeks, the weight would come off much slower as the body adjusts. But the point is proven: it is just calories that matter. Nothing else. Forget overpriced pills and snake oil. Eat less…exercise more. It’s the ONLY thing that works.

Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts Back on Facebook Pushing Overpriced Laxatives

As I watched Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts pushing laxatives (CorVive CorRenew product) and lying with almost every breath he took on his latest CorVive Facebook video, it occurred to me he might have made a great politician. If he wasn’t so short and fat, he might have had a chance to be a world-class, government-paid liar and maybe U.S. Senator instead of a sad, lumpy clown who pushes overpriced laxatives to suckers via Facebook video. It takes a special kind of scumbag to spout such absolute nonsense with a straight face. Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts is just such a scumbag.

In his latest video, Meatball Fouts not only tells everyone they should take his laxative every single morning because it removes all those pesky “toxins and chemicals” (lie) but he also intimates that it can probably reduce colon cancer as well! Wow. Meatball will stoop as low as he needs to in order to get your money.

Here is a transcript of his latest lies (8:32 mark in the video):

“Everyone today is struggling with their diets…with stress….they are struggling with going to the bathroom on a regular basis, that’s why colon cancer is so much on the rise…

Stop right there for a moment. See how casually he throws out these lies and unfounded statistics? That is why you shouldn’t trust this scum bag and it is why any grown adult who is selling this garbage should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. He just makes up complete lies on the fly without batting an eye. I don’t know how any of you sleep at night – even P.T Barnum would be ashamed to go this far with his hucksterism.

Colon cancer is NOT “so much on the rise”. Colon cancer has been DECREASING STEADILY for DECADES. Nice try, Meatball. Even if colon cancer WAS an exploding epidemic, your shitty, overpriced laxative isn’t going to do anything about it, except line the pockets of Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts and dirty the toilets of a lot of gullible suckers.

This is how Meatball Fouts, the midget snake, operates all the time: FIRST he throws out a ridiculous, demonstrably false claim (“colon cancer is on the rise” or “the leading cause of weight gain is failure to pass waste from your body”) THEN he offers his shitty, overpriced pills and says they will solve this fake problem – even though there is ZERO evidence of that. He REPEATEDLY claims that the CorRenew laxative removes “toxins and chemicals” from your body. This is absolute bullshit. I have repeatedly requested by email ANY studies that have to prove any of these wild claims and they refuse to respond.

In fact, ALL “cleanses” and “detoxes” are absolute, unmitigated bullshit. Of this, there is no question or doubt in the scientific realm.

The midget makes up a fake problem then offers a fake solution. This is the very definition of a scum bag and a snake oil salesman. Look up “huckster” in the dictionary, and you should see a photo of the scumbag Jeremy Fouts there staring you in the face.

Never ONCE does Meatball Fouts utter the words “exercise” or “proper nutrition” or “see your doctor before taking our snake oil” or “get a complete blood workup” or ANYTHING a normal person would do if they were serious about improving their health.

Anybody who believes a word this slime ball says has a pea brain.

Mayor Talbert City Hall Vanity Project Delayed Yet Again – Due to Overpriced Elevator

Wow. What a difference a week makes!

Just a 14 days ago, Finley assured City Council that the elevator for the City Hall Boondoggle would “arrive in mid-March” and take a week or two to install.

Not anymore.

NOW, according to Finley and city council packets, “production for elevator equipment has been pushed back two to three weeks”. Seriously?!?!? The arrival time is now “projected for the first or second week of April…and crews will take approximately two to three weeks to install.”

You will recall, back on November 14th, 2016…City Council approved an elevator bid from RKJ Construction for $119,532…and which later ballooned to over $125,000 – despite that fact that Austin Elevator bid $96,600 for the exact same job. Former city council genius Chris Harrison made a motion to accept the inflated elevator cost because “[RKJ] is local”

Let’s all take a moment to thank our stars that Harrison is a FORMER council member now.

Production?? WTF? Are they JUST NOW building an elevator for the Lampasas-Misty-Talbert-Finley-DeGraffenreid-“WOW Factor” $1,500,000 City Hall Boondoggle which has been in the works for years? How is that possible??

So, despite paying an extra $30,000 for an elevator to “keep it local”, and despite the fact it was bid on OVER TWO YEARS AGO, it is STILL not ready! What?? You’re telling me it is being specially constructed as we speak? Last I checked, an elevator is a simple box and was invented a century ago, at the least. What is the hold up? Once again – you can blame former genius Councilman Chris Harrison for this one – he made the motion to piss away an extra $30k for a local elevator – and council rubber-stamped it unanimously…as usual.

Just another delay and cost-overrun for the bloated and ridiculous City Hall “WOW Factor” renovation which is the centerpiece of the Talbert Administration. I’m seriously shocked she is running again after this debacle. I’d go hide my head in the sand, if I were her.

How Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts Can Prove He is Not a Snake Oil Huckster

People ask why I have such vitriol for Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts and his snake-oil schemes. What do I care if a bunch of chumps get suckered by a huckster? No skin off my back, right?

To some extent, I don’t care. If somebody stays up late, sees an ad for an obvious boondoggle on TV like “The Thigh Master” and blows $40 then realizes it is a piece of garbage….well, they learned a cheap lesson and it ends there. Plus, you kind of brought it on yourself – the Thigh Master is more of a passive screw job.

Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts is a different kind of animal, however. A snake, to be exact. He makes wild promises of riches and being an “independent business owner” who badgers everyone in their social circle with outlandish and demonstrably false claims. He wants you to go and recruit other people into his scheme – not just buy a product from him. It’s all about the recruitment, not the product.

If Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts had actually invented revolutionary new products that led to incredible results, he could sell it like a normal person on a store shelf or Amazon or a health food store – where it would compete and presumably dominate the inferior products. The fact that he doesn’t do this speaks volumes. The “product” is mediocre, overpriced and secondary to his true aims – which is recruiting more suckers.

So this is an ACTIVE scam instead of a passive scam, like the Thigh Master.

Don’t believe me that it’s all about recruiting instead of product? Here is a snap shot from a meeting right here in town last month – sure looks like they are pushing the recruitment thing to me…it also is shaped very much like a pyramid:

Four people each recruit 4 people…then those 16 people recruit 4 people…etc, etc, etc. The people at the bottom of the pyramid will definitely get screwed – and the bottom gets bigger all the time. Which is why the FTC studies show that 99% of MLM participants lose money.

Google searches turn up loads of stories about poor suckers who get into MLMs and ruin their lives. Elderly people and single moms who believe slime balls like Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts and mortgage their homes, run up $20k in credit card debt, and have piles of unsold products in their garage – all because they believe the b.s. coming out of the mouths of a slime ball who told them they could make millions.

Meatball Fouts has been in the MLM game for a LONG time. He HAS to know that it ends badly for a majority of people…yet here he is, pushing b.s. stories about untold riches.

So….back to why I care. If I was in a crowded HEB in my small town surrounded by strangers and a rattlesnake came slithering into the store, I would feel the strong urge to yell “SNAKE!! Watch out!” even though I could just as easily walk away and keep my mouth shut. I mean, why would I care if a complete stranger gets bitten by a rattlesnake? I guess I’m just a big-hearted fool….plus it is totally normal human behavior. Only a complete pyscho WOULDN’T warn the strangers around him they are about to get bitten.

There are a few things Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts can do to prove he is not a snake-oil huckster preying on the gullible:

FIRST: Release an income disclosure statement for CorVive salespeople. I have requested one (twice) by email and gotten no response. If people really are all getting rich doing this, you’d think Meatball would be more than happy to show me the evidence.

I want to know the following:

  • Total distributors throughout the year
  • How the total distributor count is calculated (as of a certain date, using averages, or other methodology)
  • Number of new distributors during the year
  • Number of distributors who quit during the year (so you can calculate the churn rate)
  • Turnover rate
  • Number of distributors earning $0
  • Definition of “active” distributor
  • Total number of distributors at a supervisor or leader level (i.e. have recruited other distributors)
  • Total number of  “active” distributors at a supervisor or leader level
  • Amount of product purchased by each level of distributor for the year

I suspect the CorVive income disclosure statement would look very much like the Plexus income disclosure statement below (and all the other MLMs):

82.41% make average $300 per year

5.12% make average $1,707 per year

8.96% make average $3,778 per year

Right there, we are up to 96.5% of people make under $3,778 per year – and that does NOT include all expenses! Like hosting parties, paying for and driving to Plexus conventions, hotel rooms, “leadership retreats” (sound familiar??), etc. Hardly the vast riches promised by most MLMs.

SECONDLY: Show me the scientific studies (preferably double-blind) that prove many of the wild CorVive claims I hear. Claims like “this product removes toxins and chemicals” and “can help with ADHD”. Hell, show me ANY study of ANY CorVive product proving ANYTHING special about CorVive. I have requested these by email also: no response.

THIRDLY: Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts can explain to everyone why he left GenesisPURE, why GenesisPURE disappeared and was rebranded as LivePure and his relationship with Robert Lindsey Duncan – who paid a huge fine for pretending he was a doctor.

Until Meatball answers these reasonable questions, I will keep yelling “SNAKE!” to warn those around me of a predator in our midst.

Are You “Suffering” From Dehydration? Do This:

Drink some water.

The latest CorViver Eager Beaver product supposedly helps with the huge swaths of the American population who are unwittingly “suffering” from dehydration. They have a new (expensive!) product with a super cool edgy name…HYDR8! Get it?? They must be paying someone a lot of money for these super cool and hip names.

Anyways, they have plenty of expensive HYDR8 to sell you! Call now! Act fast! Probably cures ADHD, acne and enlarges your penis as well, knowing these hucksters’ usual crazy claims.

Or, you could just pour yourself a glass of free water…but then the huckster makes no money off of you [insert frowny emoticon here]

Here’s a fun fact: the root of the word “dehydrate” is “hydrate” – which literally means “to take up or combine with WATER”. Imagine that! So the easiest, simplest and most effective way to fight all that evil dehydration going around it to hydrate yourself….or literally drink some water, dummy!!

Are people dumb enough to shell out money for HYDR8 rather than sip some water? We shall see…..

Hilarious: Eager Beaver CorVive-er Gets Product Completely Wrong. Twice.

You gotta love it when people with ZERO expertise in a field and who literally joined the MLM cult yesterday start crowing about all the supposed health benefits of the magic beans they have to sell you…as if they are overnight experts in the field. I’ve seen some dumb stuff on Facebook, but this woman takes the proverbial gluten-free cake. To wit:

“I learned about hbh today, then I felt the affect it has on my body! Ya’ll, I can feel the oxygen in my legs! [unlikely – your body closely regulates your blood oxygen levels] No pain, no drawing [drawing???], no swelling! Do you have any of these issues? I know something that will help! Message me!”

The the next day…crowing about “hbh” once again!

“Any of my San Saba peeps interested in life-changing [she joined less than a week ago], cutting edge, nutritional products that’s won’t break the bank? [yes, they will] Look up hbh and see the benefits! Hit me up with questions!”

Ummmm…sweetie? It’s BHB (Beta-hydroxybutyrate) NOT hbh.


THESE are the ding-dongs you think have all the answers? THESE are people you are just going to blindly believe making any ridiculous claim they invent on the fly? THESE are the people you trust with your health???

Also, CorVive very much frowns on making ludicrous health claims unless they are taken VERBATIM from their company literature.

Specifically, CorVive Policies and Procedures 8.1 Health Claims states:

No claims (which include personal testimonials) as to therapeutic, curative or beneficial properties (“Health Claims”) of any products offered by Company may be made except those specific claims contained in official Company literature. Such statements can be perceived as medical, drug claims, or natural health product claims.  Not only would such claims breach Company Policies and Procedures, but they potentially violate federal and provincial laws and regulations, including the federal Food and Drugs Act.

Also, CorVive Policies and Procedures 8.2 Product Claims states:

Partners may not make any other product claims or representations regarding Company products except those that are specifically contained in official Company literature.  Such claims or representations may only be repeated or republished in exactly the same format as that published by the Company and the claim must be republished in its totality. 

In particular, no Partner may make any claim or representation (“Product Claims”) regarding the following: (1) the performance, efficacy or life of Company products or services; (2) the testing of Company products or services; (3) testimonials or endorsements of Company products or services; and (4) any matter that would be false or misleading in a material respect.  Not only would such Product Claims breach Company Policies and Procedures, but they potentially violate federal and provincial laws and regulations, including the federal Competition Act.

Even Fouts’ trained-seal and dummy carnival barker James West (Cor200!!) knows that! He reads the “health effects” right off the bottles in his Video of Lies – never leaving the script!

For you to come out and make claims about reducing leg swelling and increasing blood oxygen saturation, well…let’s just say the company makes VERY clear that you are on your own and their insurance doesn’t cover you against civil lawsuits…and CorVive themselves may go after your ass. See Section 4.3:

Partners who violate Company intellectual property rights, produce unapproved sales and marketing aids (including Internet advertising), make improper Health Claims or Product Claims regarding CorVive products or Earnings Representations (as defined in section 9 below), or otherwise breach the Agreement may have their Agreement with CorVive terminated (described more fully in Section 4.6 below), as well as expose themselves to civil charges from the Company or third parties or to civil or criminal charges from government authorities.

You’d think all these “Independent Business Owners” [lol!!] babbling away on Facebook who are going to build an empire and get rich quick would at least read and understand the CorVive Policies and Procedures thoroughly. Owning a “business” and reading stuff is, like, HARD ya’ll!! So much easier to just fling handfuls of bullshit against the wall and see who buys it. Unfortunately, legitimate and ethical operations do not work that way.

CorVive Hucksters Throw Out More Crazy Claims

I recently saw a CorVive huckster make the following claim:

“For those of you who haven’t been feeling so good…if you mix the NRG [overpriced CorVive product] with warm water, a teaspoon of honey, and freshly squeezed lemon it helps. The honey is a great antimicrobial and the energy in the NRG helps loosen everything up!!”

Sounds like somebody has a garage full of overpriced magic beans to try and unload! Wow. Let’s examine this ludicrous statement.

The energy in the NRG help loosen everything up!!” Not sure how that is physically possible, since there literally is NO energy in the NRG potion. Says right there on the label. Do you see any calories on the list? I sure don’t. Calories are energy. B6 is not energy. B12 is not energy. Caffeine is also not energy – it is a stimulant. Taurine is an amino acid – it is also found in Red Bull and other energy drinks…as are the huge doses of B vitamins and niacin. So – kinda all the same stuff found here in NRG.

Maybe this huckster brilliant nutritional expert meant the STIMULANT caffeine will help loosen everything up? How does it do that, exactly? And if it DOES (unproven at this time), then couldn’t you just do the same thing with a cup of warm tea or coffee, which literally cost pennies a serving and is probably sitting in your pantry as we speak? Pretty sure people have been doing that for hundreds of years.

Ah…but then the huckster caring CorVive expert couldn’t unload the pile of magic potion sitting in her garage at a 270% markup! Now I get it. Truly, they are a benevolent and caring cult. Just ask them! CorVive = love, serve, and care!! (yes, they have been using that line!).