Explain To Me Why We Are Still on Lock-down??

I understood the first two weeks of lock-down…maybe three weeks. The experts needed REAL data (since the Chinese are known liars) on how bad things really were, they had to get their ducks in a row, they had to move resources around, solve personnel problems, etc. OK – fine. It was a two week vacation. People take them all the time.

But we are now five weeks into this – and the idiots in charge just extended it ANOTHER two weeks! WHY??? Look at the data for Texas versus everywhere else:


  1. New York: 821
  2. New Jersey: 396
  3. Connecticut: 271
  4. Louisiana: 248 (clearly due to a LOT of fat people)
  5. United States total: 105
  6. TEXAS: 14

We are in the top 10 when it comes to LOW death rates per capita – and we are a HUGE state. The states doing better than us are sparsely populated (Montana, Dakotas, Wyoming). HALF of the country’s problem is New York and New Jersey. Fine by me – I will lose zero sleep over a few thousand less New York assholes roaming the earth. I fail to see why that means TEXAS shoots themselves in the head economically. Just close THOSE states down and lock em up like “Escape From New York”. You all want to live together piled up like sardines? This is what can happen. You made your bed, now YOU lay it in…not me.

New York also screwed themselves by keeping the subways open while their moron socialist mayor told everyone it was fine to go to Chinatown and take public transportation. Screw em – they brought this on themselves. Not to mention they always love to brag about how tough they are. Fine. Go be tough on a ventilator, jerk weed.

But back to the great state of Texas. What happens in two weeks, besides more economic suicide??? You going to keep us ‘safe’ in our cages forever? Eventually, you have to let people decide THEIR OWN risk level. This thing is going to spread through the population eventually anyways – you need to start a slow burn and get people out there to develop herd immunity.

It is now apparent that morbidly obese people are at FAR higher risk. So people like Bruce Haywood can stay home and sponge off the government (just like BEFORE the virus) but let the rest of us out to live our lives, for Christ’s sake. Some of us will get sick. A few of us will die. I get it. That is the ‘cost’ side of the cost/benefit analysis.

People who are 80 years old should probably just stay sequestered until there is a vaccine. Or maybe they value their daily round of golf more highly and want to take their chances and die happy. That is THEIR choice. Not yours.

The predictions of death and ICU needs and ventilator needs were off by orders of magnitude – therefore, the draconian measures they implemented need to be adjusted downwards as well. People need to get out there and mingle – and yes, get sick – to at least spread this to the ‘herd’ so we can get past it. Governor Abbott and Mayor Talbert made a HUGE mistake extending this lock-down a further two weeks. That will become apparent going forward.

2017 Talbert Versus 2020 Talbert

Here is an interesting nugget I ran across from Jan 17, 2017 [page 11] regarding the last time City council renewed their trash hauling contract.

WAY back then (three whole years ago), the City of Lampasas used Waste Management for their trash hauling. That contract was due to expire in the spring of 2017. Here is what then-council-member Misti Talbert said about renewing the contract with Waste Management:

 “City council is not unhappy with Waste Management but wants to see if it is possible to save money on trash collection”

Wow. Smart thinking, Misti. I would agree that it NEVER HURTS to look around for a better deal. Seems to be something City council rarely does with anything else (*cough Azbell cough*), but I wholeheartedly agree it is a smart thing to do with EVERYTHING.

So what happened in 2017? Finley and the gang looked at FIVE different companies and let them bid for the new contract (yes, there are FIVE companies out there!). According to 2017 Finley, this “is a highly competitive process” [1/20/17 front page news].

Oh goody! Competition! That is always good for getting the best price!

They determined that Waste Connections “had the highest score of the five companies that submitted proposals for trash service” [3/3/17 front page news].

They did all this work for a three-year contract…since that Waste Connections contract was to last until April 30, 2020 (two weeks from now). All well and good. Nice job, 2017 Misti and 2017 Finley!

Fast forward three years to 2020 Talbert and 2020 Finley. Waste Connections’ contract is now up for renewal and the new period will be for FIVE years. Do 2020 Talbert (now mayor) and 2020 Finley still have the same zeal for “seeing if it is possible to save money on trash collection”?

Nope. Finley now can’t be bothered with that stuff. He says his “recommendation for council to extend [the current Waste Connections] contract is because of the company’s good performance and the potential disruption of service if the city sought a different provider” [2/18/20 front page news]

Weird how nobody worried about “potential disruption of service” three years ago when they let five companies go at it to get the best price. So what changed?

Well, as I have already mentioned previously, three members of City council (Talbert, Toups, Kuehne) won a bribe prize back in 2019 in a karaoke contest hosted by…..you guessed it! Waste Connections! They took home a whopping $2,500 in Oct 2019 and before that, $5,000 in 2018.

In short, Waste Connections handed three members of City council thousands of dollars just months before those same council members would be making a decision on a new five year, $5.5 MILLION dollar contract

Sooooo….back THEN (2017) it was worth it to check around for a better price just for the hell of it. But NOW (2020), after winning a bribe prize from Waste Connections, you are perfectly happy NOT to bother looking around for a better price, despite the fact that there is a “highly competitive process” out there and despite the fact that THIS contract is for a much longer period (5 years versus 3).

Got it.

My how things change in 36 months.

Just to be clear, you can hardly call this a bribe…since ALL the money Waste Connections handed to City council (plus another $7,200 swiped from the HOT slush fund) was immediately wasted on some giant metal letters. They didn’t PERSONALLY see any gain from the money. HOWEVER, they were without a doubt in my mind, influenced and not intelligent enough to see it. Unwittingly duped, as it were.

Somebody Should Probably Let City Council Know…

More than 2,100 U.S. cities brace for budget shortfalls because of coronavirus, with many planning cuts and layoffs.


More than 2,100 U.S. cities are anticipating major budget shortfalls this year and many are planning to slash programs and cut staff in response, according to a new survey of local officials released Tuesday, illustrating the widespread financial havoc threatened by the Chinese virus pandemic.

“There’s no question that the Chinese virus pandemic has had, and will have, a major impact on cities of all sizes,” said Clarence Anthony, the executive director of the National League of Cities.

The NLC joined with the U.S. Conference of Mayors to conduct the early inquiry into the economic effects of the Chinese virus, finding that many local governments are bracing for sharp declines in tax revenue as businesses shutter, workers lose their jobs in record numbers and tourism grinds to a halt.

Somebody forward to Mike White – the 4/15/20 retail sales report:

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and predict that no matter what, Finley and City council won’t cut a dime from the budget and won’t lay off a single employee. They WILL, however, grease up their fist and tell the taxpayers to bend over.

TJ Monroe Five Year Anniversary Of Being Wrong About Business Park

Another jog down memory lane….five years ago today in the Lampasas Dispatch. As a reminder, the corpse repository ‘business park’ still sits there an empty weed patch and TJ STILL sits on City council making poor decisions:

“Mrs. Monroe noted the Lampasas Economic Development Corp. is working with the business park south of town on U.S. Highway 183, and she said she hopes the site will attract good employers to Lampasas. [Council member TJ Monroe] – April 14, 2015

It has, in fact, attracted ZERO employers…good OR bad. The bill for that boondoggle is in the millions of dollars. It still looks like a useless weed patch and is nowhere NEAR ready.

These are the same people that think their judgement is so sound, they can ‘help’ local businesses during the Chinese virus scare. Ummmm….ok, sure.

City Council Meeting Synopsis – Updated LIVE

First off, a huge congratulations to whoever finally got smart a few weeks ago and realized they could use YouTube as essentially free video storage for City council meetings. Took you a few months…but somebody (probably not an IT person) used their head. Funny that Azbell reps, Monica and Kristy didn’t see that right away.

I’m going to try and do this every council meeting, going forward, so you can get the REAL dope – not the fluffy Dispatch version.

The big event was council arguing over how to help local businesses affected by the Chinese virus closings. Sounded like ‘how to hand out free money’ but I’ll admit I missed the first 8 minutes of the meeting.


(1) Mike, Mike, Mike….how the hell can Mike White NOT know sales tax receipts to the City will drop severely going forward?? Mike, you are a business owner. Have your sales been higher or lower the last 33 days? I know that personally, I’ve bought virtually nothing over the last month except for groceries – which are not taxable. Gas sales (and PRICE) are WAY down. Furniture stores…automobile sales…etc….all of those have essentially ceased. Mike’s thinking that the shelves were bare in Walmart and HEB and thus will INCREASE taxes is erroneous – since groceries aren’t taxed.

Perhaps I’m wrong and missing something, but I fail to see how sales tax receipts won’t be at least 20% lower than normal during this time and lower going forward.

(2) I get VERY VERY scared when City council starts talking about ‘helping businesses’ with money/incentives/grants/whatever. We have more than a few council members who have ZERO experience running a business and have no idea what the hell they are talking about. Judging from the way they have squandered millions in the past, I can only assume they will muck this up royally.

(3) The Small Business Administration is ALREADY running programs. The Feds are ALREADY pissing away $2 trillion on ‘help’. The governments at the federal, state and local level ALREADY spend nearly ONE TRILLION DOLLARS per year on welfare – which is a safety net ALREADY in place. The idea that Mandy Walsh (who has never run a business) or Delana Toups (ditto) or Chuck Harrison (ditto) are going to reinvent this wheel is laughable.

(4) Finley is now telling us that “they don’t sit on their hands” and they are still working behind the scenes thinking up ways to spend more money (CIP committee).

(5) Misti now patting herself and council members on the back for….well, for showing up, I guess.

Wow. Meeting over. That was fast. Nary a word about how the City will deal with reduced tax receipts going forward.

I’ll finish with this simple economic truism that is apparently lost on most: the government does NOT create wealth. It merely transfers from one entity to another. That’s it. All while taking a 30% administrative skim. The best thing government can do (state, local or federal) is GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY.

The best thing a City government can do is provide law enforcement, a court system, clean and reasonably priced water and keep the streets in shape – and do it all as efficiently and cheaply as possible. That’s IT. All the rest is bullshit and wheel spinning.

We don’t need $1.5 million City council chambers. We don’t need multi-million dollar business parks. We don’t need $96,000 A/V systems. We don’t need $183,000 bathrooms. And we SURE as hell don’t need Mandy Walsh and Finley deGraffenreid ‘fixing’ the local economy by randomly handing out tax dollars as “help”. Seriously…just get out of the way and let the free market work – and maybe stop the overkill of shutting down the entire economy by decree.

National Debt Jumps $700 Billion In 13 Days

I remember when $700 billion was a bad YEAR of deficits. We just did it in 13 days. That’s 3.5% of GDP in less than two weeks. I’m sure all you supposed fiscal conservatives out there are screaming bloody murder, right?


It was bad when Obama did the trillion dollar deficit thing but it’s just fine when Trump makes it $2.2 trillion, ammi right??

The national debt has jumped $2.2 TRILLION in ONE YEAR (4/9/19 through 4/9/20)!! Another record.

I’m left to wonder why I’ve had to pay taxes all these years when we can apparently (1) run massive multi-trillion dollar deficits forever and (2) allow the un-elected and privately held Federal Reserve to print trillions of currency units supposedly without consequence.

When the inflation inevitably comes, every dummy in the country will blame “big business” for screwing them when the REAL reason is average American dummies who think they can get something for nothing and that currency debasement and wealth are the same thing.

Five Years Ago Today – City Council Pipe Dreams…

Exactly FIVE YEARS ago today, this appeared in the Lampasas Dispatch from former (thank goodness) council member Wanda Bierschwale referring to the STILL CURRENTLY EMPTY corpse repository ‘business park’ they have wasted millions of dollars on:

“The incumbent said the city acquired the business park property several years ago but has lacked the infrastructure needed at the site. Soon, she said, the business park will be developed enough to be inviting to businesses. [Then-council-member Wanda Bierschwale] – April 10, 2015

Soon, eh? Soon like, hell will freeze over soon? Or pigs will fly soon?

I bring these up to remind the unwashed masses that these clowns have no idea what they are talking about 95% of the time and their grand visions ALWAYS fall flat and cost WAY more than advertised. The same applies today.

Remember that when they babble about ‘developing the economy’ by flushing hundreds of thousands of dollars down the toilet to people like Halff Associates and Pope Eckermann.

City To Waste $14,715 On Three Big Metal Letters To Attract Tourists From All Over. No, I’m Not Kidding

Boy, the Lampasas Economic Dunces Club (LEDC) has sure been hard at ‘work’ recently! You can bet that Mandy Walsh is still costing the taxpayer $100,000 per year despite there being no economic activity to “develop” or “direct”! They’ve been SO busy, in fact, that they didn’t bother to hold a March meeting! Therefore, the latest info we have on their wheel spinning are the minutes from January 15th! Three full months ago!

They usually hold their meetings in the new $1.5 million Fishbowl BUT they NEVER BOTHER to use the $96,000 A/V system to record their meetings – despite the fact that they handle mishandle hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Apparently they WILL actually meet next Wednesday but it will be by teleconference. So I’m guessing it will all be shrouded in even more secrecy than normal.

(Seems to me they should take a page out of City council’s book and live stream on YouTube – you know, maybe use that $96,000 A/V monstrosity more than 3 hours per month!)

[If you are a new reader, you can get a taste of the LEDC profligate ways HERE and HERE]

I’d love to know if they are STILL going to pay Pope Eckermann The Engineer $100,000 to further ‘develop’ the already ‘shovel-ready’ business park….seeing as how the economy is now cratering and will likely be toast for they next year and a half at LEAST. Even the LEDC can’t be stupid enough to think anyone is going to show up to that weed patch any time soon with “high-paying jobs”. LOL.

But they now have something almost as good! Three giant metal letters – LTX! I’ll pause while you all gasp in admiration over such a brilliant and original idea (I think Mandy picked it up at one of her many $5,000 three-day seminars she seems to attend monthly to get ideas to “revitalize” the downtown area).

THIS will bring the tourists in from Austin and Dallas!!

Anyways, the ORIGINAL idea was to use the $7,500 “prize” that was “won” by our City Council Karaoke Team (I’ll get to that at the end of the article**) to pay for these three letters.

[I must pause here to remind everyone that the Texas Municipal League Convention cost the Lampasas taxpayers roughly $4,000 per year for these people to attend and goof off for the weekend. So by my math, they actually LOST $500…but we’ll let them go ahead with ‘government math’ for now]

Alas, as is typical in government the final cost was closer to $15,000 (see pages 26 and 27)….and City council voted to loot one of their slush funds (the HOT fund – Hotel Occupancy Tax) to make up the difference.

I guess the theory is throngs of tourists will swarm here from ALL OVER Texas to get their picture taken with the LTX metal sign. They will then spend a few hundred thousand dollars at Eve’s Cafe (which I love, btw) and maybe one of those trinket shops. The state will THEN collect their sales tax and THEN they will send THAT back to Lampasas where it will stuff our coffers and we will actually MAKE money! Meanwhile the tourists will look at the photo a month later and wonder what the “L” stands for in LTX.

I calculate they should break even on the endeavor around August of 2047.


In October of 2018 and again in 2019, part of City council traveled (as usual) to the useless and expensive Texas Municipal League conference and ‘won’ a karaoke prize offered by Waste Connections. They ‘won’ $5,000 in 2018 and $2,500 last fall.

In what I assume is a complete and utter coincidence, Waste Connections’ trash hauling contract was JUST up for renewal a month or two ago. City council voted to renew this contract without seeking competing bids. Finley intimated it was just too much hassle to go out and get a bid from another trash hauler. Never mind that they did EXACTLY THAT three years ago [3/3/17 Dispatch – front page], which is how they ended up switching to Waste Connections in the FIRST PLACE…but I digress.

Toups, Talbert, and Kuehne – the ‘winners’ of the ‘prize’ – all sit on City council and voted YES on this decision. The contract, by the way, is worth roughly FIVE AND A HALF MILLION DOLLARS ($5,500,000.00)

I’m not accusing anyone of hanky panky or quid pro quo…just reporting the facts and observing incidents that happened fairly coincidentally. I leave it up to the reader to form their own opinions.

I will say this – whoever came up with this ‘prize’ idea over at Waste Connections is a complete genius: spend $7,500 and then get $5,500,000.00 contract.

So – just to sum up the series of events for those on the short bus and the IT Department:

  1. City council members ‘win’ $7,500 from Waste Connections after spending about $8,000 to attend the two conferences.
  2. ‘Winners’ pledge to spend that $7,500 buying big metal letters LTX
  3. Big metal letters actually end up costing almost $15,000
  4. HOT fund raided to make up difference
  5. Waste Connections awarded $5.5 MILLION trash contract without seeking bids

**UPDATE** – Here is a weird nugget: In the January 27, 2017 Dispatch [page 11] then-council-member Misti Talbert said the following about switching from Waste Management to Waste Connections: “City council is not unhappy with Waste Management but wants to see if it is possible to save money on trash collection”

Ahhhh….so back THEN it was worth it to check around for a better price just for the hell of it. But NOW, after winning a bribe prize from Waste Connections, you are perfectly happy NOT to bother looking around for a better price. Got it.

These politicians and bureaucrats are SO selfless, they ONLY spent an extra $295 on a vanity plate for the LTX sculpture too! Of course, no mention that the letters cost almost TWICE the amount of the bribe prize they took won from Waste Connections. Perhaps they should have added “Taxpayer” or “HOT Fund” to the vanity plate as well?

Peanut Gallery Dummies Get It Wrong…As Usual

I awoke to texts from a number of my sources around town that Misti Talbert’s ‘official’ FB page as mayor was shut down for some reason. Naturally, some of the less-than-intelligent Misti lovers immediately suggested that this was the work of that nefarious (look it up, peanut gallery) Lampasshole.

I have to laugh. For two reasons.

First, Misti HERSELF was whining just weeks ago about how social media should be shut down because of “all the hysteria and ignorance” about the virus (i.e. a few people were saying six weeks ago that maybe you should prep for this – Misti calls this “hysteria”)

You kind of got your wish, sugar plum.

[Of course, THEN Mayor Pendulum swung WAY too far the other way and wanted the entire planet shut down indefinitely, making the cure worse than the disease, in my opinion. Hilarious.]

I laugh for another reason: I spend all my time on here railing for MORE transparency in City government, in case you dummies haven’t noticed. Misti’s administration has withheld COUNTLESS items I have requested….the latest being data concerning City employee insurance claims costs. Everything these dummies post on Facebook is grist for my mill…it actually HELPS me expose them as charlatans and liars. Why the hell would I want their FB pages shut down?? I value the First Amendment highly – and trying to shut down a FB page would violate my principles. Peanut gallery idiots might not have any principles…but I do.

I guess some peanut gallery people just aren’t very bright.

Speaking of Facebook ignorance, those peanut gallery types are usually the exact same ones to fall for every moronic Facebook “fact” without checking it then look like dunces afterwards.

The type who posts ten times a day on Facebook – usually stupid memes that somebody else wrote and 100 people have already posted. They post the most awful cliches as if they are deep thinkers.

Such deep thinkers! Did you come up with that yourself?? Always talking down to everyone though! That part never changes.

Or they gossip about people then pretend they are ‘above all that’

When gossip meets hypocrite.

Or they may post holier-than-thou parenting tips even though they did an awful job with their own kids. I think we all know the type. The FakeBook types whose REAL lives bear zero resemblance to their FakeBook bullshit.

Typical peanut gallery for you!

Finley and His Finger Puppets Are Terrible Liars

You’d think Finley and his puppets would all be far better prevaricators (look it up, Monica) given the practice they’ve had. But you’d be wrong.

Just look at the latest fiasco with them denying me information about City employee health insurance claims:

August 4, 2017: Finance Director Moron-o tells the newspapers that City employee health insurance claims “have doubled over the last year“.

OK. Fine. What year is she referring to, exactly? She can’t possibly be talking about the 2016/2017 fiscal year since it isn’t over yet at the time of her statement to the newspaper. The fiscal year ends on September 30th for the City of Lampasas.

She must be talking about the 2015/2016 year compared to the 2014/2015 fiscal years, right?

Well, there are two problems with that. (1) Since they are telling me today that the 2017/2018 data is not available here NOW in April of 2020 (1.5 years after the fact), then how would the 2015/2016 data have been available to her back in August of 2017 – less than a year after fiscal 15/16 ended?

Because they are liars.

(2) Furthermore, if she IS comparing 2015/16 to 2014/15 then she must have had access to the 2014/15 data AND we know the number had to be around $350,000 in order for her $706,000 number (given to me for 2015/2016) to represent a “doubling of claims”.

Yet she sits there and tells me that the 2014/2015 data is not available. Another lie.

You know what I think? I think the 2014/2015 data was around $350,000 and she knows it. So does Finley. I think her “doubling of claims” was based on a comparison of 14/15 and 15/16. I think they have no interest in admitting this since it means the following must therefore be true:

City employee insurance claims jumped from $350,000 to $1.13 MILLION in just two fiscal years….therefore they have more than TRIPLED. This represents a 78% increase in claims PER YEAR during that 24 month period. Which is insane.

And even that $1.13 MILLION number is now 2.5 years old, so I’m sure it is even higher and more absurd now!

THAT is what all the secrecy and bullshit is about – a massive spike in insurance claims over those two fiscal years (and possibly more). In other words, as usual, transparency goes right out the window when it makes them look like profligate shit heels.

Let’s also not forget another obvious fact staring us in the face: since the City has around 100 to 110 employees, that works out to roughly $10,000 in insurance claims FOR EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE in one year. That is also insane.

Hey City council…..you dummies paying attention yet????