LEDC Wants To Waste a LOT More Money Advertising “Business Pork”

According to the latest LEDC packet [page 4 under VI – Business Park Strategies] Finley presented some more options to burn cash on the goat pasture that has stayed empty and devoid of tenants for over 20 years now.

Eleven dunces shoveling bullshit – nine years ago.

His brilliant idea? “Professional engagement with a commercial broker,” preferably one who “has experience with large projects.” Also to “seek outside guidance from brokers who reside outside Lampasas and specialize in commercial development.

Are you shitting me? Wouldn’t that be the FIRST thing you do after realizing you blew over $7.4 million on a goat pasture that nobody has any interest in? I must ask for the fifth or sixth time now: what the hell have you been doing for the last 20 years?!?

Well, they actually HAVE been using “professionals” for a while now and spending a lot of money doing it. Let’s look at the MANY ways the LEDC has marketed this disaster – every one of them cost a nice chunk of change – all of them have been utter failures.

#1 – the “weekly RFI (requests for information) from the governor’s office.” I think we can safely say after 19 years of “getting weekly RFIs” and having zero tenants to show for it, that this avenue is and was totally useless bullshit. I called them on this exact bullshit nine months ago:

The Lie That Keeps On Giving: RFIs

City’s Hack Attorney J.C. Brown Won’t Even Release The NAMES Of The “Many” Companies Making Requests For Information On Business Park

#2 – Blow money on numerous videos, emails, digital ads, print ads, social media, etc. (Neon Cloud, Site Selection and Flyerview) – cost of over $15,000 in one year alone and WELL over $50,000 since inception. Results? Zero tenants.

#3 – Hire yet another Economic Development Director who said it was her “number-one priority” to find tenants when she was grilled by Rhonda Witcher on the radio. That was almost 18 months ago. Cost? Her salary and benefits are enormous. Results? Zero tenants.

#4 – Post the Business Pork on all sorts of commercial websites that already exist for this sort of thing. This includes ReSimplifi and Loopnet.com.

According to Loopnet, the Business Pork isn’t even listed on there anymore!

So after failing many different expensive ways over the last 20 years, Finley and the LEDC have come up with the genius idea to hire a commercial broker who “specializes in commercial development.

LOL. I can’t wait to see what THEIR cut is going to be if they DO find someone to move in.

What a joke.

P.S. – bonus method #5: don’t forget the LEDC just recently DRASTICALLY lowered the bar on financial requirements to move into the Business Pork.

LEDC Lowers Bar In Sad Effort To Fill Their Empty $7.3 Million Business Pork. Tosses Out Many Financial Requirements.

Don’t Forget: Heritage Funeral Home Took $20,000 In Taxpayer Monies For LEDC “Life Safety Grant” In May 2021.

Oooohhh….I guess we file this under “James Mercer TRULY helping the community”….

That’s after he TRULY helped himself, of course.

The idiots at the LEDC handed Mercer $20,000 in the form of a Life Safety Grant [see page 5 under Staff Updates] so he could install sprinklers. God forbid MERCER himself pay for that. He needed that $20,000 to buy the latest fashionable clothes so he can prance and mince around New York City looking for celebrity assholes to lick….

Granted, they are slimy shitball D-list ‘celebrities’ like Michael Rapaport, but hey. That’s what a measly $20,000 gets you in Hollywood.

I know what you’re thinking: how the HELL does Lampasshole remember that information AND have the link [page 5 under Staff Updates] right at his fingertips after three years?

Because I am fucking badass and that’s how I roll. I NEVER forget. Also, that memory was luckily jarred loose yesterday after five rums at Lampasas Beer Market.

So to summarize: this magnanimous man and greatest gift to our community (1) pilfered $20,000 for his funeral home from taxpayers (2) grabbed $325,000 from the feds for Covid and (3) then got Lonestar shutdown for financial irregularities and was accused of wage theft. What a hero!!

Mercer-naries Still Stirring Pot. Making Desperate Attempts To Push Crappy Panda.

[Editor note: I’m aware a lot of my images are not lining up in the center of the page despite being labeled as centered on my editor. Driving me nuts as some stay centered and others randomly align left – and it looks like shit, I’m aware. Reading all this on a smartphone instead of desktop helps. Working on a fix. Sorry. It takes a ton of time to root out shit like this and I’m illiterate with this software.]

Desperation is a stinky cologne.

Most people are sick of hearing about Pandas and Wongs. They are content to just watch this place fail by next Valentine’s Day. But not the hard-core Mercer-naries and apologists who are splattering desperately enthusiastic reviews all over LCBN…

Nobody cares

There were multiple postings like this. A very desperate attempt to bail out the sinking ship. The worst part is that after all this nonsense, now I’m going to have to go in there, look around and very publicly turn my nose up at “this Chinese rat food” and walk out of there making a scene. After using their toilet to take my saved-up-for-three-days morning dump, of course.

Because that’s how I doos it.

Anyhow, this nutjob Mercer-nary is REALLY angry!

He truly helps the community? How, exactly? I know he was on the board of directors for Boys and Girls Club when they wildly overpaid about $150,000 for a new playground set that looked like it should have cost half that. Makes me wonder if he was lining his own pockets. I also know he was accused of wage theft and Lonestar Social Services was shut down for “financial irregularities” – despite Lonestar taking $325,000 of taxpayer monies during Covid and never paying it back.

Of course, this same woman was also singing the praises of Heritage Funeral Home last August – right about the time the entire Lonestar thing blew up. That would be the same Heritage that was listed to be foreclosed upon three days ago but was mysteriously cancelled “due to weather.”

Want more dirt? I got it.

I have it on solid authority that Happy Panda made a VERY concerted effort to poach the main cook from Putter & Gutters recently. Apparently he laughed in their face and told Panda they couldn’t afford him. I wonder how long it will take for Fulton to tire of being in the Panda kitchen non-stop to keep things running? Methinks Fulton doesn’t have the first clue about the dedication it takes to run a restaurant. It’s not like your other 37 shell companies you stick your name on and run some possibly weird financial scams with.

My over/under on Panda shutdown is February 2025. I only give it that long because now that this whole place has become a spectacle, Fulton/Mercer ego will not allow it to shut anytime soon – even if it is a financial disaster. I guess they could always “funnel” some money from an adoption agency or something!

In other unrelated restaurant news: rumor is Eve’s Cafe will be re-opening with a new owner. Think LBM.

Also Country Kitchen is supposedly changing hands…and will be taken over by a well-known restauranteur in town.

P.S. – I’m STILL waiting for those police arrests of Wong for all his “perverted” behavior! Mercer promised we will all be enlightened soon! Any day now! Just you wait! The truth will soon be revealed!!

April Sales Tax Receipts – Lampasas Resumes Downward Spiral. DOWN 6.35% YOY

After a massive and inexplicable 19% RISE last month, this month sees the downward trend resume. See row 585 as always.

LAST April, we saw a +8.7% – which was the last positive print of 2023 before we took a nosedive. That doesn’t bode well for the next 6 months or so.

The state of Texas as a whole was barely positive at +0.32%

Sales tax receipts YTD are now basically flat (at -.025%) compared to this point last year – at $1.23 million.

How did other cities fare?

Burnet: Barely positive at+1.6%

Marble FallsDOWN 6.18% – similar to Lampasas

Dallas: UP 4% – well above the state as a whole.

Austin: UP 9% – must be all those stupid Palestinian keffiyehs the UT students are buying by the thousands for their protests. Or perhaps the cops buying tear gas.

London Has Already Fallen. Will We Learn From UK, Ireland, Canada and Germany Being Overrun By Muslims?

Pathetic and disgusting. UK sits by and gets cucked.

London Mayor Khan is buying up 20,000 homes in London for only Muslims This will be paid for by the British Taxpayers in Housing Benefits and funds will then be paid into his “Muslim funding account.”

Netherlands and Canada too….

Stick Your Reparations In Your Ear.

Read any book about Africa in the 19th century and you’ll be struck by how silly and false the modern western conception of slavery is. The people who were primarily pillaging Africa for slaves were Arabs.

The most wonderful illusion is in the idea that Europeans were rounding people up and stealing them from their homeland. They didn’t have to. Their own people did the dirty work and sold them at ports. Africa betrayed Africans.

The Arab slave trade was kept alive by African tribes slaughtering, subjugating, and selling each other into slavery. Europeans were late to the party, and the first to leave. Yet they take 100 percent of the blame these days. It’s totally absurd. The Arabs castrated their African slaves by the millions.

Arabs invented the slave trade. Before that, it was a “capture, then enslave” kind of thing, from battles. Then Arab Muslims thought of capturing people just because and selling them into slavery. Africa thought: “we have lots of people, let’s capture them and sell them.”

[In total about 12 million Africans were forcibly embarked and because of the high mortality aboard, about 10 million slaves were disembarked in: Brazil (45%), the British, French, Dutch, and Danish Caribbean (37%), Spanish America (11 %) and North America (4%) – yes you read that right: North America was FOUR PERCENT.]

The Barbary pirates (Muslims, btw) had millions of white slaves just a few centuries ago, but we’re not allowed to even mention this fact for some reason. Thomas Jefferson asked the Muslims why they attacked American ships and take prisoners as slaves. They said Allah demanded it. Hence the Barbary wars and the USMC Hymn “to the shores of Tripoli

Early towel heads.

There were between 1-2 million European whites enslaved, men, women, and children, from as far as Ireland and Scandinavia. In fact, these fuckers basically captured an ENTIRE IRISH VILLAGE called Baltimore. There’s even a book about it. As someone who is 35% Irish, I demand some reparations from those Muslim bastards. See how completely retarded that sounds?!

But learning this would require minorities to be honest about their ancestors (and technological superiority of the West). It is much easier for them to believe Africa was Wakanda, a land that invented everything, yet somehow was subjugated by Whitey!

Deluded LibKraut Christine Seefeldt Says There Is No Inflation…Then Blames Greedy Corporations.

When it comes to confused libtards who cannot make up their minds and contradict themselves repeatedly, only one person gives Bruce Haywood a run for his money…and that is America-hating German transplant Christine Seefeldt. As you can see, stupid oozes from her ears…

She assured us back in March there was NO inflation! It was all in your head and your inability to do basic math! Because Biden is awesome and he’d NEVER cause massive inflation with his moronic policies!

But even the dummykraut couldn’t ignore it forever. So five weeks later, she does what every libshit does when prices go up: blame “greedy corporations”!

I have to say. It IS quite interesting how every company on earth waited until January of 2021 to realize they could raise prices and express their greed simultaneously.

Hilariously, the very day Seefeldt posted this, Starbucks came out with earnings that were absolutely atrocious and the stock was smacked for a 16% loss. Weird! It’s almost like if you offer a shitty product at a high price, people just stop buying it! Which is why the FREE MARKET rules!

Here is a thought: if you are crying over the price of a $10 Starbucks coffee or a $1300 iPhone, then DON’T BUY IT! Moron. There are plenty of alternatives out there, thanks to the FREE MARKET.

But no, instead you have libshits like Seefeldt or Clayton Tucker sipping on a Starbucks, typing into her $1,300 iPhone and posting on Facebook – whose CEO is a scumbag in bed with Big Government and who is worth $162 billion dollars – about how greedy those very corporations are.

Then again, I don’t expect much from an old bat whose only smart move in her entire life was spreading her legs for an American soldier in Germany so she could hitch a free wife-ride to America – the greatest nation on earth.

Say that reminds me…let’s check in over in Germany and see how things are going with their plan to import millions of third-world scum. Seefeldt always brags about how great the Germans are for doing this. She never misses a chance to shit on America and tell us how awesome Germany is. Germany is SO awesome, that she chooses not to live there!

How are those 1.1 million dirtbags working out for you?

In typical German fashion, if you point this out, you get fined and/or arrested for “hate crimes” over there. Nobody Nazis like the Germans!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, frau Seefeldt: LUTSCHE MEIN SCHWANZ!!!

Foreign Migrants Account For Nearly 6 In 10 Violent Crime Suspects In Germany

How Long Before Greentards Blame Recent Rains and Flooding On “Global Warming”?

We all know the drill by now. When there is a quiet hurricane season, it’s because of global warming. Busy hurricane season? DEFINITELY global warming!

Polar vortex? Global warming. Cold weather? Global warming. No, seriously.

No snow? Lots of snow? Windy? Cloudy? Can’t get your dick hard anymore? Global warming.

I give Comrade Clayton the fake rancher six days before he posts something about the floods being “proof” somehow of global warming.

I feel absolutely awful for all the REAL ranchers out there. I can’t believe the destruction I’ve seen on social media. Cows in trees. $40,000 of hay washed into oblivion. Just brutal. Especially after the last few years of drought has already made their lives miserable.

There is ONE (fake) rancher I will NOT feel sorry for. That is local communist Clayton Tucker. I hope everything he has is under two feet of water and/or permanently destroyed.

That may sound quite cruel, but he has spent the last 4 or 5 years running around lying about being a rancher and farmer. Essentially enjoying the “cachet” or prestige of being a salt-of-the-earth hardworking man without any of the actual work or stress of running a business or a ranch.

Dummy forgets his previous lies about being a rancher for the 17th time.

I view it like stolen valor. Like that asshole Blumenthal (Democrat, of course) who lied about serving in Vietnam. Trying to steal admiration and honor without any sacrifices. So I REALLY hope Comrade Clayton gets fucked in the ass as a karmic payback.

Seeing something he loves get destroyed will also give him a taste of what asshole commies like him and his friends have done to America recently.

Fake Rancher/Farmer Clayton Tucker Apparently Unaware We Have Had The FDA For Over 100 Years.

Rarely does a week go by where local communist (and Chairman of the Lampasas Democrat Party) Clayton Tucker doesn’t blame the free market for all that is wrong in his life and the United States. He’s back at it again with the nutritional labels of oatmeal….

He hates our “Americanized shitty cereal” so much that he donated some to the local mission last year….

Of course, his moronic “facts” in that photo came from TikTok and are completely false:

Lying about food standards in America for views

One of his readers even pointed it out. That happens a lot, but NEVER results in him taking down the “misinformation” he is spewing.

Of course, I would never scream “misinformation” and demand censoring or de-platforming like left-wing cunts do. I just point out how they are 100% wrong, show my work, and move on. THAT is how you arrive at truth. NOT by censoring everyone and then calling it a bullshit term like “disinformation. Right Potato Head?

The first fellow communist – Horacio Martinez – yammers about capitalists “cutting corners” to maximize profits. Um, if they were cutting corners, wouldn’t they be putting LESS additional (and costly) additives and chemicals in the cereal??

A second moron named Annette Krausse is somehow under the impression that there are no regulations on food in the United States.

In fact, the FDA has been around in one form or another for over 100 years. They have 18,000 employees and spent about SEVEN BILLION dollars per year.

Of course, all those billions don’t really matter when you employ morons like Gaylon Amonett on the front lines.

Instead of correcting Annette and informing her that food IS heavily regulated in the U.S. (or admitting that every single thing on that nutritional label must, by definition be FDA approved as safe), the fake rancher and supposed food expert agrees with her: “but for real tho!

So either the fake rancher Clayton Tucker is deliberately lying to try and score cheap political points OR he is a moron of biblical proportions. Take your pick. I pick #2, as always.

Remember, this is the gal who thinks that all milk has Windex in it and that all cereals have a made-up chemical called “glyophates” in them.