Covid Update – Clayton Tucker Wrong About Yet Another Topic

School has now been in session for seven months. Zero student deaths and zero teacher deaths among a population of roughly 4,000 students and staff here in the LISD.

The “keep kids at home” crowd has 100% wrong. The “we need schools to be 100% virtual” crowd was 100% wrong.

You know who wanted schools to be 100% virtual? Clayton Tucker. He says so right here at the 4:40 mark in the video interview.

Tucker interview with liberal rag Austin American-Statesman

Keep in mind, Tucker has no kids and no real job. So for him to be demanding that kids (who are not at risk of dying from Covid) should stay home so mom and dad can scramble to work AND take care of the kids is absolutely ridiculous.

But weasels like Clayton don’t care about the many impacts of their uninformed decrees. They think they know everything when they actually know nothing.

Tucker also shows his ignorance when he keeps comparing Covid (which spared pretty much everyone under 50 in good health) to the 1918 Spanish Flu – which hit EVERYONE hard – and was especially hard on kids.

Keeping kids at home and away from schools for a virus that is FAR less lethal than the flu to the under-50 crowd will go down as one of the biggest fuckups in American history. Luckily, morons like Tucker did not get their way here in Texas and we were smart enough to send kids back to school last August.

I guess we should add “epidemiologist” to the list of professions Tucker Clayton likes to pretend to be.

Hey! He Forgot “Rancher”!

I guess when you have so many false personas, it’s hard to remember them all. I guess Tucker WASN’T a rancher last year when he ran for Senate District 24.

He must have forgotten he was a rancher when he filled out his City council candidate form too, because under “occupation” he put “political organizer” – which means “rabble rouser”….NOT rancher.

What a hero! He’s going to give us all free stuff, save the kids from starvation and end a bunch of epidemics!

Are you going to cure acne and car sickness too?

I think Clayton Tucker has a huge list of fake “hats” and he randomly selects a few to wear each time he runs for office. They include: cowboy, rancher, farmer, teacher, beekeeper, writer, water researcher, environmental researcher, energy policy expert, educator, progressive organizer.

He also has a long list of problems he’s going to solve for you (all while LOWERING your taxes): child hunger, free health care, free education, infant mortality, affordable housing, suicide, maternal mortality (no, I’m not making this up), water scarcity, ‘climate chaos’, big pharma, teacher pay, illegal border jumpers (his solution is just let em in!).

He also like taking pictures in front of an old pickup truck that isn’t his to show that he is “salt of the earth”. That trickery is for the benefit of us rural Lampasas rubes. He didn’t dare show that during his run for TX Senate 24 since a dirty old gasoline truck from the 70’s would get him no points with the greentards and socialists. Back THEN he touted his REAL car: a sedan that gets great mileage.

Fake rancher needs old pickup prop and dog to look legit for rural campaigns

REAL car – used only during urban political campaigns to tout enviro creds

Don’t forget, before he was a fake rancher, he was a fake cowboy!

Pretty sure that might be a ‘cowboy hat’ from a Buc-ees gas station (?)

Call me crazy, but I doubt a REAL cowboy or rancher needs to put “he/him/his” on his profile. That’s because REAL cowboys are men and they understand the basic science of only two genders. Apparently ‘progressive’ fake cowboys do not understand this.

Socialist Clayton Tucker: Solar Energy ‘Expert’

Four years ago when socialist Clayton Tucker tried to weasel his way into a vacant City council seat, he postured himself as some kind of energy expert. He also had a loony idea for the City of Lampasas to build a solar farm and “sell the electricity to Austin”, lol. From The Dispatch June 2, 2017:

Fast forward almost 4 years and we find Clayton Tucker asking the most rudimentary questions on solar power to locals:

So the expert with “special knowledge” of energy policy and who wants to force Texas to be 100% renewable in 10 years actually doesn’t know shit about shit.

Color me shocked.

You are “gathering” wrong. You can have a home system with or without batteries. Of course, if you want power at night (you know…because the sun, like, isn’t out then) or on cloudy days, you need batteries. A LOT of them. Hundreds of amp hours worth. Plus a back-up generator that runs on propane or diesel. Otherwise, you need to be hooked into the grid for those times.

Batteries are extremely expensive and the physics of increasing energy density enough to compete with fossil fuels has not even been remotely solved yet (lithium-ion batteries weigh 50 times as much as an equivalent amount of energy stored in gasoline). Which is why lib idiots hand out billions and billions in subsidies to EV car makers. Mining for those battery components (cobalt, for example) is also EXTREMELY destructive to the environment – but greentards never mention that part.

Hey! I sound like an expert myself! Maybe because I’ve lived off-grid for over 8 years now. I didn’t choose solar because it made a lot of economic sense (the payback period is probably going to be 12 years total for me). I did it because I was afraid morons like Clayton Tucker and the Green New Deal retards would someday come to power and start destroying the fossil fuel industry, thus making my power more expensive and less reliable. I wanted to be INDEPENDENT and free of meddlesome morons like Tucker.

If you REALLY cared about clean energy, you would at least be talking about nuclear. Nuclear is FAR superior to solar, wind and every other hare-brained idea the greentards have for our country’s massive energy needs.

Clayton Tucker – Unapologetic Socialist

Clayton Tucker is a ‘political organizer’ for “Our Revolution” – which is a socialist offshoot of the 2016 campaign of socialist Bernie Sanders. They want The Green New Deal, socialized medicine, free tuition, cancellation of all student debt, amnesty for illegal border jumpers, job-killing $15 minimum wage, banning rifles and a whole pile of other rubbish. See their beliefs at the link below:

Our Revolution – Issues

If you ever wonder what Clayton Tucker thinks on any issue, ask yourself, “What would AOC do?” and you have your answer.

Lest you doubt that Clayton Tucker the fake rancher is a good little socialist, here an article from last year:

Now, can socialist Clayton Tucker accomplish any of this stuff as Place 1 City council member? Of course not. BUT, when punks like Clayton Tucker get elected to ANYTHING, it lends legitimacy to their abhorrent ideas. It allows them to put a “feather in their cap” and say “Look! I was elected to office! I can win!” and they will use that as a stepping stone to higher office.

That CANNOT be allowed to happen. Not in Lampasas. I’ll work against this weasel til the day I die. THAT is how much I detest socialists and Big Government.

Clayton Tucker should pack his bags and move to California. Get the hell out of Texas, you socialist weasel.

Socialist Clayton Tucker – “Water Expert”

One of the many fake hats Clayton Tucker wears (besides cowboy, rancher, energy expert) is “water researcher”. I think that HE thinks if he Googles a topic and reads one article on a subject, he is now a “researcher” with “special knowledge”.

Such is the feeble mind of a socialist.

Anyhow, Tucker has most definitely lied about having some kind of special knowledge about water:

Any bozo who has to put “he/him” on his profile should automatically be disqualified from office.

Here is the type of groundbreaking research Clayton engages in. Clayton Tucker and the other Bernie Sanders acolytes use alarmist garbage like this to justify their Green New Deal:

As you can see, Clayton Tucker has copied and pasted a ridiculous alarmist article from far-left lib rag Vox. It’s from four years ago and clearly is complete and utter bullshit, as this never came to pass. Just like Clayton Tucker’s claim that “climate change is an existential threat”.

Does Clayton Tucker ever go back and realize he was massively wrong on this and maybe be more careful going forward? No, of course not.

See, I am old enough to remember magazine covers in the 1970’s screaming alarmist bullshit about the coming ICE AGE. That’s right. They even discussed dusting the polar caps with black soot to absorb the sun’s heat and WARM the planet! Back then, there were morons just like Clayton Tucker screaming “the end is near” – thankfully, we didn’t listen to them.

9 best Hysteria images on Pinterest | Ice age, Magazine covers and Global warming

With age comes wisdom. I’m old enough to have been through dozens of these alarmist bullshit scares. Being a socialist is bad enough – it means you are incapable of critical thought and don’t know your history at all. But being a 30-year-old socialist? Well, that means you lack experience and wisdom too. A terrible combination in ANYONE who wants to run for office and try to run your life.

My advice to this kid is to go get a REAL job for the next 15 years or so, THEN come back and run for office. Right now you don’t know a damn thing about the world, kid.

Here is some more advice, Clayton Tucker. Please read this LONG list of failed alarmist proclamations so you can see how badly you are being played right now by the “global warming” assholes. I remember a lot of these from the 70s and 80s. None came true.

Dim bulbs like Clayton Tucker and his socialist friends use this garbage to justify their Green New Deal. Tucker HIMSELF has says he wants Texas to go “100% renewables”:

Clayton Tucker Already Begging For Money – Socialist Moochers Always Gonna Mooch

Wow – THAT didn’t take long. As you can see, socialist weasel Clayton Tucker has repurposed his previous campaign templates and inserted “Lampasas City Council” so he can beg for money from the masses. Here is an email that arrived yesterday morning:

What kind of MORON thinks it is impossible to apply for a job in person??? Jesus.

He is absolutely shameless about lying, as you can see. Whether it’s trying to pass himself off as an “energy policy expert” [column 4 and 5], pass himself off as a rancher, or pass himself off as a “working man” the lies come very easy to this socialist parasite.

He even manages to lie in this fundraising letter: “the margins are tight”? Really? I’m unaware of any polling for the very minor race of Place 1 Lampasas City council…so how do you know the margins are tight, you little weasel?

I’m starting to think this is how the weasel moocher lives full time! His resume shows a distinct LACK of real jobs over the years. How the hell does he pay the bills? Phone, cable, gas, insurance, groceries….that shit costs money!

When he ran against Dawn Buckingham last year, records show he raised $105,314 but only spent $58,611. Soooo….where did the other $46,700 go, Clayton? Is that how you live? Mooching off of others? You can’t dip into that $46,700 to buy an ad in the Lampasas Dispatch for your City council ‘campaign’? Instead you have your tin cup out on the Internet?

What an unbelievable worm this kid is.

Clayton Tucker Resumé – Light On Actual Work, Heavy On Bullshit

One of my BIG problems with socialist weasel politicians like Clayton Tucker is that they have zero idea how the real world works. They LOVE to be in charge even though they have no experience doing ANYTHING useful. They have never built or created or run anything in their lives, yet they feel imminently qualified to run around stealing from people who HAVE created and built and then doling out the booty to buy votes and adoration.

Know-nothing kids like this (and AOC and Bernie Sanders, etc) have literally never run ANYTHING yet they demand we hand over the reigns and let them run healthcare or energy policy or education.

I figured I’d better lay out this kid’s sorry work history to back up my claim:

He graduated college in 2013. He likes to present himself as an environmental and energy policy expert based off of (1) a 6-week internship at the NSF when he was 21 years old and (2) a three-month stint at Easen International when he was 20 years old, which frankly looks like a scam website if you go to the link HERE.

With THOSE stellar credentials, why should we ever doubt his genius in the climate science arena??? Jesus, what a sad joke!

So, he has two small and short “internships” and then graduates in 2013. THEN this “international relations” degree holder decides to…um….teach a year of kindergarten in China?

That’s weird, but not exactly impressive. Any moron can teach kindergarten in a foreign country. All they REALLY want is someone to speak English around the kids at a young age…so they can grow up, become fluently bilingual engineering and math wizards and crush countries like ours. We will be easy to crush because we have too many socialist morons like Clayton Tucker trying to run the show here and they are too busy worrying about horseshit like social justice and gender pronouns to bother with basic math and science.

But I digress.

Clayton spent a year there and sang praises about how awesome it was and how well teachers were paid and how awesome/cheap their healthcare is. So, if it was so fucking awesome there, Clayton, why didn’t you stay another 10 years? Why hurry back here to the awful and deplorable US?

Maybe Clayton just wanted to come back here and try to implement some of those commie China ideas as fast as he could? Lol. Who knows.

One thing I DO know is that after that grueling nine months as a kindergarten teacher, he basically never had a steady job again. What the hell did he do in 2013 right after graduating? What did he do in 2016? Take the whole year off? He bounced around a few campaigns, learning the Art of the Mooch, as you can see. Those “jobs” don’t exactly pay well and the only “skill” you learn is lying, bullshitting and pestering people for money.

Well, there WAS that whole 6 month stint in 2017 at “Organic Helicopter” in Austin. A Google search reveals no such business, so no telling what THAT was. Oddly, he was ALSO trying to weasel into a vacant Lampasas City council seat during this very same time frame, according to the Dispatch dated 6/2/17. Sooo….you were living in Lampasas (a requirement of City council) and commuting daily to Organic Helicopter in Austin Texas for 6 months? A business that has no record of existing on the Internet?

Stranger and stranger!

He must have REALLY been tired after that Organic Helicopter job, because he didn’t “work” again for a whole year – he then put in a full FOUR MONTHS of work for the Meg Walsh and Julie Oliver campaigns at the end of 2018. Exhausting! SO exhausting, he took ANOTHER entire year off of work after THAT!

If we add it all up, between his graduation in 2013 and today, he has “worked” about 20 months in the last 8 years….and MOST of that was bumming around on other people’s campaigns.

Look closely at this resumé – it is the wreckage of a loser and a bum. It is the sad history of a kid who has an aversion to work but thinks he should be up at the top bossing REAL businesses and workers around. Weasels like this should NEVER be elected to ANYTHING…be it U.S. Congress or a council seat in a small Texas town.

Clayton Tucker – Like AOC Only Shorter And More Feminine

Nothing funnier than a kid who has never owned a business or worked a REAL job (no, “political organizer” doesn’t count) and who stands 5’6 with heels on lecturing everyone else about how the world is ending and the only answer is a bunch of free shit.

“Climate change” is not an existential threat. Anyone who believes that has a screw loose and should NEVER be in charge of ANYTHING.

If you want “free” healthcare for everyone, then I suggest you go to medical school, become a doctor and then work for free! Why not go that route? Because socialist morons like Tucker don’t have the brains to be a doctor. Hell, they don’t have the brains to run a McDonald’s. And I don’t mean that as an insult to McDonald’s managers at all. Nothing wrong with having an honest job and working for a well-earned paycheck.

Being a “political organizer” and full-time candidate running for anything that’s available is NOT an honest job. It’s not even a job. It’s the endeavor of a weasel.