“Agreement Finalized” On Industrial Park! What Are Details?

Well, it only took about 16 months, but according to the City: “the industrial park agreement has been finalized”. I only know this because I make it a point to ask them every single month. The fact it wasn’t trumpeted in the newspaper tells me it’s a shitty deal for the City.

So what are the details of this complex agreement that took 16 months to “finalize” with Martin Rod & Custom?

Well, they are making me wait on that, which surprises me not at all. Oh, and it’s a holiday weekend. So the earliest we get it is Tuesday – even though I requested it two days ago.

I’m going to go ahead and guess it is a giant joke that involves ZERO “breweries and cigar lounges”, creates ZERO primary jobs and is no more than two pages long, despite the fact it took almost 1.5 years to “finalize the agreement”.

We shall see…

P.S. – I’m losing track of all the “possible distilleries and microbreweries” around here! The LEDC was yammering about one in the old Rutland’s building (nothing has happened there for three years), then you have our buddy Mike Hardin and his Train Depot, which was ALSO touted as a sit for a microbrewery. Now this one!