We Are So Screwed

Today’s insane med student is the doctor making your life and death decisions tomorrow. Take care of your health. You won’t wanna walk into the doctor’s office in America’s future.

You should receive mockery – because you are a retard. More retarded still, are the morons who are congratulating you in your Twitter feed. They tell you how brave you are for wearing it. You are not brave at all. You are just following the latest virtue signaling mob of idiots.

Apparently, standards have fallen drastically in medical schools. Either that, or you hopefully will be flunked out.

Your job is not to “validate” the delusions of mentally ill males wearing dresses and demanding you call him “she”. Your job is to learn the fucking ropes and know the human body inside and out so you can save lives.

Naturally, this shit head checks ALL the boxes: a gay immigrant who goes to therapy, talks about his bulimia, posts 17 times a day about being a gay immigrant with a husband, has “zero tolerance” for “vaccine fear mongering” or “Covid denial”….

It has NOT been shown that the “vaccine” prevents severe illness OR death, you moron.

He also has depression and body image problems…and cries at the drop of a hat. JUST what you want in a doctor!

In short, a mentally unstable MEGA-virtue-signaling asswipe who has no business EVER being responsible for anyone else’s life.

The only thing I want this individual responsible for is making my coffee at a coffee house. Nothing else. I doubt he could even do that correctly. As Joe Pesci said in Casino: this guy could fuck up a cup of coffee.

I predict he will NEVER graduate med school. He is a nut job, a flake, and spends all day posting on Twitter like a fucking 12-yo girl….with a beard.

Then again, my greatest fear may materialize: this retarded flake cries when he gets his first of many Fs in class – but then starts screaming that it is because “he is a gay person of color” and threatening to sue the school. The school then backs down and lets an obviously unstable retard through their program just to be rid of him.

THAT is why assholes like this are dangerous – I don’t hate you because you are gay. I could not care less. I hate you because you blame all of your failures and inabilities on everyone ELSE being a “homophobe”. For that I say “fuck you”.

If I ever get one of these dipshits wanting to cut me open in a hospital, I’ll demand a replacement and offer a normal, non-retarded surgeon an extra $5,000 to do it. Then I will likely be sued by the same shit head for “homophobia” or something.

Then again, I doubt he has the chops to be a REAL doctor (aka surgeon). He’ll end up in a small central Texas town at a place like FMC telling everyone to get vaxxed and boosted 50 times and to not question super smart ‘doctors’ like him.

The pussification and retardation of the latest generation clearly does not just stop with the bums who live in their parents’ basements (or attics, in the case of Clayton Tucker). It permeates even the medical profession – which is a disgusting disgrace.

If ever in the history of gay people there was a gay guy who DIDN’T need to wear an “I AM GAY” pin, it is the guy on the left.