With the media going all-in on a Biden presidency Texas is squarely in the cross hairs. The neo-Marxists plan to use a Biden administration to crush anyone opposed to their twisted vision of the world.

This is not a conspiracy theory. It’s taking them at their word. Just look at what they’ve said:

Biden’s handlers and enablers have made it perfectly clear that they intend to target our right to keep and bear arms, break the back of the oil and gas industry, dramatically increase federal taxes, obliterate the sovereignty of our state, and deliberately execute punitive retribution on anyone who deviates from their ideology.

Texans have had their options narrowed down to one – #TEXIT.

TEXIT has never been a “Plan B” for the Texas Nationalist Movement, and it can no longer be a “Plan B” for those who cherish Texas independence. It’s time to make Texas independence happen and for Texans to rise to the call like Houston, Travis, Crockett, and Bowie.

Now is the time for everyone who has been on-the-fence, inactive, or a casual supporter to realize that it will take every Texan to join with our 386,465 supporters to make TEXIT happen.

The Texas Nationalist Movement. Link here.