While The Real Adults Tackled $20 Million City Water Problems At Recent Meeting, Stephanie Fitzharris Wasted Time Whining About “Cyberbullying.”

As dozens of adults got serious about fixing the water mess left to us by the many horrible past decisions of former Mayors Talbert and Monroe, California-born, former Austinite potato head Stephanie Fitzharris felt the need to stand up and waste everyone’s time by lying about cyberbullying:

[I kind of wish I could have seen that. Everyone discussing serious shit and this moron stands up and starts babbling about a blog she doesn’t like. I bet a few people were snickering at her.]

Threats at your home?!? My goodness! When? From whom? What kinds of threats?!? It certainly wasn’t me, so you must have ANOTHER hater out there, huh? Did you report these “threats” to the police? Or are these more like Jussie Smollett threats that didn’t really happen but are made up by you to play victim and get attention?

I’m guessing the latter.

Also, you must think everyone is as stupid as you are. Anyone can easily Google “Lampasas” and see that this blog does NOT come up. So that’s two lies in the span of about five sentences.

Now, if you go to a search engine that can’t be monkeyed with the way Google can (like Swiss Cows) and type in “Stephanie Fitzharris,” then this blog most definitely DOES come up! The first two results, actually. Which is sweet!

I view these Lampasshole alerts of twats in your area in much the same way I view a “sexual offender” registry you can search for your own neighborhood.

Allow me to explain:

Even though sex offenders have “served their time,” they are placed on a searchable registry so you can see if any of these scumbags live in your neighborhood. This is because sex offenders have a VERY high recidivism rate. In deference to dummies like Fitzharris, that means they are very likely to get up to bad things again. They are very often repeat offenders.

I view Covid rats and authoritarians the exact same way. If and when the Feds ever pull shit like that again (and they will, eventually), weasels like Fitzharris, Haywood, Landrum, Tucker and the rest will snitch on you faster than a rabbit gets fucked. That is a fact. Just a few years ago, they were ready to put the non-maskers and “vax deniers” into camps, deny them hospital care, and not let them leave their state.

When the wall between East Germany and West Germany fell, they eventually unsealed all of the records of the Stasi. For dummies like Fitzharris who don’t know what the Stasi is, it was the “secret police” made up of scumbags who would be today’s Covid rats.

There was a museum opened eventually on all of the spying and tips and snitching. Guess what? It was “friends and family” and neighbors and even spouses who ratted them out. The Stephanie Fitzharrises of the world. People were SHOCKED at who the bad guys were. Like maybe the sweet the little old lady next door. Or the fat moron in your garden club, perhaps.

Unlike the poor East Germans, WE got a dry run on unmasking snitches with Covid. Covid laid bare who the scumbags were who couldn’t be trusted. Fitzharris sits smack in the middle of that group.

I don’t give a shit how many tea parties she throws. She is never EVER to be trusted. She should be shunned, ostracized and mocked. Which is what I will continue to do – as is my First Amendment right.

If you should wish to learn more, read Stasiland” by Anna Funder.