Dear Illegal Scumbags…

Please be advised there are many rich, stupid shitlibs in Lenox Massachusetts who would literally welcome you with open arms. Please make your way to Lenox Massachusetts and start pistol whipping stupid old liberal twats who yammer nonstop about “diversity is strength.”

You can beat them and rape them and steal their Tesla and they will decline to call the police because they don’t want to be seen as “racist.” It will be like shooting wrinkled fish in a barrel. Tell all your friends.

Hopefully, the woman in Dallas was from California and was a Biden/Kamala voter. Then I won’t feel bad about it. In fact, I hope it happens a LOT more to Biden/Kamala voters all over the country.

They are DEFINITELY unarmed in Lenox Massachusetts and the husband will probably ask to sit in a chair in the corner and watch you do the raping. Then he will thank you.