Monroe, Talbert and Erwin ALL Want Back On LEDC Board. City Council Needs To Get Rid Of Two Of Them

Well, one of the more exciting issues for tonight’s meeting is this: WHO will City council appoint to fill three expiring terms on the Lampasas Economic Dunces Club??

I wrote about this previously, but here is another synopsis:

Current LEDC members who want back on:

Misti Talbert. Talbert is the current LEDC president (since July 2021) and has served on the board for TEN YEARS already. She is directly responsible for pilfering $971,000 in Covid funds to waste on her Business Pork project. By any objective measures, she has been an abject failure. If anyone deserves to be removed, it’s her.

TJ Monroe. Thelma Jean has been on the LEDC for TWELVE YEARS. During her term as mayor and as LEDC board member, she has demonstrated over and over she has terrible judgement, lack of common sense and ZERO business skills. She should also be removed. Twelve years of fucking up is long enough.

Fin Erwin. I don’t know much about Fin except that he’s a real estate broker, is Misti Talbert’s brother-in-law (strike one) and never applied for this position the first time around – he was appointed.

List of people who bothered to apply to get on the LEDC board this time around [see pages 134 to 142]:

Mike Irvin. This is a no-brainer. Not only should he be on the LEDC, he should be president immediately. Since we now have a few smart, private-sector guys on City council instead of multiple dummies, I expect them to put Irvin on the board and toss Talbert or Monroe. If they DON’T do that, then the fix is most definitely in. There is ZERO reason not to replace a dunce like Talbert with a successful builder/developer like Irvin.

Michael Gill. Never heard of him but doubt he would be worse than TJ Monroe.

Alexis Thompson. Real estate broker. Never heard of her.

Derrick Dewald. Name sounds familiar but I’m not sure why. He’s in property management and construction. Sounds good to me.

Deorald Finney. Ah, my old buddy who scammed Talbert and Monroe out of $72,000 in electrical hookup fees for his Stone Valley development. I’m biased against him and wouldn’t be shocked if he used his position to line his own pockets. God knows we have enough of that. How about this: you pay the City back the $72,000 you avoided paying and then we’ll consider you. Deal?