Commie Catamite Clayton Crying About Cruz Vacation From 3.5 Years Ago!

Seriously – if this is the only thing you can come up with as to why Ted Cruz should be voted out, then you have nothing.

First of all, All Red is NOT a “champion for all Texans.” He is a champion for thieving scumbags like Clayton Tucker who want “free” education (paid for by everyone else), “free” health care (paid for by everyone else) and open borders so they can stack voter rolls with third-world illiterates who will vote for free shit until the end of time.

Fact check: Allred gets called out on border policies

Normal, well-adjusted, independent Texans aren’t demanding free stuff. It seems to be only lazy, helpless assholes who live with their mom and are unable to survive on their own who are bleating incessantly for “free” shit to be given to them.

Secondly, I’ve YET to hear a good explanation from ANY shitlib, including Comrade Clayton, as to why anyone cared that Ted Cruz went on a vacation in February of 2021. What exactly did he “run away” from? Was Comrade Clayton sitting at home expecting Cruz to put wood in his fireplace? Was Cruz supposed to go out and restore downed power lines as a lineman? Did he miss his shift shoveling coal into the power generation plant somewhere? What EXACTLY was he supposed to be doing that he “ran away” from? You absolute moron.

[Reminder – since Comrade Clayton lives with mom only two blocks from the police station, he’s likely on the same grid as “critical infrastructure,” and therefore his power NEVER went out in Feb of 2021. Just like Bruce Haywood]

Fat douchebag whines about shit that doesn’t even affect him.

If anyone keeps “running away” from his responsibilities, it is Comrade Clayton himself! He’s constantly leaving town to go to dozens of stupid unpaid conventions while his poor 69-year-old mother and 93-year-old grandmother have to feed and water his parasite-ridden goats.

THAT is what a responsibility-shirking pussy like Comrade Clayton does.

As for what Ted Cruz does for Texas? Here’s just ONE example of Ted acting in the best interest of Texans:

Natural Gas Export Permits Approved After Federal Nominations Held Up By Sen. Cruz