This Is What Loser Scumbag Socialists Do: Sit Around Making Rules Instead Of Working

This might be the 27th time our fake rancher has posted this exact same blurb.

Comrade Clayton is sitting upstairs in mom’s bedroom complaining on Twitter in the middle of a work day. A true socialist.

Things Clayton Tucker COULD be doing instead:

Create the website you promised you were working on NINE MONTHS ago to “sell meats locally.”

Stop wasting all your time traveling to idiotic conferences and actually raise some beef and sell to a local processor, like M&M. I know several people who do this. You are in NO WAY beholden to the “monopoly” you complain about.

I don’t see Mark Langford whining on Twitter like a bitch. Either is my friend Amy Winters – she’ hustling every single weekend at farmer’s markets and her online store to push beef:

A couple weeks ago over Labor Day, Comrade Clayton was busy sucking his own dick with the Lampasas County Democrats while he sipped on Starbucks. He was taking pictures of himself pushing commie crap on the masses. What he WASN’T doing, was taking advantage of the holiday to sell meat.

Conversely, Amy and George Winters were hustling and pushing beef on what is traditionally the last big BBQ weekend of the year…

It’s like a guy whining that the NBA is “a monopoly” because he can’t get into the league when that same guy doesn’t even know how to dribble a basketball, because he’s been too lazy his entire life to learn.

This douchebag is SUPPOSEDLY a “fifth-generation” Texas rancher! He was literally (supposedly) born into a running cattle operation, according to him. The land was there, the fences were there, the cows were there. He didn’t have to do shit except step in and not fuck it up. But he can’t even manage that! He even recently admitted he has a “day job” because he is incapable of running the family ranch for profit!

So with all that handed to him, what did he do? Fucked around until age 34 on social media crying about how unfair the world is. He does nothing but tweet socialist shit, take pictures with goats and waste time at useless rallies and conventions filled with mentally ill men who dress up like women.

That’s not how you learn the ranching trade. That’s how you end up a fucking loser…as we can now see.

Then when his pockets are empty and his mom is his roommate, he complains about “Big Ag” ruining everything.

What a complete and utter ZERO.

Just to REALLY drive home what a loser Comrade Clayton is, lemme tell you about my nephew who will turn 24 next week. TEN YEARS younger than Comrade Clayton:

Ever since he started working as a boat hand in high school, he wanted to be a fisherman. My idiot sister insisted on useless college, so he did that. Total waste of about $200k, but my sister was robbed of brains at birth. I got them all.

He’s about 6’5 and 250 pounds. He played rugby and drank beer. He’s a good kid. Probably my favorite nephew. He also despises socialists, Joe Biden and anything associated with the “democratic” party. I taught him all that from an early age.

I also taught him about sound money and gave him a gold coin every other Christmas to save for the future. Gold was $300 back when he was born. It is now $2,580. That money is part of his down payment on the boat.

He graduated a couple years ago. Since then, he has lived with his parents – but he did this to SAVE MONEY in order to buy his own boat…not go to tranny conventions.

This kid gets up at 3:30am (not at 9:30am like Comrade Clayton), drives down to the docks and gets on the water by 4:15am. He’s out there until about 1pm then comes back to the docks and sells his catch to the waiting van.

I like to picture that van driving off to the local restaurant where an old lady and her loser 34-year-old son are having lunch. Mom shells out the $24 for two fried flounder sandwiches because the son is a freeloading socialist barnacle who is buried in his iPhone posting garbage on his Twitter page.

He does this almost every single day. Show me another 24-year-old who can get his ass out of bed at 3:30am every morning and do physical labor most of the day.

More often than not, after THAT he THEN goes out on his little small skiff he bought a few years ago and fishes some more. He comes home stinking like a whorehouse at low tide. He shovels in 8 pounds of food, including a lot of fish he brings home and prepares himself…then he’s in bed at 7pm for the next day.

Oh, he also has a girlfriend who doesn’t have a penis.

He’s essentially the anti-Clayton.

Two days ago, he OFFICIALLY bought the boat from that old buzzard with the white beard you see standing at the front of the boat photo. He is now his own man. He’s just proud as shit of himself. Rightfully so.

My sister and brother-in-law think he’s crazy. They’d rather he find a nice paper-pusher job. Maybe something like fake rancher or City Manager or ‘political consultant.’ Maybe he IS crazy. Maybe he’ll fail spectacularly. But I told him NOW is the time to fail – while you’re still young and can try again. No wife, kids or mortgage to worry about yet. The kid has some balls on him.

The sad part is that even if he manages to make a good chunk of change in the future, lazy do-nothing socialist cunts like Clayton Tucker and Kamala Harris will have their hands out to take 40% of it. You can be sure of that.