Wisconsin Superdork Cade Hilgenberg Thinks It’s ‘Racist’ To Point Out Haitians Are Eating Geese Off The Golf Course.

Let’s check in on our chronically underemployed, pudgy, he/him/they, America-hating super douche Cade Snyder Hilgenberg!

The word is spelled “doesn’t” – no wonder you can’t find a real job.

I haven’t seen the little doughboy this animated since Abbott was re-elected a couple years ago!

I’m sure your family doesn’t miss you at all.

Cade doesn’t like stories being made up! He’s sick of the lies!!!

Also Cade: Trump pissed on a Russian prostitute, Trump is a Russian agent, JD Vance humped a couch, Trump called neo-Nazis ‘very fine people,’ Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, Trump was convicted of rape, Trump wasn’t actually shot back in July, etc, etc, etc.

So fuck you Cade. How’s your own medicine taste, you clown?

The reason the cats and dogs story is so awesome is that it is totally believable…and the media cannot control that narrative. It’s driving them insane – just like our fat, young friend Cade.

I also find it hilarious that Cade is constantly going on and on about how racist everyone else is, but when it came time for him to run away from “too white, too racist Lampasas” he choose….Oconomowoc Wisconsin! Which is 96% white:

Kind of like our libskank friend Carol Garner Doughty running away to Lenox MA – which is 98% white. They all talk a big game, but in the end, they are hypocrites and pussies. You never see the Hollywood douchebags running away to Haiti when they “leave the country because Trump won.” It’s always to a nice white, English-speaking place with high walls around their compound.

I don’t know for sure if there any Haitians in Ohio or anywhere else eating pets, but it doesn’t take much effort to see that many immigrants have no interest whatsoever in assimilating to American society and culture. One only need to look across the pond to the UK and France to see the aftermath of unchecked immigration – couple this with a society more concerned about avoiding the appearance of racism than saving its own norms, traditions and culture, and the result is chaos, violence and death.

The pet eating and roadkill scavenging matters because it demonstrates that these people are living in opposition to our social norms and are violating our long-held, functional taboos. They don’t share our values. Their values are unacceptable through an American lens.

Sane immigration policies are not racist, they are a necessity. We must insist that only legal immigrants can come in to our country and if they want citizenship, they must agree to assimilate.