Remember All The Libshit Propaganda Four Months Ago About Grids Failing and Huge Hurricanes? Yeah, None Of That Happened.

It’s important to keep pointing out all the ridiculous shitlib predictions that don’t come true. This helps them lose credibility in the future in the eyes of the average Joe.

Back around May (when we were getting the most rain we’d had in a May in 130 years despite libshits freaking out last year that it would never rain again) all the greentards were wigging out that there “was a 30% chance of blackouts and grid failures this summer!!!”

ERCOT Warns of Brownouts This Summer in Forecast of Power Grid Demand

Never happened. Not even close.

Retarded liberals started yammering their mantra: “Fix the damn grid! Fix the damn grid!” even though personally, my electricity hasn’t flickered once in the 3.5 years since that event. That’s because a bunch of white guys who lean right politically are in charge of important shit like this, thank god.

There was no crisis. And the hottest days are behind us. That is DESPITE the wind not blowing for many, many days in August…leaving our billions of dollars spent on pinwheels totally wasted.

THEN we were told that this hurricane season would be SUPER ACTIVE! With “17 to 25 named storms!”

So far we have had 5. Oops.

Why has hurricane season been quiet lately?

I’m sure the dummy libs will find a way to blame the quiet hurricane season on global warming and then tell us that it’s BAD we don’t have more hurricanes! Because they are retarded like that.



Strong hurricanes? Global warming

Weak hurricanes? Global warming

No hurricanes? Global warming

Hot today? Global warming

Cold today? Global warming

Raining too much? Global warming

Drought? Global warming