Don’t Forget To Hit Up Lampasas Socialists On Monday For Free Food!

The Lampasas Socialist Party will be giving away free bbq on Monday!

Entry is free. We do ask for a $15 suggested donation for food, however, if you are on a fixed or limited income, this donation can be waived.

So, my suggestion to all patriotic, America-loving citizens of Lampasas is to show up at noon and inform them you are on a limited income. After all, it is a SUGGESTED donation. Take their suggestion under consideration and then ignore it entirely.

Eat as much as you can. Stuff yourself with BBQ and ice cream and don’t bother talking to any communists. Don’t even thank them. Just demand more free food when you are done with the first round. If they whine, tell them that food is a basic human right and you will not be denied that right.

Then complain about the ice cream flavor being shit.

Then you leave. Do not bother listening to any communist drivel or speakers. Just devour the resources and walk away. That’s what they are doing to America. Time for some payback.

P.S – since Comrade Clayton is supposedly a rancher now, will he be providing all the meat for this BBQ? Wouldn’t that make sense? How about it, comrade? You donating some briskets from RX Ranch?!? Maybe some hamburgers?

It sure would be good advertising: all meat has been donated by RX Ranch! Especially considering you STILL don’t have your website up to sell meat a full NINE MONTHS after you promised it!
