Kraut-For-Brains Seefeldt Proves Once Again That Lib Women Are Too Stupid To Be Trusted With Voting.

Tina Seefeldt (real estate agent for Coldwell in Killeen) never misses a chance to try and take a shit on America while also telling us how much better Europeans and Africans are.

She tries to do so again here, but her facts are so laughably wrong (and her English writing skills so laughably poor) that all she accomplishes is making a complete ass hat out of herself….

The idea that some African teen girls are revolutionizing electricity generation (and that the media is hiding it because they are black!) is so ridiculous I was laughing out loud as I read this. I knew it would take me 30 seconds of research to disprove this nonsense, and I was right.

Only the DUMBEST of the DUMB, quasi-retarded, far-left kraut-for-brains dunce would actually believe something like this. My 9-year-old kid knows better. This is straight-up propaganda, so of course, the Kamala-loving dipshit Seefeldt swallows it all hook, line and sphincter – all while throwing in a made-up “fact” that only 10% of American high school kid go to college (it’s actually 61.4% – down from 66%). Of course, college is a total joke these days, so the more kids who skip it, the better.

German imbecile falls for more propaganda.

First of allthis article is from TWELVE YEARS AGO! So if jars of piss were going to provide electricity on a useful scale, this “invention” of theirs would be commercialized by now. Notice they don’t say WHAT this electricity can power for 6 hours. A flashlight? A home? A vibrator? We don’t know.

African girls’ pee-powered generator raises questions

Secondly, this “urea electrolysis” was already invented by Gerardine Botte, a chemical engineer from…wait for it…Ohio University. Which, last I checked, was located in Ohio, U.S.A.

Thirdly, according to the inventor:another concern is the implication that the students get more energy out of the urine than they use to prepare it in the first place. That isn’t true, according to Botte. “It is a high school project, so don’t take it [so seriously]”

So the whole thing is a total joke. Not surprising, since Africa is a third-world wasteland where ZERO useful, world-changing inventions have been hatched. I can understand why they are experimenting on jars of piss, because they probably lack indoor plumbing and end up storing their urine in this manner.

What will they think of next?!? Lighting dried goat shit on fire to heat their mud huts? Amazing!!

Frankly, if when Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope, he’d just thrown out a wheel, the Africans should have been eternally grateful because they didn’t have wheels yet in the 1500s. But he would’ve also had to throw out an instruction book on how to use it – except almost nobody knew how to read either. Sorry if these things are non-PC, but they are facts.

Think about THAT as the moron Seefeldt types on her iPhone (white American male invention) which contains microprocessors (white American male invention) and is sent over the Internet (white American male invention) using electricity (white American male invention) as her home is lit up by modern lighting (white American male invention).

Or maybe she’s reading her propaganda in her car (white American male invention) on the way to “work”?

Not EVERY great invention was made by Americans. I WILL give credit to two German geniuses for inventing the Haber-Bosch process of ammonia synthesis – which allows for the cheap fertilizer for crops that basically allows half the world’s population to live. Of course, they were ALSO white males – not African teenage girls.

You total moron.

Speaking of Africans, how’s that “we’re better than you for taking in millions of illiterate, fake refugee scumbags from Africa” thing going for you, Germany??