(Gr)easy Come, (Gr)easy Go?

Has “Greasy” Chris Harrison finally pulled one scam too many? Between the Brodie Estates detention pond scam and the “price of diesel went up so the skate park cost doubled” scam – and who knows what else. It might be time to start digging a little deeper on these greasy/sketchy activities. You know all about digging, right Greasy? Considering you own the dirt works company that did the work on these schemes you hatched.

Brodie Estates was a $185,000 black hole for City money – and nobody has yet explained what happened. Why is Brodie Estates NOT being held to the terms of their agreement? It has been well over the “four years” promised and only 8 of the promised 22 houses are built. Several OTHER projects were started AFTER Brodie Estates and THOSE projects are long-since finished! Most notably Hidden Oaks.

You know what else I remembered?? Greasy Chris was the one who (while on City council) made the motion to award the inflated City Hall renovation elevator bid to RKJ Construction because “they are local” – maybe THAT was some more back scratching as well! That idiotic decision ultimately cost the City close to $50,000 since the elevator was FAR more expensive AND it was of such poor construction, they had to buy an expensive service contract on it!

RKJ Construction Kicks deGraffenreid In The Nuts One Last Time For Elevator

Oh, and the entire City Hall renovation project was also delayed many months due to that same shitty elevator!

Some People Have a Hard Time Swallowing Truth Pills

Time to start asking more questions about Paul Christopher Harrison (Garcia) and his S2M2 paychecks. For starters. We might even delve into assault accusations as well. I hear there are several.

More to come…..