Socialist Lickspittle Is Grateful Big Pharma Threw Him Some Crumbs.

Apparently we are supposed to be thankful and grateful for this, like the boot-licking socialist is….

$1.5 billion in Medicare savings comes out to a whopping $20 per person, roughly. Or 40 cents per week. It’s also another 18 months away in 2026!!

[First of all, the patents on SEVERAL of these listed drugs will expire soon anyways! That opens the door to cheap generics. Mainly Stelara and Januvia. Eliquis was SUPPOSED to expire in 2023 but guess what? It was extended another two years under the Biden administration!]

Wow! Six billion! That’s a LOT of money? Right?

Well, not really.

The Feds handed almost ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS to these same assholes to purchase a “vaccine” that didn’t work and for which the research to develop it was funded by the taxpayers in the first place!!! What a deal!

Morons like Clayton Tucker USED to be rightfully suspicious of Big Pharma…

But then the “pandemic” came and his weak, female mind broke almost immediately as he freaked out and put on a mask (even while driving!) like a scared rabbit. Then he foolishly injected a barely-tested compound into himself, like a complete and utter dipshit might do. He couldn’t swallow Big Pharma’s cock fast enough!

Funny. He hasn’t said a peep about the “vaccine” and “boosters” since all the news came out about turbo cancers and deaths of healthy young adults.

How about it, numb nuts? You still getting a couple boosters every year?

Yeah, that’s what I thought. Just quietly slinks off into the weeds like Potato Head Fitzharris and pretends he never lost his mind over forced masking and “vaxing.”

“Pandemic of the unvaccinated!! Pandemic of the unvaccinated!!” Remember THAT bullshit?!

Talk about an ignoramus. I wonder who’s going to pay for his turbo cancer treatments in a couple years. At age 33, he’s already been tossed off Mom and Dad’s health insurance tit by law.

Funny – he was supposedly employed by the socialist group “Our Revolution” at this time…and they refused to pay his health insurance! BAHAHAHAHAHA