Clayton Tucker Is Ballz To The Walz

Looks like love at first sight! Comrade Clayton ALREADY loved Tim because he thinks they’re both “teachers,” both “in Ag” and both rabid Marxists bent on destroying America. They also both spent time in China and admire the Chinese way of doing things.

But wait! Turns out they have even MORE in common!

Now comes the news that Walz lied about being in combat…much the way Clayton Tucker has lied about being a cowboy, a farmer, a rancher and a fifth-generation beef producer. There are also increasing rumors that Tim may be, ahem, less than 100% heterosexual. So they have THAT in common too!

Comrade Clayton loves Tim SO much, that he’s buying some Tim Walz swag….

“I normally don’t buy political clothing,” says the compulsive liar. Well, except for those two years he wore nothing but Bernie Sanders “Our Revolution” t-shirts when he belonged to a communist offshoot organization that is now defunct….

But besides THOSE 300 times, he never does it! LOL.

Comrade Clayton is also laboring under the delusion that Tim Walz is some kind of genius and thinks he’ll mop the floor with JD Vance.

Not sure where he gets that idea, but these are the same morons who thought Biden was going to mop the floor with Trump six weeks ago…right up until that same debate ended Biden’s entire campaign, political career and any shred of dignity he had left. Expect Vance to do the same to Tim Walz.

OH – Tim also hates free speech. Radical leftist indeed!