Capitalism Has Brought So Much Prosperity, It’s Killing People From Fatness.

Even though socialist scumbags like Clayton Tucker like to crap all over the free market and think that complete idiots like Que Mala! Harris, Joe Biden and Mayor Pete Buttplug are geniuses who can run a command economy from D.C. – the evidence proves otherwise. Just look at this!

Now look at THIS:

Yes, that top photo is for real. Bruce Haywood is FATTER than the fattest man in the world was just 134 years ago. He would have been a circus freak and the fattest guy in the WORLD! As opposed to merely the dumbest guy in our town.

Bruce Haywood doesn’t even have to work to feed himself! He collects checks from the government (i.e. the rest of us) and yet he certainly appears to be well-fed despite doing absolutely nothing productive. Yet clowns like Bruce and Comrade Clayton want the government to take over every part of America life and kill the golden goose.