Poor Germany. Still Floundering At The Olympics…And Everywhere Else.

Time to check in on the medal race. Let’s see how Tina Seefeldt’s Vaterland is doing…

When we last checked in three days ago, the U.S. was at 3 golds and 20 total medals. We’ve added 6 golds and 17 medals total!

Oh dear. Germany STILL stuck at two golds – right alongside countries like…Azerbaijan? LOL. I have no idea where that is. I’ll guess some eastern European shit hole where they all wear velour track suits, fake gold chains and reek of cologne.

It’s too bad there is no event in “gassing Jews” or “goose-stepping” – Germany would be bringing home the golds left and right!

Buy hey, at least Pringles are cheaper, right? Moron.

STILL can’t write a coherent sentence in English after 26 years!

The master German plan of destroying their energy sector while simultaneously importing a million African deadbeats is also bearing fruit:

Eurozone continues to grow, while German GDP falls to -0.1%

Europe’s growth lags US again, as Germany remains the eurozone’s economic problem child

Poor little Germany. Just can’t get their shit together!