Lampasshole Turns Six Years Old Today.

August 2nd, 2018.

A date burned into the memory of many an incompetent City boob. That’s the day I started this blog due to my outrage over the City spending almost $100,000 on an AV system from Azbell Electronics AFTER they had already agreed to a $34,000 system from Broadcast Works!

That decision is still a mystery to this day! Finley made up quite a few stories to explain it, but none of them ever made any sense. Especially his “Buy Board” bullshit.

But when Finley departs in October, this blog will have outlasted him. Which is a point of pride with me.

I still remember fondly the utter chaos and confusion I caused by actually DARING to ask questions of multiple incompetent City employees who weren’t used to being questioned at all. I remember watching them try to scrub incriminating Facebook posts made during working hours. So much fun!!

Over 200,000 views, over 78,000 visits, over 154 pages of shit posting and commie bashing. Probably a thousand posts. Thank you all who make it a point to check in here during your morning coffee. I appreciate it. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting quite a few of you in real life – all good, solid American patriots!

So many memories:

Azbell Electronics, Old City Hall, the pavilion by Hanna Springs pool, the City Hall elevator disaster, Clayton Tucker, Life Safety Grants, Wool & Vine, Potato Head Fitzharris, the Hostess House, the $50,000 Community Garden, the Business Pork, Corvive (LOL!!), Eco-Strong turd, Mike Cour, and many more.

I was hoping to have a new banner ready for the occasion, but my nephew (who promised me it would be done “after my finals!”) is still dragging his 21-year-old ass. Hopefully very soon now.

Here’s to six more years of exposing morons and commies.