Trump’s Powers Continue To Grow. Sheila Jackson Lee Struck Dead Hours After Badmouthing Trump.

The more I thank God for all these blessings, the more he seems to provide.

I was just about to go to bed last night and my phone dinged with the headline that SJL was dead. It was like God himself gave me a kiss on the forehead and tucked me in. He got rid of the absolute dumbest politician alive today.

Thinks that moon is “made up of mostly gasses”

Guess we can scratch this race baiting, grifting worm off The List!

I’m seriously starting to believe we live in a simulation and that bullet that missed Trump marked some sort of timeline shift or move to another dimension or something. I can’t explain it – I don’t know tech stuff. So much good shit is happening lately. It’s even going to be in the low 80s all this coming week! In July! THANK YOU GOD!

Next thing you know, Mitch McConnell will turn to dust on live TV after talking shit about MAGA. I look forward to that one too.